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Player: Erik –
Affiliation: Chaos, Frost Wolf Tribe (Skaeling Confederacy)
Patron: Khorne; Slaanesh; Nurgle; Tzeentch

Title(s): Chief of the Winter Hunt (+5 CHAR); Vanquisher of Beastmen (+10 CHAR fighting/talking to Beastmen); Champion Slayer (increased Favour gain); Sacker of Sainte Denise (increased chance of finding valuables); Scourge of Couronne (decreased morale for Brettonian enemies); Casanova (all females are more susceptible to CHAR, +100%); Privateer (increased loot when under contract)

Player stats:
Strength (STR):                75 ->
 92 (+100% Berserk)
Dexterity (DEX):              70 ->
86 (+10 from Contract) (Total: 96)
Constitution (CON):       70 ->
Wisdom (WIS):                 70 ->
Charisma (CHAR):           58 ->
74 (+200% for females) (+15 from Titles) (Total: 89)

Player Favour:
Khorne:              4232 (+1732)            
-2000              =                            2232
Slaanesh:           3420 (+869)               
-1600               =                           1820
Nurgle:               2888 (+315)               
-1500              =                             1388
Tzeentch:           5062 (+2600)            
-3000             =                             2062

 (Earn Favour by performing actions that either directly please your Patron or are in line with their commandments.)

Favour can now be exchanged for Patron Deity’s Abilities, Gifts and Bonuses.

(Shop tab available!)

Khorne:               -Berserk II (Active) Lv. 2 (+)– Activated at will or when extremely agitated. Temporarily doubles STR stat.
Slaanesh:            -Pheromones II (Passive) Lv. 7 (+2)– Attract members of the opposite sex. Gain better initial relation and get better prices when buying or selling items.
Nurgle:                -Regeneration III (Passive) Lv. 4 (+2)– Limbs can now easily be fully restored, even Trolls envy your perseverance!
Tzeentch:           -Encyclopaedia II (Passive) Lv. 2 (+7) – Allows the user to gather and store information. Also provides a basic understanding of new discoveries and first encounters.

NEW abilities:
-Crossbreeder (Passive) Lv. WISH  – Able to breed with anything of the opposite gender.
-Grow Warband (Passive) Lv. WISH – As Player’s reputation & prowess grow, warriors will flock to your banner.
-Magic sense (Passive) Lv. 6 (+3) – Sense Winds of Magic density in the area and detect spells being cast.
-Evade death II (Passive) Lv. 6 (+3) – Upon receiving a lethal or incapacitating hit, maintain peak fighting form for 15 minutes. Can receive healing to cancel ‘death’.
-Inventory IV (Active) Lv. 10 (+5) – Store 50+ (total ability Lv. * 10)= 250 items or stacks of materials.
-Warcry III (Active) Lv. 2 (+) – Let loose a mighty Warcry, rejuvenates soldiers & lift morale whilst reducing enemy morale.

(Abilities can be improved by spending Favour or with repeated use of the ability.)

Player weapon proficiencies:
Unarmed:           204 (+50)
One-handed:     480 (+81)
Two-handed:     472 (+76)
Polearms:           615 (+26)
Archery:              50
Throwing:           461 (+6)
Firearms:            50

Player armour proficiencies:
Unarmoured:                   60
Medium armour:            256 (+43)
Heavy armour:                280 (+67)
Magic armour:                 (LOCKED)

Player Magic proficiencies:
-Blue/Heavens: 10
-Red/Fire: 45 (+21)
-Yellow/Metal: 82 (+42)
-Brown/Beasts: 10
-Green/Life: 10
-White/Light: 10
-Purple/Death: 10
-Grey/Shadow: 10

-True Magic (Chaos): 149 (+69)
-Dark: unavailable (requires mastery of 3+ Winds over 100)
-Ice: unavailable (=/= Kislevite)
-Blood: unavailable (=/= Vampire)
-WAAAGH!: unavailable (=/= Greenskin)

Player Magic spells:
-Slot 1: Summon Contract
-Slot 2: Forge Daemonic Contract
-Slot 3: Plague of Rust / Shimmering Steel
-Slot 4: Burning Head
-Slot 5: 

(Next Spell Slot Unlock: 500 Favour)

Player mutations:
Right arm: Chitinous Claw morph – A strong, razor sharp claw capable of rending armour.
Right arm: Tentacle morph – An extendable mass of muscle with high sensitivity and great strength.


Skadi (Qhonnith), High Daemoness of Slaanesh.

Provides a large buff to DEX, improves rate of gained Slaaneshi Favour, improves rate of improvement for Slaaneshi skills.

Upkeep: One soul a day.

Contracted Summons: Bloodletter Commander, Daemonette Commander, Plaguebearer Commander, Pink Horror Commander and their Legions.

Upkeep: Every other Soul reaped by Contracted.

Familiar Summons: Flesh Hounds (x50); Tongue Flayers (x50); Plague Hounds (x50); Screamers (x50); Chaos Furies (x200)

Upkeep: None. Survivors allowed to feast on the fallen.


Lupa, Ice Wolf Queen
Geri & Freki, Male Ice Wolf (King) Young Adults
Tina, Gina & Nina, Female Ice Wolf (Queen) Young Adults

Al-Gheist, giant Daemonic horse