5 – Permission Granted
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Heeding no warning, the writing on the aura display suddenly changed,

"Watchers Permission Granted -Seal Removed"

"Oh, look!" Aurelius spoke with surprise.

The rest of Keristis' abilities came down as rows in a flash of light.

"Let's see here, so your name is Keristis? That's... interesting. You have your Stages which aren't elaborated on apart from their names which are Sense, Strength, Agility and Connection... what ever that is." Serulia's mind was more fixated on the words in front of her rather than speaking. "Here we are, main powers. Time Dilation, Lesser Control, Foresight and finally Weapon Proficiency. The last one is something all Summons that use a weapon have, it seems yours is for that spear you have."

Aurelius spoke up again, “Foresight, eh? That's pretty unusual."

"Are you just ignoring the other two that we have absolutely no information on?" Serulia asked him, her eyebrows raised.

"Of course! It's just that I want to focus on the easier things first to take it all in."

"I don't know if you're incredibly dense or incredibly smart."

"Ow, my pride." Aurelius laughed, "Now that's out of the way I guess me and Keristis can get going?"

"I think that'd be best, I'll just finish up the registration here so you can be on your way."

Aurelius turned around. Keristis followed suit, standing up and picking up his spear. It seemed to be a bit lighter than a few minutes ago, not a bad thing but just... strange. Did the reading amplify his strength slightly? He couldn't know, not yet.

"Oh! Just a second Aurelius," Serulia waved with a card in her hand, "I almost forgot to give you Keristis' summon card." She handed to Keristis.

"Ah, thanks." Aurelius took it off of Keristis' hands and dissipated it into a yellowish smoke.

"What are you doing? I can't replicate that!" Serulia exclaimed in surprise.

"I have spatial magic."

"Oh. I forgot you can do that." She spoke, dumbfounded,

"I'll be seeing you then."

"Yeah, see you later."

The pair, Summoner and Summon, walked away. Some that were in the hall were in stunned silence, others were sharing whispers about what they had witnessed and a small number were conversing, paying no mind to the irregular pair.

Another door awaited the two as they reached the end of the room, it opened without an instigating motion. It was equally as grand and great as the summoning chamber door. Stepping through it, Aurelius let Keristis know his immediate plan.

"So, we're going to see an old friend of mine, he's got a few Summons too like everyone else here. He's employed as a higher-up in the administration department so while we're there I'll get a job for us. I think it'll give you your first experience in this line of work." 

Aurelius' face drew an expression of realisation,

"Ah, I guess I have to explain some things to you now don't I. Now that you're a fully fledged Summon you can start to expect some more answers out of me. Basically, one-hundred or so years ago, there was this... deity that came down from somewhere, they said a great calamity was due on our world. People were given some strange magic powers, next thing you know most of the world is running around with age-old warriors reborn from the dead and some that haven't even existed yet."

The voice chimed in with a declaiming remark,                            | Before you ask, no, I am not the 'deity' that this man speaks of. Although if I am right in thinking of who he describes, I am good friends with her. |

Aurelius continued, none the wiser, "A few months go by, after this deity comes, then one day these creatures start appearing everywhere. Quite similar to the Summons that already existed albeit much more crazy and bloodthirsty. Due to the first Summoners not having a lot of experience, the creatures easily overwhelmed the people, driving us away from our main cities and country capitals and leading us to safer places where we sort of re-established order and built upon the small towns and villages in the lesser populated areas, they call this event ‘The Fall’. It was only 6 or so years ago that this organisation was formed, the Skyhost Collective. Totally creative thinking, as we're currently in the country of Skyhost. It's the most prominent Summoner Organisation that we know exists and is looked to as the legislature when is comes to laws regarding us, because when things go wrong..."

His face turned to an expression responding to painful feelings long-suppressed.

"They really do go wrong."

The sudden change in demeanour created an atmosphere that chilled Keristis. Was there a side to the story that he wasn't hearing? He didn't want to dwell on it. Aurelius' demeanour switched back to its regular nature.

“Oh, looks like we're here."

The building they were in had an obvious theme, that was regality highlighted by the frequent appearance of golden-embellished walls and doors. However, there seemed to be more natural light seeping in through the window compared to the room they were in earlier, the visible clarity and condition that the windows seemed to be maintained in was something to marvel at.

Aurelius stepped infront of the door and it swung wide open, inviting him and Keristis inside.

"Hey! How you been Cosel?" Aurelius gleefully enquired.

"Well, look who came back." A deep voice came from the burly man sat at the desk. His face was battle-worn yet emitted a warm, familiar feeling similar to being welcomed home after a long time. As soon as the words escaped from the man's mouth, Keristis suddenly became aware of an even larger presence in the room.

Directly behind the man, stood in a menacing position was the embodiment of intimidation. A dragon. It towered even more so than Keristis, a full head upwards was what you needed to see its face. Turning its head, the icy glare that came with it froze Keristis in position, whether it was out of fear of the creature or respect for the man for seemingly not giving it a thought, he couldn't tell. The scaled giant's scale could be considered equal to the vastness of an ocean, wild waves crashing at your side. It was apparent that the dragon knew something that Keristis didn't, because as soon as it looked at him it was clear to see that he recognised him and it bowed its head immediately.

The man shouted out in surprise, "Woah, Tyophis! What's with this reaction?"

A response was heard from the dragon, its voice boomed and erupted, echoing with ease,

"This should not be. I feel like I have known this being for eons, akin to a family."

"You, what, know him? He's not even been alive again for a day yet and now the Draconic Lord says he knows him?" Aurelius' excitement was contagious as Keristis, too, couldn't fully interpret what was being said.

Tyophis agreed, "Indeed, something is different about this one. He has an aura nearly identical to my own; it is something I have only felt once before."

"Which was..?"

"The sensation I felt when I was first reawakened, amidst the darkness before my summoning, I saw a figure much the same as your Protector's. May he converse with me, please?"

Aurelius sighed, "For some reason, he can't speak."

"I ask of you, attempt to make a sound at the very least." The dragon inclined Keristis to do so.

With all his effort, Keristis attempted once more to speak. The same distorted sound was emitted instead.

"I see. This is peculiar." Tyophis furrowed his scaled brow. If it had to be that he could not communicate with Keristis, he would have to wait for the time when it became possible. "I hope I do not have to wait long before we can commune." Tyophis lowered his head and shut his eyes.

What a strange thing, Keristis thought.

"I'll, er, ask him about that later." Cosel turned back around to face the two, "Aside from that, it's been fairly quiet around here this morning. Who's that?" The man pointed towards the clueless Keristis, whose attention was caught by looking around in awe at the sublime furniture arranged in the room. In every piece there seemed to be a few different gemstones engraved into the grooves, distinguished by the colour contrast made by them and the dark, glossy wood that they sat in. Internally, however, he felt some disdain towards all of the lavishness.

"My new Summon, Keristis." Aurelius grinned whilst he spotlighted his companion.

"He can't talk? At all?"

"For some reason, no. I assumed he was able too as he's very... humanoid?"

"Well, that's a shame. I was going to ask his opinion on this." Cosel reached below inside his desk and pulled out a case; its iridescent glamour cascaded into view.