Chapter 10 – I – Crecy redux
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Chapter 10 - I - Crecy redux


The second part of the Tri-Skill Tournament, the ‘Command’ phase, had finally come.


“For this stage…” Sophia explained to me, “We’ll be hiring mercenary companies to be commanded by you.”


“Luckily, since this tournament was popular, it always attracts mercenaries from all over Chersea.” William added, “We can find them around the battlefield; they’ll be advertising their forces to the highest renter.”


Oh, so it’s like the medieval style of warfare,” I remarked.


Hmm?  Medie…what?”


“Nothing.  Carry on.”


“I’ve ordered my butler to go around and get the best mercenary companies on our side.” Sophia pointed it out, “To be sure that we’ll win, we need to have a complete mixture of soldiers with different weapon specialties.”


“I see.  What have you got in mind?”


“A company of crossbowmen, at least two companies of spearmen, and a company of cavalry will do.”


“The crossbowmen are for harassing and screening the main force, which will be composed of spearmen infantry and the cavalry.” It was William who kept on dropping some backup explanations related to military, “The infantry, like always, will bear the brunt of the enemy offensive, and the cavalry will chase down the escaping soldiers.”


Hmm…sounds like an excellent tactic.”


“It is the standard in our books, silly.” Sophia countered, “Every sane military commander knew of how these troops should work.”


“Well, I’m a commoner, so I’m exempt.”


“Indeed, you are.  But you’re not a ‘common’ commoner.” William countered me.


Hmm?  What do you mean by that?”


Oh, haven’t you heard?” William looked at me like I’m some stupid person, “You’ve been the talk of the town ever since you defeated the Paladin Prince Maxwell von Kluck in your duel using a ‘demon weapon’.


“What?” I was surprised by that information.


“Indeed, you are!  The commoners were thrilled to learn that someone like you is representing them in this tournament.”


“But I didn’t; I’m just here because a certain pair of kids asked me to fight for their sister.”


Ahem…as I’ve said earlier, you’re slowly getting famous…or infamous, whichever side you want to see.” Sophia kept on her words, “The nobility suddenly feared the influx of ‘demon weapons’ being traded in human territories after they saw you effectively use it on a battle against a fully armored knight.”


Well, I guess that’s to be expected.  Back in the old Earth, the current Pope (before I was summoned here) condemned the makers of firearms because it was an ‘un-Christian’.


“Don’t worry Mister Kuro.” Sophia smiled gently at me, “We’ll protect you from these mad aristocrats until you safely return to the Holy Palatial Gardens.”


Honestly, I didn’t know what to say to her, other than the usual, “Thanks!”  I’m being creeped out by the kindness of these Rubinforths lately.  I noticed drastic changes in how these kids are treating me.  Like how when I woke up, and I saw Sophia carrying an ornate silver tray of sumptuous food for my breakfast.  She said it’s her usual hospitality, but I highly doubt it.


Before, they would have a maid serve me food on a plain wooden tray with—I don’t know if those are scraps, or if someone took pity on me and set aside some leftovers.


Now, I guess that was a full course meal, something that’s reserved for the nobility.  And to think that Sophia herself would bring it to me was something unprecedented as well.  William also had a noticeable change in character.  Before, whenever I try to talk to him, he’d always give me this uninterested look.  But now, every time I tell them something, he’s listening intently to my words and obeys my orders or requests.


I didn’t know about the Duke and Her Holiness though…I hadn’t seen them since I woke up…


Oh, it’s Mister Kuro!”




Oh, great!  Speaking of the devil himself.


“Papa!” Sophia greeted him, “You going now to the tourney field?”


“Yes, I have to make sure everything’s okay in there.” the Duke replied to his daughter with a pleasant smile; something that I haven’t seen since knowing him.  And man, that’s kind of creepy too.  What the hell just happened?


“Mister Kuro, are you ready for the next challenge?” there’s a hint of intimidation on his tone when he asked me that.  But you know, for some weird reason, I also felt that he said that on a pleasant note—as if he’s waiting for something worthwhile from me.  A far cry from his usual scowl and frown several times earlier.


Err…yes, Your Excellency,” I replied.


“Good.  See you at the tourney fields then.” the Duke then went off on his way.


Uh…is this what the Beastman Saint told me before that there’s a change happening?  If so, I’m creeped out.



Sophia’s butler arrived shortly after the Duke went off to inspect the tourney fields for the upcoming second part of the Tri-Skill tournament.  We were surprised when he came back, for he looked so dejected we didn’t recognize him at first.


“Forgive me, Your Excellency.” the old butler bowed, “The price for hiring mercenaries suddenly went way too high for our budget to take them in.”


“Hah?” Sophia was unnerved by what she had learned, “So, what have you got then?”


“I only got three companies of spearmen before spending all the money.”


William aired his concerns, “That won’t do.  We’ll never win with just spearmen.  What if our enemy would use crossbowmen?  We’ll be defeated from afar if that happens.”


“My apologies, Your Excellencies!  Word has it that that the Templar-Prince bought off most of the companies to gain a numerical advantage over the Imperial Prince, who brought over his hosts.”


“It’s alright, Jeeves.” Sophia dismissed him, “You’ve done what you could.  You may rest now.”  After the butler named Jeeves left (seriously, was it the standard to name your butlers ‘Jeeves’ or ‘Sebastian’?), the Rubinforth siblings and I discussed our current situation.


“We only got three leftover spearmen companies, huh?” William was visibly dismayed.


“I guess that’s it, my brother…” Sophia commented, “Our cause is doomed.”


“So, we’ll withdraw Mister Kuro’s registration?”


“Do we have any other choice?”


I was only listening to their desperate conversation.  Honestly, I’m hopeless as well.  However, it’s not like we could do something about it.


“Guys, I don’t think we should give up.” I tried encouraging them, “Hey, why don’t we try meeting the men your butler bought for us?”


Hm…is it still winnable?” William kept on asking me.


To which I replied, “We’ll see about that.  But first, let’s see to those guys that were hired.”



The mercenaries’ area was a small temporary enclave that was made to house the hired-arms selling their services to the contestants of the Tri-Skill Tournament.  They usually advertise their combat specialties on a small board that was placed outside their respective tents.  Think of it as a shopping place for those who need mercenaries.  I knew it was a kind of strange, but this was pretty convenient, in a way.  Lesser talk, more opportunity to browse around.




However, during this time, all of them had removed their signs—a sign that someone had already hired them and replaced them with their employer’s banner.  




And just like what that butler named Jeeves said, by the time we have arrived, a lot of those tents had displayed the ‘Flaming Mountain’ banner of the Templar-Prince of Baltes.


“That guy made sure that he’ll counter the powerful legions of the Empire with numbers.” I heard what William said.


“Is this empire you’re talking about the most powerful in this land?” I couldn’t help but to ask that; I’m kind of interested in this place’s geographical politics after all.


“Well, you can say that.” William replied, “However, my grandfather said that back in my ancestors’ time, they didn’t even lift a finger in humanity’s attempt to drive the invading demon armies in Chersea.  As a result, the Empire was ostracized from most of the Chersea’s kingdoms and duchies.”


“They are powerful enough to hold out on their own anyway, so what’s the point of associating with others?” Sophia said with contempt.


Kid, you don’t know how human alliances work?  It’s not just simply helping others when they need military aid; it’s also for boosting influence and the prestige of your country.  And based on William’s narrative, this Empire he’s talking about clearly treated its other neighboring territories as something of a second-rate civilization.  Something like the Roman Empire did back on Classical Antiquity Earth.


“Anyway, here are our soldiers, I guess…” William and Sophia stopped right in front of a tent that displayed the teal and white banner of the Rubinforth house.  Across the narrow path, two more tents had the same banner.


I guess those are our three companies of men…




“Hey, Cap, who are these kids and the weak-ass guy?” the thinly bearded mercenary spoke to someone inside the first tent.


Hmm?  Probably our employers?” a gruff voice came from the tent.


“Huh?  They are?”


“I heard that butler said they are a pair of kids; the children of the host of this tourney.”


“Well, if that’s so, then you better show your arse here, Cap!”


Ayt!  I’m coming then!”


A few minutes of awkward silence followed as I, the Rubinforth siblings, and the mercenary waited for the person called ‘Cap’ to emerge from his tent.  We heard a few rustling and tussle before a white, curly-haired man with a feminine-looking face showed himself to us.  He wore an impressive, but beaten-up armor that looked like it went through many bloody struggles in the past.


“Ooh…” the Rubinforth siblings were intimidated by his presence.  I was intimidated as well, but it’s because of something else.  This white, curly-haired guy reminded me of someone I knew back in my old world.  Wait, is his name—


“Greetings!  My name is Griffyth.”


Fuck, it’s the famous NTR man!


“It’s Griffyth with a ‘y’ though.” he explained with a smile, “It’s to avoid legal problems…”


“Huh?” Sophia tilted her head, wondering, “What legal problems?”


“Nothing!” then he turned to me and gave me a look from head to toe, “You there!”




“I like you; you’ll be mine!”


What the hell?  Even the dialogue…Don’t tell me your mercenary company’s name is also—


“Yes, you’ll be with us in the Band of the Oak!”


Ha?  Band of the Oak?  That’s a lame pun for that famous fictional mercenary group back on Earth!


“Well, I should’ve named that ‘Band of the Hawk’, but I keep on getting the feeling that if I did, I’d be involved in a legal problem, so I renamed it to Oak.”


Indeed.  I’m glad you did that since this stupid story might end up in hot, legal water if you proceeded.


Anyway, Griffyth then introduced us to his mercenary unit composed of mostly spearmen.


“This thinly bearded man right there is called Gats.  It’s Gats with an ‘a’.”


“Let me guess…” I interjected this time, “It’s to prevent legal problems again?”


“You’ve guessed it right.  I really like you!” Griffyth said that with a dreamy look on his face.


Come on man, stop with that homo-sounding dialogue.  It’s seriously giving me the creeps.


“Gats is my best subordinate, and we specialize in fighting using spears.” Griffyth showed us to the other members inside his tent, “We’re about 67 men strong, and aside from spears, we can use swords, ride on horseback, and Tarasca over there can simultaneously cast magic while fighting hand-to-hand.”


Tarasca?  You mean your equivalent for C*sca?  I turned to look over the direction where Tarasca was, but…




Well, I expected Tarasca to be some cute mercenary girl.  Much to my disappointment, Tarasca’s a six-foot, bearded guy that looked like a hippie…


Everything’s not right in this story.  I hope the writer is still on his sane mind…