Oh cramp!
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They decided to meet at 11 a.m at the diversion where they usually say goodbye.

Ichinose didn't slept half of the night just planning for their date like where they will go and things they will do.

( We will go to amusement park first and play until 2 p.m then we will take light lunch then will go to watch a movie where I can hold her han...no no that's too lewd let's just focus on pure date which can make a great impact on her.I will make everything perfect for her.I have to arrive early and compliment her and...)

He kept murmuring until 2 .am then he finally slept after writing down all his master plan.

Next day:

-onii chan why are you getting ready like you are going on a date?

-because I am going on a one.

He specially spent 20 minutes to set his hair .Wore his new purchased denim jacket with  a white t shirt inside which showed his deep collar bone and pair of jeans .The way he go to school and the way he is going on date is completely 180°.

-Kanae- is it with that umbrella girl  which is rumoured idol ,goddess or whatever?

-Ichinose- you saw us that day.

-Kanae- onii chan please choose your partner carefully this time I don't know about this goddess of yours but I don't want you to get hurt again like last time.

(Ah she still remember that day)

-Ichinose- she is different don't worry.

(I told her but I already know I am lying to her because this is the first and last date I am going with Sakura)

He arrived at 10 a.m just to prepare himself.He was nervous and kept repeating what he had to do today.

Soon it was 11.00 am

(Ah I was hoping that she will come earlier but it's okay )

11.30 p.m

(She is late should I call her ...nah I will sound like desperate)

12.00 p.m

*Beep* *beep*


(Strange she is not picking phone is she ignoring me or something happened )

He kept on calling her until 1.30

(I think I should return ...it's like I was the only happy about today )

But suddenly he don't know what happened to him he headed toward her house without even thinking anything.

(If this is where we end this fake relation then be it)



A girl  looking not much older than Ichinose opened door .

- ah I am Asahara Ichinose , Masahare san's friend .Is she at home?

- oh you are Ichinose ..mom told me about you and she was right you are indeed hot ....come inside!

He was embarrassed to be praised by her but he was more nervous about Sakura's reason.

They went to 1st floor where there was two room .

As he went upstairs with Sakura's sister (probably) she pointed toward a room.

- She is inside go and do it with moderation okay we are still downstairs ....


After she went downstairs,he entered a room and a very similar scent engulfed his nose ..yeah it was Sakura's scent.

He saw her lying down on a bed with a band aid on her left ankle.

Author: yeah do it with moderation our Sakura is still pure about these things;)