Chapter 8. The Promised Visit
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It was a thought full of hatred. I've heard many others' evil thoughts, but it was never so dreadful that my body froze in fear. I had to force my trembling legs to move― to run faster to find the owner of that vengeful thought. My heart was beating faster even before I started running, and I couldn't think straight since my head was spinning. It's a miracle that I somehow roughly grasped from where the thought came.

As soon as I arrived at the back gate, I burst open the door connecting the backyard to an area behind the kitchen, surprising several people there.

"?! Lady Eira?"

"What happened, Milady?"

Some of them noticed my frantic face and approached me worriedly, but I ignored them as I strained my ears to listen to each of their thoughts. My bloodshot eyes darted to each of their faces, making everyone stopped in their tracks. At this time, the people who were inside the kitchen came out because of the commotion.

There were two maids, three kitchen helpers, and three merchants; they were all in the middle of unloading food supplies from a carriage. I listened carefully for a full minute, but all I could hear was confusion instead of evil thoughts. And soon, the confusion started to turn into fear.

I also wasn't any good compared to them, though. It was so sudden and came out of nowhere that I panicked. Even so, I was sure that it came from here. I thought I finally found a trace. How come it disappeared, just like that?

"...Is there someone here?"

Perplexed, I uttered my doubt unconsciously, then immediately regretted it in the next second.


"N-no! It's nothing!"

I overreacted, and an awkward silence descended.

Anyone would agree that it was a weird question, so was my behavior right now. But all of this happened and ended so abruptly that it was fraught me with bewilderment. I had the urge to protest that this wasn't my fault, but I didn't know how or even sure if I should. Meanwhile, everyone's stares were becoming unbearable, so I decided to escape from there.

"Erm, I'm sorry for disturbing everyone's work. I'll go back inside now."

I turned around and walked fast to leave the place, but I still could hear everyone's dumbfounded thoughts. Being the focus of those was embarrassing enough for me to reflexively turn my ability off.

It appears I was much more desperate to find that maid than I thought, and it's causing me to act rashly. I didn't think I'm ready for anything yet. Was this why I easily lost the trace just now?

At that moment, I remembered about two complete Magic Amulets in my hand and suddenly felt dissatisfied with it. This accident has made me feel like just monitoring Theo's and Clara's movement won't be enough. I also needed to know the surrounding situation to react as quickly as possible if something were to happen. The most suitable way for doing that was to use my ability in its wide-range mode. But that wasn't possible since I still struggled whenever I used it. Instead of reacting faster, I probably won't be able to move at all because of the headache.

Somehow, I had a feeling that situations similar to this might occur, so I had thought of an alternative. But this alternative that I was about to do now would really make me into a stalker. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry.

...Let's add the eavesdropping magic.


[La la la~ let's clean the dirty~ make the room tidy~ so Milady become happy~ La la la~]

[Amy! Here's the cleansing liquid and rags you requested.]

[Ooh~ thank you~]

[...Then, stop singing.]

What a silly song. The tones are all over the place too.

Amy was cleaning my room right now. Just like usual, she was doing it while singing a self-improvised song with messed-up tones. She enjoyed singing, but she was tone-deaf beyond help, so sometimes it was painful to hear, especially if the song was about me. But at a time like this, I must admit that her silly song helped me cheer up a bit.

That aside, I was relieved the test had gone smoothly. Before breakfast, I barely finished making the receiver for the sounds gathered by the eavesdropping magic, and was currently in the middle of testing it. The receiver was a Magic Amulet in the form of a pair of earrings. The right one connected to Theo's bracelet, while the left one to Clara's necklace.

After I turned the magic on, I left the bracelet and the necklace in my room to go to have breakfast as usual. Nearly an hour has passed since breakfast. I could hear the sound from a radius of about 2 meters around the Magic Amulets, with almost no time lag or too much noise. I've made it so that it could send the sounds from anywhere within the mansion vicinity, so I didn't need to worry about the distance. It's good enough for something that was just put together in a hurry.

Alright, I think this is enough. Let's cut the eavesdropping magic off now.

Unfortunately, I had to turn my ability off while I was using these earrings, or else I wouldn't be able to distinguish the sounds. They would jumble each other up and become too much to handle, just like the wide-range mode of my ability. It's a shame that I still had a hard time with it, but this was the fault of none other than me who neglected practicing it. Lately, my hand tied with other matters that I even skipped my morning exercise several times.

This isn't good. My routines have disturbed, and I lost focus more often. I need to pick up my pace again.


But first, I have to do something about this anxiety. It can't be helped if I can't find that maid. If the world still follows the game plot, then we will encounter her eventually.


If that's the case, then all I can do is prepare as much as I can. It certainly will not accommodate every imaginable situation, but at least I've prepared some countermeasures.

"―der Sister??"

Right, it is to avoid the worst-case scenario. If we can avoid the worst, then that's enough. Yeah.

"Elder Sister!"

"!! Yes?" Idiot! Didn't you just decide to pick up your pace again, Eira von Bellux?! Don't go around and lose focus now!

Getting pulled back into reality by Theo's call was quite shocking, that I scolded myself on reflex.

"...Elder Sister, are you alright?" (She's been absent-minded since breakfast. I wonder what happened. Don't tell me, she's tired of tutoring me...?)

Oh, damn! I made him worry! "I'm fine! I'm just― a bit too excited about Clara's arrival tomorrow."

"Is that so?" (I knew it. She's already tired of me and wants to meet with her friend as soon as possible…)

No! It's not like that! I indeed want to meet her soon, but it's not because I'm tired of you!

Theo clearly felt bothered by Clara's visit. I understood he was timid around new kids because of his past. But I couldn't let him be wary of her even before they met.

"Theo, there's something I want to give to you. Would you wait here for a minute?"

"Huh? Y-yes."

I immediately got up from my chair and walked out of the library, leaving the confused Theo all alone. In a few minutes, I arrived at my room, grabbed the box with the Magic Amulets in it, and hurried back to the library. I was completely treating Amy and one other maid who was still cleaning my room like air during this time. Their gawking faces were funny, but I didn't have time to laugh at them.

Back at the library, Theo was waiting for me. But other than confusion, a bit of anticipation colored his face. I just realized there was no more wariness in his eyes, like when I started tutoring him. I wondered if he trusted me now, though I didn't think that the "voice" had disappeared yet. Still, I was relieved when I noticed this, and my hurried steps slowed down.

Does this mean I succeed in raising Theo's favorability of me? If so, it's worth all my best efforts to treat him well these past two weeks.

Sitting back at our table, I opened the box and presented what was inside to Theo. He immediately recognized them as Magic Amulets.

"You said you want a magic bag, but I'll be happy if you accept this too."

I took the bracelet from the box and put it on Theo's palm. With a blank face, he stared at the Magic Amulet as he mumbled in disbelief.

"This is for me?" (It's made of silver and has high-grade wind-attribute Magic Stones… This one is for protection, right? Is it okay for me to accept this? Isn't this expensive? This must be a precious Magic Amulet…)

Ooh, he could figure out that much already. As expected of the genius second captured target. "Yes, this is a welcome gift for you coming into the family. I made it myself, so don't worry, it's not something expensive."

When I mentioned "welcome gift" Theo's shoulder flinched. And by the time I finished my sentences, those two words were already echoing themselves repeatedly inside his mind. Hearing the repeating words, I got a strong sense of deja vu. It took me aback, but I decided to ignore it.

On the other hand, the sparkle in Theo's eyes was harder to ignore. A tinge of pink tainted his pale cheeks. His mouth had been opening and closing without making a sound for a while now. He was at a loss for words, not because of shock or fear, but joy this time.

"C-can I put it on?"

His lips trembled as he whispered. No, not just his lips. His hands were also trembling.

"Of course. Here, let me help you."

His eyes fixed on the bracelet, as if it was an unbelievable sight, as I put it on him. Once it was attached to his right wrist, he raised his hand and shook it lightly. The jingling sound made his eyes glow in glee. With this behavior coupled with his innocent smile, Theo looked just like any normal boy.

If only he didn't have that darkness in his heart.

I couldn't help thinking as I gazed at him, still admiring the bracelet. When he noticed my gaze, he hurriedly corrected his manner and stuttered as he thanked me. He was so cute that I unconsciously chuckled. Theo was embarrassed when he heard me laugh. He tried to say something, but then he saw the necklace that was still left in the box.

"Elder Sister, what about this necklace?"

After taking a second look, he realized the necklace had the same properties and a similar design to his bracelet, albeit a bit more feminine. His eyes stared at the necklace and the bracelet at his wrist alternately for several times, then looking at me with a questioning gaze.

"This one is also a gift."

"Is it for the guest?"

"That's right. Clara is my important friend. She has helped me a lot, so I want to give her something as thanks."

Although that wasn't the main purpose, I didn't lie. Thanks to Clara, I was saved from hellish school life, so I've been wanting to repay her. I supposed giving her a Magic Amulet won't be enough, but I could always do more next time. That aside, I deliberately gave out the Magic Amulet now and said that because I wanted to imply that Clara was a good girl. She won't harass other kids, so Theo won't have to be wary of her, but his face revealed that my message didn't get across to him.

"She's my roommate at the dorm and a smart girl. She had been helping her father's business since she was small after all."

"I see. She seems to be a wonderful person." (They are close, huh?)

...What a lukewarm reaction.

When I tried to imply more, I only received a plain response. Being a genius himself, I assumed Theo would like smart people. But although he smiled and sounded cheerful, he didn't seem to have any more interest in her. If I pushed again, I'm afraid it would put him off instead, so I stopped. Well, the fact that I didn't hear any distaste from him was good enough. I believed there were still many opportunities to improve his impression of her when they met later.

We finished today's study session with a brightly smiling Theo. Even when we had lunch, he kept glancing at his wrist, or rather, at his new shining silver bracelet. I was glad that my lousy attempt to put in a good word for Clara didn't put off his cheerful mood.


The next day, Clara finally arrived at the mansion. And of course, the entourage from Claire Company was also with her. There were four carriages in total; one for Clara and her father to ride in, and the rest were for carrying goods. Looking at the "gifts" he had prepared, it's obvious that her father was determined to secure a good relationship with the Grand Duchy. He didn't seem to hesitate at all, possibly because of the "green light" in my response letter.

With this amount of goods they brought, it relieved me that they didn't get attacked by thieves during their trip. The public order within the Empire was better than in other countries, but thieves still roamed the back alleys and sometimes the mountains. So if you're traveling with valuables and have some extra money, it's recommended to hire a few mercenaries for security. The nobles had their own guard units managed by their families. So it's usually wealthy commoners, like Claire Company's entourage, who use the services of those people.

Being surrounded by armed men has made the group even grander. They didn't use luxurious carriages, but it caught a lot of attention. It was comparable to a noble's outing. The gatekeepers at the border must've panicked, thinking that there's a noble who suddenly came without prior notice. And it's no wonder they arrived late. They had to slow down because they traveled in such a large group.

It’s past noon. Well, I guess it’s the perfect time for afternoon tea.

My thoughts wandered as I waited for the carriages to reach the mansion's front door. Theo was standing slightly behind me, and behind us, there were several maids and butlers on standby. When I glanced at him, he looked calm. His face didn't reveal any gloominess or joy, and somehow he looked more mature than his age. Honestly, his figure right now gave off the same vibe as Theo from the game, which freaked me out for a moment. I didn't know if I should praise or condemn the maids' "excellent" job.

These past weeks, Mother had ordered the cooks to serve highly nutritious meals for Theo and for the doctor to monitor his condition closely. She and Grandmother even often checked the kitchen personally. Thanks to their strict care, Theo's health improved significantly in just a short time. Now he had a healthy complexion, and although his body was still thin, it's not as skinny as before. 

Seeing him become more hale and hearty had put a smile on my face. I remembered there's a saying that said, "a healthy body has a healthy mind." I hoped Theo's mental condition also got better as his body became healthier.

Everyone in the mansion was also delighted with his health improvement, especially the maids. Theo was already cute when he first arrived, and apparently, the maids had been excited since then. His timid and vigilant behavior didn't put off their excitement at all. Many of them thought of his behavior as similar to a stray cat who wasn't used to humans yet. But, as expected, they were still afraid to scare their new young master away, so they held back in fawning over him.

Since Theo opened up to the maids, more and more maids came, wanting to serve him. Now that his health was getting better, his facial features also became more distinct and adorable. The maids' minds went crazy every time Theo smiled shyly at them. Just this morning, they made a big fuss when they found out Theo would welcome today's guests with me.

"This is Young Master's first appearance as the heir to the Grand Duchy! He has to look perfect!" (Young Master is already so cute, but that isn't enough!)

It is enough, though? He'll just welcome some guests, not having his social debut party!

"That is right! First impressions are the most important when meeting new people! We have to make sure the Young Master leaves the best first impression!" (Young Master can become even more dazzling! It'll be a waste not to dress him up!)

What first impressions? That's your real goal there!

"Milady, please inform us ahead of time for such a special occasion like this. We need to prepare a lot of things to bring the young master's best figure." (The bath oil to smoothen his fair skin, Aloe Vera gel to make his black hair shiny, honey with some lemon juice to moisten his lips―)

Whoa! Stop, stop! Calm down, will you? Like I said, he'll just accompany me to welcome my guests!

While saying nonsense like that, they're so obstinate that they made my head throb in pain. They didn't even realize that their cute young master was frightened by their overly eager behavior. Theo was cowering and using me as his shield. 

Why are you hiding behind my back?

"Oh my, aren't you all so lively?"

"Grandma? Mother too?"

Suddenly, they appeared at the door. I thought Grandmother had left for Marchioness Eveford's estate, and didn't Mother go with Father to get some documents before leaving for the capital city? Why did she have a maid pushing a clothes rack trolley into the room? 

"This will be the first time you have a friend over, so this is indeed a special occasion." (Oh, how I missed this kind of occasion so much!)

Wait, why did you agree with the maids, Grandma? What's with that smile?!

"On such a special occasion, someone needs a special outfit indeed." (But it's a shame we only have some ready-made clothes for Theo, this is making it hard for me to match him with Eira…)

What?! You too, Mother?! Just what is wrong with everyone?!

This was getting out of hand. If I didn't settle this soon, Grandmother and Mother would be late, or even worse, refuse to leave home today. Grandmother was one thing, but why did Mother join the mess as well? Sometimes, I didn't understand her at all. So after taking a deep breath, I allowed the maids to help Theo prepare.

"Just don't overdo it. Please."

I had to stress this point out to them. I didn't want to frighten Theo any further and put him in a bad mood now. On the other hand, I plainly refused Grandmother and Mother's offer. 

I'm sorry, Mother. I never plan to wear matching outfits with Theo, ever. I mean seriously, "this" me and "that" Theo wear the same outfits? No way in hell.

The sight of the "Boar Princess" standing by that adorable boy would be too horrible. I didn't even want to imagine it. And being wrapped in matching outfits with him would only make it worse; that way, it would be so easy to compare us. Well, from the start, I didn't think that we could even be compared. 

I felt guilty when I saw their sad faces, but they had more important matters to attend to today, so I convinced them to leave immediately. Father's chuckle when I saw them off was irritating. 

Thus, after a bit of unexpected commotion, we were finally ready to welcome the guests. Even though they could become a headache at times, our maids were indeed professionals. In the hands of our skilled maids, Theo's hair and skin were giving off a faint glow. They succeeded to bring out his charm even further, to the point I got the illusion that it was his older self who was standing here with me. It's amazing, but scary at the same time.

"Greetings, Lady Eira. Thank you so much for inviting us to spend the holiday at the Grand Duchy."

At last, the carriage ridden by Clara and her Father arrived at the mansion's front door. Her father helped Clara get off from the carriage and escorted her until they were in front of me. Then he let his daughter curtsied to greet me first.

I was surprised. It's rare for adults to let their children do the greetings when they were present like this, especially in aristocratic society. It wasn't a custom. More like an unspoken rule practiced by many parents among the nobility to teach their children about respect for the elders. Apparently, many commoners also adapted this rule and taught it to their children. The more wealthy commoners also had their children learn etiquette. That's why Clara's conduct and manner were just as good as any noble kid. 

"Welcome, Clara. I'm glad you arrived safely. I hope you will have a good time while you are here."

“Of course, Lady Eira!”

It's been a long time since I last saw Clara's cheerful smile. It's so refreshing that I almost teared up. After I returned her greeting, I turned towards her father and was hailed by a blinding smile. While I was stunned once again, he got on one of his knees and bowed his head in a very formal and respectful way. It's as if he was in the presence of royalty. 

Looks like it's not just me who was taken aback by his actions. Although it's only in their minds, the servants were buzzing with surprise, Theo was amazed by the sight of someone prostrating for the first time, and Clara's brain had stopped working. The surroundings filled with silence for a few seconds before Clara's frozen mind started to work again, and it needed a few seconds more for her to finally introduce her father to me. 

"...Lady Eira, I would like to introduce my father, Clark. He is the president of Claire Company."

I had never seen Clara act so stiff and awkward before. Even without hearing her bitter scream from inside her mind, I could've guessed how embarrassed she was by her father's action. Her complexion turned pale blue then changed to flush red within split seconds; it was amusing.

"Pleased to meet you, Milady. This humble one is called Clark. It is truly an honor to be invited by Grand Duke Bellux." 

"Pleased to meet you too, sir Clark. His Grace the Grand Duke and Her Grace the Grand Duchess are looking forward to tonight’s dinner."

“Why, I am privileged to be burdened with such high expectations.” (Thank God for this golden opportunity!!)

As soon as he finished his greetings, I gestured to him to stand back up as I replied to him. His actions might be exaggerated, but I'd like to think that he was an honest person. At the very least, there wasn’t any deception in his words. He might have sounded like a sarcastic person to some people, but his thoughts expressed just how he felt so lucky right now.

It seemed like he was already in this glee mood all the time because Clara made an exhausted expression secretly while glancing at his father. Seeing her like that, I somehow got an unsettling feeling.

No, no. This isn't even the beginning yet. First, I have to observe his reaction properly.

That's right. The main actor didn't even introduce himself yet. I turned, and Theo was still standing there with a smile. Though, to be precise, an unreadable smile...

“...Sir Clark, Clara, this is my younger brother, Theodore.”

“Pleased to meet you. I am Theodore von Bellux.”

When I brought the attention to him, Theo graciously bowed to them and introduced himself calmly. 

Hmm, perfect gestures and manners… Wait, no, that’s not it! I can’t hear anything from him! ...Is it because he didn’t think of anything?

“Pleased to meet you, Young Master Theodore. My name is Clarabelle. Please call me Clara.”

Clara curtsied and smiled brightly at him. Theo smiled back, and I could see flowers blooming around them, but why did I feel uncomfortable?