Provisional License Exam, Part 1
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Deku and Ochaco are sparring outside the dorm, in their costumes.

"Your responses are too slow, Ochaco!"

She couldn't reply to him directly, as she also didn't want to hurt him. But for the sake of becoming better with her new costume she had to face Deku in it.

Ochaco then shakily took out the casing on the flip phone like device on the belt buckle, and inserted it into a slot on the digital camera shaped knuckle duster she took from her belt's left hip socket.


"Now, come at me with all you've got!"

"I got it, Deku-Kun!"

Ochaco then opened the flip phone, and pressed the Start button.


A long beeping sound then emanated from the knuckle duster, before Ochaco dashed forwards. Deku only stood there, and inches before the duster hits him, Ochaco stopped just as Deku throws a punch at the knuckle duster, causing the both of them to be knocked back, and dispelling their transformation.

"That's not bad at all. We can win our provisional hero licenses if we get better."

The Provisional Hero License is required so a hero can arrest or fight villains by themselves. Now that the exam is days away, they had to practice. Not just that though, Aizawa told the both of them that they are a special case and let them spar with each other as the other classmates are training at gym gamma.

Midnight covered it, telling the others that both Izuku and Ochaco both had sudden essays that needs to be done within the day.

"Oh, and Hatsume told me to give you this." Deku threw an object at Ochaco

"What's this?" Asked Ochaco after she caught it. It looked like a wrist watch.

"The manual in that case covered on what that is. However, it seems that Hatsume forgot to put this in."

"I... I see..."

During the day of the exams, the UA students meet up with the students of Shiketsu High. Representing them is a guy named Inasa who bowed so low, that his head nearly hit the concrete below, much to the UA students' awe.

Later on another group from Ketsubutsu High appears, led by a female teacher whom Aizawa recognized as "Emi" or "Ms. Joke". She looked confident as she stared at the UA group, particularly at a certain cinnamon roll. The group later went on to change into their costumes, only Deku and Ochaco changed in different locations.






Later on, Mera from the Hero Public Safety Commission explained how the exams would go. And the first one is to tag at least 2 opponents with 3 balls.

During the exam, Ms. Joke contemplates with Aizawa about the annual 'Crushing of U.A', however he scoffed as he said that UA had their special heroes.

Deku is seen using Momo's quirk to create a drum and a pair of drumsticks, before using Jirou's quirk to sprout out earphone jacks out of his mask.

"What's that kid doing!? Wanna start a boyband!?" Ms. Joke laughed.

Not just that, he also threw an electric guitar that he conjured towards Todoroki, who gave him a silent thumbs up. Jirou attached one of her jacks onto the guitar, and Todoroki starts playing.

"Practicing, Todoroki?" Jirou asked.

"Well, in order to pass the exam there's no other choice, right?"

And Deku threw a trumpet he had conjured to Yuuga, who took a small breath as Jirou attached the other jack into the trumpet before he then played it.


Izuku starts first by hitting the drums causing the amplified sounds to ring in the other contestants' eardrums.


Jirou then used her quirk to amplify the guitar sounds that Todoroki is playing.


And a few seconds later, the same goes to Yuuga's trumpet.


The impromptu concerto caused a quarter of the arena to be affected by the amplified sound waves, causing the opposing contestants to kneel down holding their ears.


Todoroki continued to jam on the guitar, this time causing even Ms. Joke to feel the effects of the sound amplifier.

And with a final beat on the drum, Deku then signalled the others to rain down their balls, causing dozens of opponents to be tagged and eliminated.

Ms. Joke widened her eyes at Deku's prowess, who then caused the musical instruments to vanish as quickly as they appear.

"Split into teams, focus on the opponents you are currently facing!"

"Got it!" Everyone, excluding Bakugo and Todoroki replied.

Regardless, Bakugo went on with Kaminari and Kirishima while Todoroki went alone.

On the other side, the Shiketsu High Student Inasa uses his whirlwind quirk causing 120 contestants to be eliminated in an instant. This surprised Aizawa, as he then looked over at Izuku's direction making a glare as sharp as a dagger.

Deku must not mess this up, or UA would be humiliated like the previous Crushing.

Just as Deku felt that glare, he also felt one of the balls hitting him. He looked back, only for a pair of arms to reach his shoulders, and the figure flipped over him.

"You shouldn't drop your guard!" Said a blonde haired girl making a questionable look at Izuku.

"She's the one from Shiketsu... Camie."

Camie Utsushimi, quirk still unknown to Deku.

The both of them then engaged in hand-to-hand combat, although both are evenly matched until Izuku uses a card.


"Kirishima, allow me to borrow this." Deku said, as his right arm hardens until it's as solid as a rock.

With it, he tried to at least send Camie away without injuring her. Afterwards, his arm turned back into normal.


This time Deku vanishes, and Camie looked around.

Deku reappeared behind a pile of concrete, leaning against it.

He peeked out to see Ochaco in trouble against some Shiketsu students, and with One For All's speed enhancer which he had developed by himself he whizzed towards Ochaco, caught her in the air before bringing her back to the concrete where Deku was hiding previously.

However after a while, he realized that Ochaco is acting odd, shouldn't she be able to dodge the attacks as she already trained to adapt to her zero gravity?

He felt fingers touching his back, and he slapped them away.

"You're not Uraraka. Your costume gave it away."

"Eh? How could you say that?"

"You didn't wear the belt even though you were supposed to wear it before the exams start. Who are you?"

Izuku prepared to pull out another card as he sees the fake Ochaco melting into gray liquid, revealing herself to be Camie.

She stood there naked in front of him, however Deku already trained to not be distracted... Especially by her assets.

Looks like this is going to be a long day for the exam.

- To Be Continued