Chapter 2 (part 2)
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A deity.

Seeing that Jun was getting used to Waiteus really quick, Scoa decided it was time to finish the preparations for his trip, after that the rest would depend on the trio.

"Who do you mean by ‘partner ’? I thought those flies would be the ones that accompany me."

Jun pointed to Xana and Kup, who were sleeping not far from where he was training.

"They will, however, there is someone else who will go with you on your adventure, you could say that he is 'a little help'."

Hearing this, Jun could not hide his irritation, caused by the constant meddling of the god in his mission, as if he could not trust the young man's ability.

This made Jun angry because he couldn't stand anyone looking down on him.

He was the genius of his people, capable of using magic from the age of three and capable of defeating any inhabitant of the town at four, no one had ever subdued or underestimated him, he made sure of it, keeping people away  by using his vast power and knowledge.

The old man, on the other hand, acted disinterestedly, he did not care about Jun or the other two youngsters, however, he could not allow the things he had done to be wasted with the group dying, so he decided to add a small insurance for the trip.

"You should be proud, you will travel with my son."

"What are you talking about? You have a son?"

"Listen carefully, all gods have children, when the races were created, we all decided to assign children to each one, the others have two children, I only have one... although you still don't need to know that... well, he will accompany you."

"Why would I accept that?"

"You will simply do it because you have no choice, he is a minor deity, son of a god, will you reject that power?"

Jun was reluctant to continue interacting with this old man, however, being accompanied by a deity would imply his own growth, because the magic that the deity is capable of using, plus it's purity, would serve Jun to evolve, and despite the fact that he believed himself invincible, increasing his strength by learning new lost magic and refining the purity of his magic was something Jun was looking for.

"Come, Cáxitus."

At that moment, the aura of chaos that Jun had noticed behind the old man began to rise, this aura transformed into a sphere after ascending, a sphere of pure magic that expired waves of original chaos.

The sphere then took the shape of an egg and fell to the ground, once he touched it, fractures began to generate on it's surface, suggesting that something was about to come out.

After the fractures formed, the egg made of chaos magic opened, or rather exploded, sending out a blinding red light and emitting a roar that was heard throughout the forest, a roar that even reached the village.


"Hey, did you hear that?"

"Yes, it must be a wild beast, all that noise gave me chills."

Two men had come out of their houses due to being awakened by a completely unknown roar coming from the forest.

"But isn't that the place where the irreverent young man trains?"

"You mean Jun? Yes, he always goes into the forest and pushes the others away because he says they are annoying, I guess there is nothing to worry about."

"You are right, as much as that boy seems annoying to me, he is the only one who defends the town from the beasts, even if it is out of pity."

They spoke of Jun with a bitter tone, since the young man made sure to make a negative impression.

"I'll go back to sleep, if something happens he can take care of it, although I would like him to take a good blow to change his despicable attitude."

"I agree, although I doubt it... well, bye, rest."


With those words, both men separated and returned to their homes. More people who had gathered heard their talk, so, knowing that the beast was where Jun was, they no longer had to worry, because everyone in the village knew how strong that boy was.


A deity. (2)

Hearing the roar, Xana and Kup woke up and took their weapons quickly, as they thought they were in danger, however, when they walked in the direction of the sound they could only see Jun, the Old Man and a small beast they did not know.

"What's going on?"

Xana came running towards the old man and Kup prepared himself with his bow against any threat, however, what happened after that left them surprised.

"Oh, hi guys, this is your new partner, Caxitus."

The young couple gasped at the old man's words.



"Why did you bring me here, you old fool?"

The beast began to speak.

"Hey, is that the way to talk to your father?"

"Ah, just shut up, you irritate me."

"Well, at least this beast understands how I feel."

Jun and the old man also spoke naturally to the beast, as if it were not a deity.

"Listen, Cáxitus, they will be your companions from now on, you will go with them on their journey."

"Why should a deity accompany these fools?"

"Because I say it."

The beast was a red panda bear, pandas were beasts that only appeared in the myths of the Scoa, in the legends these beasts were worshiped and carried great power.

Red pandas, meanwhile, were smaller than normal pandas, so they were easily distinguished, in addition, they were worshiped as gods due to their rarity.

"Damn gods, they are all the same, they constantly act on whim... ah, well, I'll do it."

After resigning himself, the little panda looked at Jun and spoke to him.

"Hey you, you are strong, you must be in the same situation as me, what do you think if we make a contract?"

Jun felt a powerful magic coming from the panda, so he responded almost automatically, as if by instinct.

"Oh, that seems about right."

"Well, it's settled then."