Chapter 53. No Wonder
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3rd’s POV

Arriving at the Rijeka Town. Elf and Princess were still following and keeping an eye on that three guys because the two of them still didn't get the information they wanted from these three.

They only heard them swearing and cursing because there were several lone wolves that suddenly appeared from the bushes and attacked them several times on the way to town.

But these three guys were quite skilled with handling their swords and their teamwork is not bad too.

Because of that, they were able to drive the wolves away many times without experiencing any major difficulties.

And the three of them were now walking through the town gates, and as usual, the gatekeepers were doing their job there, carrying out routine checks on everyone who wanted to enter the town, and the three of them didn't miss out on being checked as well.

Unknown previously guessed they were adventures, and Elf & Princess now want to reconfirm the truth of that information.

If they really are adventurers, they will show their ID that they are adventurers and they won't be subject to town entry fee.

And since the three were adventurers, they automatically showed their respective IDs to the guards one by one and they were then able to pass the inspection and enter the town smoothly because of that.

Because Unknown has not registered to be an adventure, automatically the rest of his party members also do not register to be an adventure as well, including Elf and Princess.

Forcedly, when they entered the town again, they had to pay an entrance fee. Although the money given is not too big, for those who do not have a stable income like them, this entry fee is quite a burden. But the two didn't let those disturbing feelings continue to bother them and affect their mission, so they didn't think much of the matter.

When that three guys and Elf & Princess had entered the town, that three guys walked into a part of the town that was quite empty of pedestrians walking on the street.

And those pedestrians who had been few from the start were decreasing and keep decreasing in number as they continued on their way there.

Seeing that, our two boys became wary and became more and more careful in following that three, in case that three had realized that they were being followed and they wanted to direct Elf & Princess to a quiet place and not many people would be eyewitnesses if they want to do something to both of them.

“…” (Elf)

“…” (Princess)

However, instead of attacking the two of them, that three guys still continued their walking into the deeper parts of the town without suspecting anything around them.

And not long after that three entered a building that ...

“Ugh… Elf. Is that place… that place?” (Princess)

"Yes." (Elf)

Princess knit his brows, and he quickly looks at the sky above him.

Yeah, the sun is still in the middle.

"Oh, God. It's still day, you know." Exclaimed Princess in disbelief.

"What do they care? Their small members are on. That knocking shop is open. What are they waiting for then?” Elf explained with some analysis and quick logic.

"Yeah, but ...." Princess still couldn't agree.

"They probably fantasied about their captain and that woman doing that kind of thing so they were very horny. Heh, no wonder that they don't care about what's around them and don't even realize they're being followed by us. Their brains are full of groin and crotch!" Elf continued.

Princess could only shake his head hearing that, he felt sorry for those guys who were feel stimulated just a little, went straight there to vent it, they were very enslaved by it.

He's noble. Even though he was only the fifth child, the education given to him by his family about ethics was also informed and taught to him, although only a little.

He is also taught about discipline and he always obeys and remembers what his family has taught him, so Princess does not grow up to be some noble brats who always have life in debauchery.

Well, but that can happen because of the Princess's family's financial condition, which is not very wealthy. This factor is actually very supportive of maintaining the purity of Princess's personality and character.

Remember, his family is only a low-rank noble. They are not able to pamper their second-generation until their fifth children.

Therefore he did not understand why these men could not control their lust at all, they were even more inclined towards just blindly obeying their horniness it seems.

“And so… Umm … do we need to go inside?” (Princess)

"For what? The content of their conversation in there must be more absurd than what we heard earlier when we were on our way to the town. Let's just do something else, like finding out the guy I blew his balls off and his woman for example." (Elf)

“Will they be able to return to the town? With the wound you inflicted on that poor guy, I doubt he would have made it to this town with his life still on him. Moreover, the couple was being chased by wolves. Finding out his information by asking the people in this town was also dangerous. It can raise suspicions we don't want to." (Princess)

“…” Elf was silent, and then he seems tried to find a new solution to solve that problem.

Knowing that Princess then returned his gaze to the bawdy shop and he found something surprising there this time.

"Hey, hey. Elf, look at that quick!" Princess suddenly exclaimed, "there's one who didn't come with his friend into that shop, he just came out of that place." He continued.

"Where?" Elf quickly returned his gaze to the front of that whorehouse, his eyes looking everywhere. The people who passed by and who were around the two of them who did not know anything about the problems they were going through, many thought they were looking for prostitutes who were off duty.

“Look, that physically skinny guy.” Pointing Princess towards the man who was really quite skinny.

Elf then managed to find the guy that Princess pointed to just now and then he immediately walked after that guy. "Alright. Let's immediately follow him." Said Elf to Princess.

Princess just nodded then he followed Elf.

Not long after, the two of them then applied a special stalking mode for urban areas specifically made for this town, by separating themselves and keeping a distance from each other to follow that man so that they didn't appear at first glance that they were the same group.

To Be Continued

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