Chapter 60
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Kade’s Strength was high, and his Dexterity was alright, so his running speed was quite fast. But he hadn’t expected that this feeble-looking youth could so easily keep up with him.


After looking at the youth for a moment, Kade realized that he had used Haste on himself.


Wizards were still great because this was still before the fall of the Font of Magic--they could easily find and use Spells that made up for their weaknesses, even allowing them to move at speeds that could match most front-line Classes.


Kade glanced over his shoulder and saw a great number of Skeletal Warhorses chasing the two of them. Flying in the sky above the warhorses was a huge wave of flying Crazy Ghosts.


Looking at the Ghosts, Kade felt shocked.


These Ghosts weren’t at all like the low-level Ghost that he had met earlier; they were intelligent, high-level Ghost--if he fought fought alone, Kade could barely rely on his Holy Water to get rid of a dozen or so, against so many…Kade could only flee for his life.


“What did you do? How did you cause so many Ghosts to rebel?” Kade shouted, shocked.


He had suffered an unexpected disaster, this kind of scene should be rare in the Despair Hills.


Necromancers naturally had an extremely strong desire to control. Very few would have this kind of uprising when controlling their ghosts…it was simply too rare.


The youth was panting while following Kade, “Ah? I didn’t do anything?”


“I just proposed, nothing more!”




Kade felt stunned.


He wasn’t sure what a proposal and a Ghost Uprising may have in common…


The Skeletal Warhorses were very fast, and the two humans had limited Stamina; if they kept running like this, they would be overtaken sooner or later.


Kade didn’t know what to do. Regardless of how rich his experience was, he couldn’t have foreseen running into such a large Ghost Uprising in the Despair Hills.


There was nowhere he could hide, because of the Undead’s tracking and detection Skills. He couldn’t break away either, because of the Ghosts flying high in the sky and watching the two boys.


At that moment, the youth suddenly pulled Kade closer, “Follow me!”


Kade staggered when the boy dragged him, but he soon recovered, ‘Where are you leading?”


The youth panted, pointing at a tomb a short distance away, “My Home. They can’t enter--follow me, it’s safe!”


Kade decided to follow the boy without fighting him, because he seemed strangely familiar with this.


Just after the two of them jumped into the rather shallow tomb, a black barrier suddenly rose up.


The rumble of the warhorses’ hooves thundered on top of the black barrier, as numerous Skeletal Warhorses gathered above them, more and more high-leveled Ghosts attacked the barrier.


But, even if the black barrier seemed quite weak, it was actually incredibly durable.


“Gosh, that scared the crap out of me!” The youth sat down on the ground, “I’m completely exhausted…”


Kade paused, “What’s going on with these Ghosts?”


The youth reached over and patted Kade’s head, chanting an incantation; soon Kade felt himself calm down.


He had used Soothe.



The youth who had caused the Ghost Uprising in the Despair Hills was called Fidel. Even though he looked young, he was, in fact, more than forty years old.


His home was actually under the tomb, in a spacious underground cave.


Someone who lived in this kind of place was definitely a Necromancer, but this guy was…strange. In general, Necromancers didn’t like normal people; but Kade didn’t sense even the least bit of evil intent, or even corruption, from Fidel. He was very strange for a Necromancer--not only was he familiar from the start, he also loved chatting.


While hiding from the Ghost Uprising above them, Kade listened to Fidel’s complaints.


But the truth, shocked Kade, “You fell in love with a Lich?”


“Well, she used to be a beautiful woman?” Fidel looked away with his cheeks reddening.


“I understand…so you proposed?”


“Well…” Fidel seemed to flinch.


“It looks like your proposal was rejected. Then, you offended her and she used her Ghost Army to deal with you? So, it wasn’t an Uprising, but someone controlled them?”


Kade felt that if it wasn’t for the threat to his life, he would have found it quite amusing.


A Necromancer and a Lich, this kind of pairing--there weren’t many like it in Feinan, right?


Wait a minute…


Kade’s memories played like a slideshow before he finally remembered.


Could this guy be the famous Mad Lich Fidel?


The abnormal guy that made every Player who entered the Despair Hills suffer?


He didn’t look the same though.


Kade recalled the Player’s description of Mad Lich Fidel. They didn’t match the chatterbox Necromancer that stood in front of Kade…wait, someone did mention that he talk a lot.


Even though Kade had first logged into the game in Jewel Bay, but he mostly went North as he leveled-up, and very rarely entered areas to the South of Despair Hills--having only known Ghost Valley because of the lore.


With regards to the Mad Lich’s story, he only knew bits an pieces.



“Damn…even if I failed this time, it’ll definitely work next time!” Fidel said to himself, “I spent a large amount to buy 999 roses from a northern merchant…why didn’t Sasha like it?”


Fidel sat down, distressed, starting to ponder deeply.


Sasha was the name of a Lich, it was said that before she turned, she was a very beautiful woman.


Kade put together the pieces of the story that he knew.


It’s just that, he suddenly felt a little sad.


He stood up and patted Fidel on the shoulder, “Hey, relax. Maybe next time will be a success?”



The Mad Lich’s story was a little funny.


Yet, it was also quite miserable.


Fidel and Sasha were close friends, Apprentice Wizards, who both loved each other. But, because of an accident, Sasha turned into a Lich.


A beautiful girl because a skeleton. She couldn’t stand this, causing her temperament to change. Even if she had a huge amount of Magic Power, she had lost her Human body--she became shy, withdrawn, staying away from other people as much as she could.


But, one person didn’t abandon her--Fidel.


Fidel followed Sasha to Despair Hills, advancing to Necromancer along the way. For the time being, Sasha ignored Fidel; whenever he tried to get close, she would use her Magic to drive him out--but she didn’t want to actually harm him.


This was why those Skeletal Warhorses, which should normally be able to catch them, made sure to stay a certain distance behind them.


She didn’t want the man she loved to see her current state, so she chose to repel him


In the game, Fidel never gave up on pursuing Sasha.


After one of his failed attempts, he thought that the reason why Sasha didn’t want to meet him was because he was still a Human and she was a Lich. Therefor, he asked a high-level Lich to turn him into on--this way he would be able to be together with Sasha.


The ceremony was a success.


But the ending was a little sad:


After turning into a Lich, Fidel looked for Sasha, but he found the good-looking youthful girl that he remembered.


Fidel had worked hard to turn himself into a Lich, while the Lich worked hard to get her Human body back.


She was successful by using the Body Revival Skill.


But, he wasn’t Human at that time.


They both missed each other.


The two met each other one day, and Fidel fell into madness.