Chapter 2 – A different world?
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Continuing my advance through the light I could see another side.

As the light faded I could see the other side better.

What awaits me beyond the light? A forest? A town?

As the light finally fades away what I see is not a forest or a town but sand.

Sand as far as the eye can see in every direction.

Is this a desert? Of all the places I could be it had to be a desert. In the sky, there is a blazing hot sun and unfortunately, it looks to be early in the morning.

Looking around I could see some high dunes in the distance, that could give me a good view of the surroundings. Deciding to climb them I begin my march towards them. The sand and the heat did not make this easy usually this distance of what looks to be at least 100 metres would not be a problem.

Finally reaching the dune I begin to climb. The sand is unstable but I need to see the surrounding. Anyway, I will most likely either die here by falling in the sand or from the heat, so I am prepared for the risks for a chance to find a way out.

After about twenty minutes of climbing, I have finally reached the top, kneeling so as not to fall I look at my surroundings. There is mostly sand in all directions however I can see something in the distance that looks to be about five miles away. Could it be civilisation? Or is it a desert mirage?

Climbing down the dune I decide to go towards what could be civilisation.

Once at the bottom I have started to continue my journey.

I have been walking for what feels like hours but I have not found anything yet. Will I die here? Or will I find help before then?


What was that?


Panicking I look around trying to find the source of the sound.


Following the sound I see it standing about 30 metres from me is what looks like a wolf with fur the colour of sand.

I try to run but I can’t. Why can’t I move? Is it because I'm scared?
The wolf-like animal starts to run towards me. Why can I not still move?

The wolf gets faster covering the distance quicker.

Is this how I am going to die? Killed by a wolf.

I close my eyes ready to die.

I wait but nothing happens. Opening my eyes I see the wolf on the ground dead with an arrow in its head.

What happened?

“What are you doing out here alone?”

A man's voice suddenly shouted to me.

Looking towards the man I see he is wearing a cloak that covering his face. He’s moving towards me but he isn’t walking. Looking down I see he is moving with the sand like he’s surfing on the sand.

Getting closer the man lowers his hood. He looks like he is in his twenties with blue eyes, shoulder-length sand coloured hair and long ears.

Humans don’t have ears that long. An elf?

But if he is an elf and what he did with the sand surfing is magic this can't be earth.

Is this a different world?

Moving towards me the elf stopped and looked surprised.

“What is a vampire doing in a desert alone?”

He asked sounding surprised. Wait what does he mean my vampire. No one else is here.

Does he mean me?