Chapter 4
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"Careful, Nines. I don't want either of you coming back with bruises, Especially your sister."

In response to what our mother said, Alice just faced away and sighed. As for me, I was testing out the rack at the back of my bike by roughly bouncing on it. I don't think anyone has really ridden on it before, At least not while my bike was moving. Apparently, Alice got her bike messed up and had it fixed in a shop. Naturally, Since we didn't have any means of transportation, She had to ride on mine.

As our mother left, I got on my bike and waited for my sister.

"What? I know I haven't done this before but we're going to be late."

For some reason, Alice simply stood there. She was making a concerned face as she crossed her arms.

"I'm not worried about that. I feel like I- Oh wait."

Suddenly, She lifted her skirt. Grey underwear. Although it wasn't as lacy as the one she had yesterday, It was lacy nonetheless. Wide eyed, I quickly beckoned here to drop it.

"Should I go...?"

"We're riding on a bike, I recommend it."

A few minutes later, She came back. This time, She wore a pair of pitch black bike shorts under her school uniform.


We rode, Closely feeling today's morning wind. Just like usual, It was uncomfortably cold. Thank goodness, I didn't forget to bring a jacket.

"Hey, Nines, Your arms feel cold."

Unfortunately, Alice forgot hers and I couldn't bear it so I gave her mine. Fuck, I might get myself a cold again. Despite being unnecessary, I pedaled faster to warm myself up. Although, Alice didn't need to hug me tighter than necessary as well, Damn it.

Eventually, We arrived at the rear school gate and I locked my bike alongside rows of others.

"Alice ,My jacket. Please."

I was feeling quite cold to the touch so I quickly asked for it. My goodness, Pedaling faster did next to nothing.

"... Thanks for that."

"Yeah, Yeah."

Not quite looking in my eyes, She thanked me. I didn't want to catch a cold, So I did a few squats before ##££ and I went on our separate ways.


I arrived in my classroom.

As usual, I exchanged a few meaningless chatter with my classmates here and there. Class started and before I knew it, It was lunch time. I wasted no time unwrapping my lunch box. Although most of my classmates preferred buying lunch else where, I always had mom cook mine. She was quite delighted to do it for me. What was just a way for me to save allowance turned into a habit. Shame Alice didn't want to do the same.

Eating with a few classmates, I soon finished eating. However, I ended up feeling thirsty. Telling my friends that I was going to the toilet for a bit, I left. Of course, I wasn't really going to the lavatory. I went down to the first floor and entered a seemingly unimportant hallway. It was sightly dimmer and felt more echoey. At the end of it, There stood two doors. One lead to an empty room, and the other to my destination. The latter was locked from both sides, but by punching the area around the knob and tugging on it, It eventually came unlocked.

Opening it led to an area grassy area with cracked concrete. There was a steel fence separating it from a boorish wooded area, A bench and, The most important thing of all, A vending machine. I cracked a grin and inserted a coin. Without wasting a second, I mashed its buttons and shook it vigorously, Ending everything with another punch. As it rumbled, My heart began to beat faster. Suddenly, Cans fell out of it, Although not for long, I managed to get a total of eight of them. Fuck yeah.

It wasn't a lot compared to before but it was fine.

Cracking one open, I sat on the bench and stared at the sky. Silence... Although hear the inaudible voices of other students, It only fuelled the feeling of solitude I was currently feeling. I wasn't used to it, but it does give me peace. What do I do now? I can't drink all of it alone and I don't think I can carry it back because it would make my bag too bulky. It would be too much of a hindrance, Especially with Aris behind me. I can't share it, I already did two days ago. I wouldn't want to them to grow suspicious and, Dare I say, Entitled to them. Also, The tennis club... Well, Can't do anything about that. As I was about to grab another can, I quickly ripped my gaze away from the sky and looked around me because of a weird noise.

On the steel fences, A girl, Sitting parallel to the fence, Each leg in different sides. Looking straight at me.