Chapter 18
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“Girls what’s going on? I thought we planned this out? Why isn’t it working?”

I can hear you, you know? And of course it’s not working. I know of your treacherous plan, I’ve been using my wind to keep the bottle passing me. How they have not figured it out, I don’t know.

“Hmm? Did we have a plan? Wanna let me in on it?” Yuki hums in a cheery tone. Her tail brushing against me every so often. I had to quickly tuck my tail away and keep it on my left side, she wouldn’t stop brushing against it and that is not a good idea right now.

“I mean she figured it out pretty quickly. So there’s no point in keeping it secret anymore is there?” Grrr Mina stop talking! Everyone knows but why do you have to say it out loud!

“Girls, I think she’s had enough. Look at poor Luxie, she’s changing between contentment, annoyance and paranoia.”

Aaah, Kyoka I love you. Thank you my saviour, wait, no. She’s also a traitor! Curses.

Yuki looks at me with her icy blue eyes, and I find myself staring, my own golden eyes slightly reflected in hers.

“Ah. I see.” She takes on a playful smirk, while curling her tail around my arm. Why does she have to use the tail! Is she in control of her instincts? Maybe she doesn’t have them? Maybe she doesn’t realise the implication of using her tail? Bah, who am I trying to fool. Of course she knows.

You know kitty, you’re purring again.” She whispers into my ear, the hot air of her breathe sending shivers from the top of my head to the end of my tail making my fur stand on end.


“Okay okay, enough teasing the poor animal.”

“...Ochaco, I assume you didn’t mean to say that last part out loud?” (Kyoka)

“Woopsie?” (Ochaco)

Even I find myself laughing at her blunder. I mean, calling me an animal at this point isn’t wrong, I am guided by instincts, not that I can do much about it.

“You know. As fun as it is teasing you Luxie, do you want me to help you? Like I think yours are more intense than mine, but I still have to deal with instincts you know?”

I look at my saviour, forgetting everything she’s done to tease me so far. I plead with my eyes and she lets out a chuckle, in the same low rumbling tone as her purr. Ah she’s making me melt.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’ll help.” She smiles at me. At this point I’ll take any help where I can get it. 

We have been to doctors, veterinarians, even zoologists trying to figure out how to deal with my instincts. Apparently feline humanoids are so rare nobody knows how to deal with the ‘negatives’.

Yuki takes my hand and starts emitting her row rumbling purr. “See? You’re purring without being unaware, simply instinctually resonating with me. The first thing you have to do is be aware that you are exhibiting a feline behaviour. Then focus on that instinct, but instead of trying to force it away or stop, simply guide it into another action.”

Is it truly that simple? Maybe it is, I’ve never tried.

I close my eyes and focus on the point in my body where the purring sound is coming from. Finding it I try to do as she says, and I visualise guiding the energy used for my instinct into channeling a current of air in the room, creating a pleasant breeze.

When I open my eyes I’m smiling, the purring is gone, but if I let the channeling go it’ll come back. Yuki is reflecting my smile, before it turns into a playful grin. “Good job, but you know, that won’t work for when you’re in heat.”

The girls starts squealing and laughing, before Mina just has to open her mouth. “Now the poor girl is growling.”