Chapter 3 (part 1)
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Just wanted you to know this.
  • The text will have bold and italic format when a character is mentally speaking with another one. Votes: 2 100.0%
  • And it will have italic format when a character is either 'thinking' or "speaking". Votes: 2 100.0%
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Total voters: 2

The beginning of the journey. 

After Caxitus' proposition, and Jun's affirmative answer, a flash of light was born from the little panda's feet, blinding Jun and the others.

When the young man managed to open his eyes again, he was alone in an empty and dark space, he did not know if he was stepping on something or if he was floating, because his senses had also been restricted, all of them, except his sight.

'How strange, when I studied the contracts with spirits, nothing was mentioned regarding a space separated from reality.'

You're not making a contract with a spirit, boy, I'm a deity.

'What? You read minds too?'

I'm just communicating in your mind, I am able to read your thoughts because you are in my personal space since we'll make a contract.

'I remember some things regarding contracts, will you lend me your power?'

Not exactly, you can only use a part of my essence to refine the purity of your chaos magic, I will decide if you are worthy of using the rest of my power, in due time.

Their personalities seemed to have taken a complete turn.

The contracts could not be carried out if resentment was generated by any of the parts, as this would lead to their self-destruction.

Knowing himself and understanding a little the personality of the young man he was talking to, Caxitus had done something about it, in order for the contract to go smoothly.

'I feel empty, as if a part of me has vanished...'

Before you continue, try to speak using your mind, when making a contract you will know that this is the only way I will have to communicate.

Hearing the deity's request, Jun concentrated for a few seconds, as if he was trying to remember something.

Hey boy, are you okay?

Seeing that the young man wasn't doing anything, Caxitus couldn't help but worry.

After the panda's words echoed in his mind, Jun reacted, but now his words were heard in the panda's mind instead of being read inside of his.

Oh, yeah, sorry, I was remembering how to transmit my words inside others' minds, I never thought it was something I would use, I had forgotten how to do it.

Okay, now that you can do it, I'll explain what you were talking about earlier.

After taking a moment to collect his words, the deity began to speak again.

This space is created in order for the contract to be carried out without inconveniences, so that is the reason why you feel that something is missing, that "something" is your horrible personality, which could cause problems when it comes to make the contract, as there should not be a hint of resentment or negativity in any of the parties.

That explains why I can't get angry because of your words, even though I find them insulting, I guess.

Once the explanation was finished, Cáxitus moved his little tail from side to side several times, a movement that seemed to activate a spell.

Okay then, let's finish the contract

Jun had a determined look.

Fine, let's do it.

A magic circle was created at the feet of the young man and the beast, in the circle there were runes similar to those that Waiteus had drawn on his blade and in the center it had two holes in which it seemed that something had to be placed.

Jun, knowing the contract procedure, made a small cut on his right arm to drop blood into one of the holes.

After filling it, he infused it with chaos magic.

The little panda did the same to fill the other hole, albeit biting his tail.

An explosion was born from the magic circle.


The beginning of the journey. (2)

Scoa, Xana and Kup were eating when an explosion sounded behind them, when they managed to catch a glimpse, Jun and Caxitus had appeared again.

Jun had his eyes closed, as if he was thinking about something.

With that, the contract is finished, part of my power belongs to you.

Oh, so that's the little power I feel, it was so tiny that it didn't seem to belong to a deity.

'Ah, I feel good after getting out of that annoying space, I finally feel like I'm complete again.'

Jun's insolent personality had returned.

Don't let it get to your head, brat, I spoke to you respectfully in the special space due to the contract, but you are nothing but a nuisance.

And with that, they were both back to normal.

"Tomorrow you will begin your journey and I don't think any of you still have things to do around here, it would be best not to delay it any longer."

The old man had finished eating and was talking to Jun and his companions.

"Xana and Kup know the whole situation, I explained it to them while you were finishing the contract."

Hearing that, Kup got up and took a few steps, approaching Jun.

"It will be an honor to travel with you, from today I will consider you my brother, Jun."

The fatigue he had due to his training, added to his newly acquired power, did not allow Jun to answer Kup, he simply accepted his words and left in the direction of the town.

Before leaving, Jun decided the meeting place.

"I'll see you at the main gate of the town tomorrow, we'll leave from there."

As he was leaving, the Jun glanced towards the campfire that Kup had built while he was with Caxitus, Xana was sitting with an irritated expression.

'Ah, this is going to be a bother.'

Remembering whom he had to share the journey with, he sighed and resumed his way to the town, Caxitus accompanied him.