Chapter 10 – Three Jians and Anthony
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Seeing Ice not talk, Bloody took the initiative. “It’s early evening already. How about we all meet up tomorrow after thinking about ways to deal with this quest despite our levels? Just gather some ideas.”

“I’m fine with that. I can’t think of a solution on the spot for sure”, Knightrider agreed. Next to him, Little Droplet lifted a thumb.

Blackstone did not plan to join the conversation, anyway. She’d chime in if she was asked, but considering she mainly joined the mission as support, she didn’t think it was her place to interrupt. Spiderlily, despite her slightly arrogant looks, was very cooperative. Only Absinth looked annoyed, but then again, she had looked annoyed from the start.

They left the castle after telling the maids that they were done. Everyone parted ways, except for Knightrider, who sprinted after Ice and grasped his wrist.

Ice flinched, holding back the urge to pull his hand away from the scalding grip.

“Just a second!” Knightrider chuckled. He looked like a reliable neighborhood brother when he did, the kind that always helped you out. It was easy to rely on him. “No need to run so quickly. Are you busy right now?”

“Yes”, the mage lied without thinking.

“Too bad. Add me to your friend list, though.”

The request popped up immediately. Ice forced himself to accept it and Knightrider looked pleased.

“See you tomorrow”, the Ice Emperor said quickly, not waiting for the warrior to say anything else and logging out.


Normally, Jian Lin didn’t log off during early evening, but this time he did. He felt a bit distracted by everything that had happened, resulting in him scribbling a whole page of summary into a notebook.

The doorbell had him flinching, but his discomfort vanished the moment he looked through the camera.

“Grandpa, Dad, Mom”, Jian Lin said in surprise at seeing the masked people in front of his door. He quickly stepped aside, letting them in. The bodyguards stationed literally everywhere went into hiding, except for two, who also came in to join the group. They were dressed as normal people and didn’t stand out too much, but Jian Lin knew them.

“My little boy! Come here! How have you been?” Grandfather Jian was a quirky old man who loved his grandson above everything. First he had been doting on his daughter, but now his daughter was being doted on by her husband, so all of his love was thrown at his grandson.

“Father, don’t overwhelm him”, Anthony warned, laughing. Grandfather Jian shot him a glare at being called “father”, but did not correct him.

When Anthony took off his scarf and other items, he looked exactly like a mature and confident version of Jian Lin. The same white-blonde hair and pretty brown eyes, like an angel.

Mother Jian - Jian Su, lovingly called SuSu - had a bit of her father’s looks. At least her eyes were narrower and slanted, and her features were rounder. Other than that, she came after her mother - curly dark-brown hair and shining amber eyes.

“My little Lin isn’t overwhelmed by me. He’s happy to see me, right? Give your old man a hug!”

Jian Lin wordlessly opened his arms and was enveloped inside a warm hug. He knew his aunts and uncles weren’t fond of him, this nephew who was all introverted, but his grandfather and parents were very supportive.

“Mama wants one too!” Jian Su put on a childish pout that went surprisingly well with her age. Awkward, her son switched over to giving his mother a hug.

After the initial hugging, everyone settled inside the living room. Only the guards stood at the door, like silent guardians.

“Sorry that we came over all of a sudden. It was because we were nearby, so we wanted to drop by for an hour or two. Or are we disturbing you during work?” Anthony smiled and patted his son’s head. “In a way, you are also a model! I saw the recent posters, they look great!”

Well, in truth Ice hadn’t done more than put on the new event outfits - one “click” - and cast a spell. The editor had done the rest to get the correct angle and decide on the best moment. They were really doing it in the simplest way. There was no need for a special expression or anything, because the pictures were perfectly authentic.

“Mmmh…” Jian Lin could only hum in embarrassment. He sat close to his mother, who gently stroked his hair as if he was still a little child. It gave him a sense of comfort. He was independent in a way, but knowing his parents were on his side was a great relief.

“Right. Tell us a bit about how it’s going in that game of yours”, Grandfather Jian urged him.

The old man had played games when he was young too, but this new generation of full-dive was sadly foreign to him. He did, however, understand from his own teenage years just how much games could mean to a person. He personally thought that Haven had an interesting concept and while he wasn’t interested in trying it - he was too wary to use the capsule - he liked hearing his grandson talk.


Jian Lin perked up. He began to talk with growing excitement, the nervous stumbling over his words soon completely forgotten. He told them about the mountain, about the castle, about his title and the world quest.

“Oh my. The true Ice Emperor, you say… I can see why you would be curious!” Jian Su placed a hand in front of her mouth, her eyes wide.

“That Absinth sounds like a rude brat”, Grandfather Jian humpfed.

You couldn’t judge Grandfather Jian by his looks. Although he appeared old-fashioned at first glance, he wasn’t at all!

Most of all, he was supportive of minorities and a strong defender of their rights!

He hadn’t always been, to be fair. He had been more of a neutral party. But when he had seen how his beloved grandson had changed due to being pushed away by his peers, a bomb went off in his brain. Whether his grandson was straight, homosexual, bisexual, whatever sexual, whether he was transgender or something else-

He’d support him!

He’d support everyone who needed it!

Everyone could be what they wanted to be and if anyone said something different, they were a bastard!

So this Absinth who forced poor Little Droplet into a gender role… was a bad person for sure!

“Ignore that Absinth girly. The others sound like decent people, especially that little Blackstone. Don’t force yourself to get along with them just because of a game! As for that castle, do whatever you like! In the worst case, I’m sure your mom and dad can pull some strings with the company.”

Jian Lin choked. His heart felt warm, but the situation was a bit awkward. “Cheating is illegal, Grandpa…”

“It’s not cheating. It’s getting some support”, Grandfather Jian mumbled under his breath and turned his head away.

“Well, the main point is that you believe the owner of the castle might be able to tell you something about the miserable one mentioned in your quest, correct?” Anthony rubbed a hand over his chin. “I think that no matter what, it would be good to get to the castle before anyone else. You should go with them.”

“Yes.” Jian Su smiled brightly, her innocent expression not changing the tiniest bit. “You could always kill the troublesome ones before entering so that they respawn somewhere else!”

Well, who had said that Jian Su didn’t have her father’s blood. Jian Lin’s gentleness came from his father, not from her.


“It would be great if you could get along with them all and not kill anyone”, Anthony commented with a wry smile.

“Anyway, you can call us anytime you want to talk about it.” It was the same sentence his mother said every time, hoping to convince him to call more often. “Mom and Dad are doing some small shoots for a couple of old friends, we are awake at weird times. You won’t disturb us even if you call at night!”

“I’m old. I don’t need much sleep anyway.” Grandfather Jian was not to be outmatched in vying for attention. “You’ll even lower my blood pressure by calling! Contrary to those aunts and uncles of yours…”

Jian Su’s expression turned cold at the mention of her siblings.

They were four siblings - two girls, two boys, Jian Su included. It was because of them that she had learned how to scheme and hide a knife behind a smile, making her life as a celebrity much easier since she already had experience.

Grandfather Jian wasn’t rich, but he and his already dead wife had one heirloom that, at some point of time, would land in the children’s hands.

It was some old artifact from god-knows-when that an expert had offered a hefty sum of money for.

When the children had been younger and Jian Su not yet an adult, the three greedy youths had begun sucking up to their parents in hopes of being the one to get it after their deaths. No one could say why they turned out that way - some things could not be controlled by parents.

Jian Su had mostly fought to protect herself. When she had become a model, the fight had stopped - she clearly didn’t need the money anymore.

But the envy never vanished, and when Jian Su became hard to attack, they turned their attention to the easily attackable Jian Lin.

Jian Lin knew his uncles and his aunt as people who acted nice but casually and underhandedly insulted him. Every time he had visited them was hell, making him wish he didn’t have to see them at all.

He knew that Grandfather Jian was unable to cut ties with his children, but Jian Lin really didn’t want to get involved with the greedy bunch.

If Haven also had his parents and Grandpa, he’d have wondered if it wasn’t better to never wake up from it again.

“I’ll remember to call more often”, Jian Lin promised for the first time. He still remembered the lonesome person at the icy castle’s entrance, and he felt a strong need for his family’s warmth.

“Good boy”, Jian Su giggled childishly, hugging him again and kissing his hair.

The pair of parents and the grandfather did not want to leave at all. They lingered despite the late hour, only dejectedly standing up when the bodyguards reminded them of their long way back.

“Remember to eat breakfast before you play tomorrow. Also, take a walk… No, just sit under the sun for a while. Promise me, okay? Just a bit. How about we order you some training equipment for at home?”

“I’ve found some new good restaurants. I’ll send you the list later so you can order food there. Don’t always order the same, watch your diet, and make sure to have three meals a day. Maybe you should employ a cook? They could live in another flat and make whatever you’d like…”

Jian Lin pulled his head between his shoulders, looking at his father for help to escape the nagging. The tall model leaned against the wall, relaxed, and instead of helping gave his own well wishes.

“Have fun playing.”

Alright, Jian Lin also knew there was no stopping the two Jians in their worrying over him.

They came as they left, like the blizzard on the mountain - quick and loud. Jian Lin needed to sit down in silence for a while, his brain going through everything that had just happened.

Truthfully, he was tired now.

Jian Lin yawned loudly but got up and walked to his bathroom to take a shower. He cleaned up in a daze, opened his bedroom window to let some air in over night, and snuggled into his bed.

He woke to the first rays of the sunlight. Jian Lin was a person who hardly needed sleep, and his biological clock had him wake up as soon as the sun rose. He stretched, feeling awake immediately, and got to his morning routine.

He didn’t like the thought of taking a walk too much, but there was a place selling breakfast nearby and at this time of the day, it was quite empty.

The young man got dressed - including a mask - and walked out with his head lowered. The morning air was fresh and cool with a nice breeze messing up his hair.

The owner of the store recognized him. Her face was plump, and her cheeks would make her eyes narrow whenever she smiled. Even at first glance she was a joyful and kind person. “Good morning! What can I help you with today?”

Jian Lin wordlessly pointed at some things behind the glass. She took no offense at his silence, blabbing away happily about the weather and how the seasons were changing. She wrapped everything up carefully and added a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The woman winked at him. “A bonus for a regular.”

The act drew a small smile out of Jian Lin.

He took his time walking back and also took his time to eat his breakfast with all windows opened.

Once that was done, he relaxed a bit with some videos about Haven before closing the windows, making sure the door was locked and approaching his capsule.

He wriggled inside it, getting comfortable. Slowly he closed his eyes and the familiar loading screen appeared again.

Inside the game, the Ice Emperor leisurely stretched on the bed, just as Jian Lin had done after waking up. It was still early, and his friend-list did not yet show Bloody as online. To his surprise, Knightrider was already awake, and he immediately sent Ice a message asking to meet up.

It was hard for the mage to reject the other. All disappointment from back then aside, the person behind Knightrider had been someone Ice liked a lot.

In the quiet corner of a medieval-style tavern, Knightrider beamed at Ice. “It’s too bad we didn’t have time to talk yesterday! I had always been wondering if the Ice Emperor was you, but the moment I saw you directly, I was sure.”

Knightrider had a peculiar way of talking. It was friendly and cheerful, but at the same tone, his intonation made one feel like he was holding a conversation on his own. It was always clear when he expected an answer and when he didn’t, like in that moment.

In a way, it made things easier for Ice. He didn’t have to lead the conversation.

On the other hand…

The image of Bloodless Sunset, who always tried to ask his opinion without forcing an answer, popped up inside Ice’s head. He pushed it away.

Grandpa Jian is a supportive and cheerful old man, Anthony is a calm and friendly guy and Jian Su is...... Well, let's say that she knows how to stand her ground.
I really wanna raise the pace with uploading but I can't yet. I'm halfway through writing the first arc only :C

Little Theater:

Bloody: "Mom-in-law!"
Mom: "........"
Dad: "Honey, no."
Dad: "Put the knife away."
Grandpa: wipes tear "That's my daughter!"