The Wounded
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He awoke in the same room but thankfully no one was on him. Somehow, Plasia and Moltezz had appeared from somewhere, although currently both Leech and Moltezz were busy, pinning down Plasia and having their way with her, not that she seemed to be resisting. He glanced down at himself to see that he was practically drowned in various different slimes and goo's, suggesting that all 3 of them had been on him at some point. One thing was for certain though, he hurt, he really hurt. Leechs pain numbing goo was wearing off and the cramping inside him was getting worse. Something was amiss though, the 3 of them seemed to be getting smaller to his blurred vision, he felt himself being moved slowly. One of his arms was strung up by something and using all his strength, he glanced up to see a familiar face, slowly dragging him by his arm out of the room.

The furry orange hand of Trent was tightly grasping his own ooze swamped hand as the fox was pulling Diego away. How Trent had escaped was unknown but he had and he was doing his best to sneak Diego out undetected, which was fairly easy considering how caught up the threesome was. Diego simply couldn't help out though, he hurt too much and was too exhausted to do anything. He was wheezing painfully with each breath he took, struggling to take in air properly. Trent didn't know how long they'd have until they'd be discovered, Diego was leaving a huge trail of multi-coloured goo as he was being dragged, so finding them would be easy, it was just how long Leech and Moltezz were going to be caught up in raping Plasia, or when Seeth would return until they were going to be discovered. Half way down the corridor, Trent sighed and stopped. Seeing the state Diego was in. He was completely fucked, the lizard couldn't move himself. He was limp and strengthless, completely exhausted and overwhelmed by what he'd just been through. His body incapable of even trembling it was so exhausted, his tail dragging awkwardly across the floor and bent out of shape by Leechs grip on it. The lizard was an absolute fucking ruin right now, his abdomen bloated and full, distorting his muscular tone and body shape, he almost looked pregnant it was that bad.

"Diego man, get up! We can get out now!" He shook the lizards shoulder and tried to "wake" up, but alas, the lizard was well awake, he just couldn't move. "cmon buddy, we can get out of here now! You just need to get up, i can't drag you through all of this!". Diego was silent, unable to do anything, he might as well have been comatose at this point. Trent sat on the floor, leaning against the wall, holding his head in his hands. "I tried to free others but i couldn't get to any of them. I found that shark guy Tome, but he didn't want to leave, Leech had already broken him." Despair and depression gripping him as he witnessed first hand what they'd done to Diego, the lizards slime drenched body was coated in a thick multicoloured ooze of the different girls different goo's, all mixing together. Literally, every inch of him was completely swamped in the stuff, Trent could only guess as to how long they'd been raping him. It was genuinely difficult to recognise Diego under all of it. Yet he managed to snap out of his despair and formed a new plan. He wasn't about to just give up, not with how far he'd already come, he wasn't going to throw in the towel yet. So he wouldn't escape tonight... it would just have to be delayed a little longer until Diego could get his strength back.

"Listen buddy, i can't drag you out of here, i need you to at least be able to walk and it would better if you could fight... Cmon, i have an idea. I just hope i can pull this off." He stood up again, and began heaving Diego down the corridor by his arm again. "Diego, can you tell me which one of these rooms is Seeths?". The lizard weakly raised his free hand about an inch off the floor and pointed it at a near by door before i fell to the floor again, landing with a wet thump as it did. "Ok buddy, i need you to listen closely." He pulled Diego into Seeths large room and left him in the middle of it, on the floor. "This is all i can do right now, you're gonna have to spend tonight with Seeth, theres nothing i can do about that. Hopefully she'll take pity on you, maybe shower you or something man, i don't know. But i'll come back as soon as i can when the coast is clear and you're feeling a bit stronger, as soon as its clear, even if Seeth leaves for just a minute i'll be in, so be ready, when i do, we get the fuck out of this place. In the meantime, i gotta find somewhere to hide. Try and get your strength back man, i need you to be strong. We both need you to be strong...." He sighed and shook his head. "I can't believe i just saw that... Leech is a monster. I'm so sorry man, i'm sorry i didn't get there in time." He clenched his teeth and snarled a bit, the whole scenario pissing him off. He then dashed off, leaving the door slightly open to look like Diego had crawled there himself and completely disappeared, off to find somewhere to hide.

The lizard wheezed on the floor, breathing deeply to try and get some air into his wrecked body. His mind couldn't focus on anything and he drifted in and out of conciousness on the floor. A couple of hours went by where nothing happened, literally nothing. Only his painfully breathing and the occasional loud wail of Plasia breaking the absolute silence in Seeths room. It must have been late at night when Seeth finally returned. She had a new mark with her, who was tied up with a bag over her head, only a small little petite thing, no older than 24. Seeth was pushing her into her room when she spotted Diego on the floor. His state shocking her as his pained wheezy breaths echoed into her ears.

"Holy fucking hell." Seeth exclaimed, literally pushing the small girl over to get to Diego, her landing with a muffled scream and a painful thump on the floor. Seeth clicked her fingers a couple of times and a few corseted women arrived in seconds, standing just inside the room, waiting for Seeths orders. Seeth stood between the two collapsed figures, deciding between them. "Do i fuck the new virgin mark? Or sort him out....?" She looked at the new girl, eyeing up her small feminine body and biting her lip a little, then glancing back at Diego to see him cough a little on the slime that was seeping down his throat. That was when Seeth noticed that the slime on him was varying in colour and she clocked on to what must have happened. She huffed and pointed at the new girl. "I want her gone for now, secure her with the others but tag her as new. And tell Leech when shes not busy that i want a word with her. Assuming that this blue slime on him is Plasia's, that'll mean shes getting raped right now by Leech, and most likely Moltezz too, so she'll be busy.".

The squad of women nodded and hauled the girl off, leaving Diego and Seeth alone, closing the door behind them. Seeth kneeled down to get a good look at her lizard, shocked to see him in such a state.

"I knew Leech would go a little crazy on you... but this? I never expected this. This is what she does to Tome most nights, only his internals have been... modified... by her so she can do it without killing him." Seeth seemed genuinely sorry for what had happened, looking down at him with sorrowful eyes, he couldn't even return the stare. She turned a bit harsher for a second though. "I guess you've learnt your lesson now then. Lets hope you actually learn something here. Guess i'd better sort you out." She hauled him up in the air, and carried him off to her private shower room, she propped him up on a seat she had in there but upon leaving him for a second, he just collapsed off it.

She picked him up again and held him up in the water, deciding it was the only way to do it. "Bah, i was planning on having some fun with you tonight as well. Guess thats off the list. Moltezz get you to? Oh jesus christ Diego..." As she held upright, a ton of fluids and goo's gushed out from under him, he must have lost about 10 kg in weight from the built up slime leaving his body. "I guess thats a yes then." She added, seeing the vast amount of pinky red slime mixed in. It took her the better part of an hour to finally wash all the slimes off him and out from his hair, he was still coughing up Plasia's neon blue goo as she took him out and dried him off. She had to hold him up constantly as he just couldn't support his own weight. Once he was a little drier, she placed him down on her bed and sat next to him, slightly ashamed of what she'd caused.

"You may not believe me, but i never wanted to see you like this. It wasn't my intention. Hopefully you managed to have some fun. However little it was. I shouldn't have let her near you should i?" He shuddered and threw up a small amount of Plasia's fluids again. "Well, at least you're not going anywhere. No need to chain you up tonight. Guess you can sleep on top of me tonight then, as a reward." And with those words, she laid across the bed herself and placed the lizard on top of herself. "I could do with a good nights sleep anyway, Leech is going to be a bitch tomorrow i know it." She sighed and stroked Diego's hair, who was now fast asleep on her chest already. "Sleep well honey. And sorry. You won't hear me say that often..." She continued to play with his hair as she fell asleep herself.

The next morning arrived and Seeth awoke to find Diego still sleeping away on her breasts, he'd managed to place his arms over them to cuddle her gigantic bust a little, so he was recovering slightly from his ordeal. She gently placed her hands on the back of his head and softly stroked his features again, his wheezing had quietened down and he was breathing a little more normally now. His weiry purple eyes flickered open and greeted hers tiredly. For the first time ever, she actually smiled at him when he woke, rather than that plain, slightly creepy stare she usually does. He didn't smile back though, he was in no mood to smile at her. He still hurt tremendously all over and remembered that she was the one who arranged all of this. The words "This is your punishment" echoing clearly through his mind are he stared back at her.

"Don't smile, you look creepy." He said, planting his face back down on her huge melons.

"Creepy? how do you mean honey?" She asked, trying to seem friendly and curious. He sighed slowly and didn't reply, his tail lurched about awkwardly under his control and flopped about as he attempted to gain feeling in it. "Did you sleep well? Do you want anything honey?" she continued to smile at him, despite his words. He sighed heavily again.

"Why are you being so nice?"

"No reason." Her words brought a rage to Diego that she couldn't of expected. He lifted a hand up and thumped her in the boob with as much force as he could, which wasn't a lot, although it still made her jump and her smile melted off her face, he spoke with a harsh growl in his voice.

"No reason, no fucking reason. You bitch. You fat fucking whore, you did this to me and now you feel bad." He crawled up her, using her neck as a grip for his hands and pulled himself up weakly so he was face to face with her. "I trusted you and you let that happened to me, you didn't just let it happen actually, you planned it. You knew i was scared of Leech and you let her do that to me."

She calmly removed his hands from her neck and placed one of her own hands on his muzzle, squeezing it tightly and shaking him about a little bit. She lost her nice approach pretty damn quickly.

"The last person who spoke to me like that had their neck broken. I think you forge—" He slapped her hands away from his head and growled back at her, the only reason he wasn't shouting was because he was too tired to do so.

"Then do it you bitch, i don't care anymore, i'd rather die than be in your company any longer. I'd be doing me a favour." She responded to his force by applying her own again, seizing his head with both her hands and holding it awkwardly in the air above her.

"You think i wouldn't? You're right. I wouldn't. But you fucking speak to me like that again Diego and i swear, i'll get Moltezz and Leech to shove their cocks inside you at the same time in the same fucking hole and trust me, it can be done. You'll spend the rest of your days feeling twice as bad as this and i know you don't age, so that'll be a damn long time." She let go on his head and and let him fall the small distance she'd made, him landing on her breasts with a bit of a slap. Diego responded by clawing at her weakly and trying to bite her boobs, which didn't really work, if anything it pleasured her but she could see the aggression behind it. "You know what? Fuck it. I was going to be nice to you this morning, give you a break, some time to recover, but you know what? I'm getting Leech in here and we're going for round 2 right now." She threw him off her chest and stomped off, leaving the room and slamming the door behind her. He landed on the bed backwards and hurt himself due to how fragile he was right now. He curled up in a ball weakly, shaking all over and started sobbing to himself, realising how utterly fucked he was. Believing that he really shouldn't of reacted like that and how is temper was going to cost him his life. But he'd actually forgotten about a certain someone who thought the whole thing was rather brilliant.

Trent himself quickly open the door silently and darted into the room. "Diego! That was brilliant! I thought she'd never leave! Cmon man, lets get the hell out of here."

Diego's jaw dropped slightly as he remembered what happened the night previous and a huge smile was brought across his face.

"Trent! I've never been so happy to see a friendly face in all my god damn life man."

"Hah, tell me about it, do you think you can walk?" Diego tried to stand but his legs were still very wobbly, he looked up with hopeful eyes at Trent. "Thats good enough buddy, i can help you. We need to get the fuck out of here and now, you heard that psyco, shes bringing Leech here." Diego nodded in agreement and with Trents help, managed to stand up. He looked a bit teary eyed as Trent helped him which the fox decided to ask about. "You alright there buddy?"

"Not gonna lie to you Trent, i totally forgot about this plan and i thought i was completely fucked. Seeing you come through that door... damn man. Lets just get out, we aren't safe yet."

"Agreed. I managed to have a poke around yesterday as everyone was busy, found how we can escape." They limped out together, Trent supporting Diego over his shoulder and shut the door behind them. Trent then guiding the pair through the maze of corridors as fast and as quiet as they could. Their progress was signficantly sped up by the seriously pissed of scream of Seeth was she returned to her room to find Diego gone. They were only a couple of corridors away from Seeths room when she returned, showing how little time they had.

"Search all the rooms down here, the little bastards gone. When i find him... ohhh when i find him... which i will-" Her voice became muffled as she entered an unknown room. They pair quickly ducked into a small side room as a group of uniformed herms sprinted down the corridor to find out what was going on. As soon as they passed they carried on, faster than before. Seeths voice became audiable again as she left the room she was searching.

"You think this will save from us? Pathetic. We will find you Diego. There is no hiding from us." She could be heard opening and slamming doors from within the same corridor. "If you don't show your damn face this very instant Diego your situation gets a fuck ton worse for you. WHERE ARE YOU?" She let loose a demonic scream that could shatter windows that rattled through the whole area, visibly scaring both males, making their hairs stand on end and sending theit heart rates through the roof. The agitated voice of Leech started arguing with Seeth in the background.

"What the fuck are you bellowing about? First you shout at me about yesterday and now this? What the hell is your problem Seeth?"

"Diego is GONE Leech, he's hiding from us and we're going to find him. The little coward is hiding from his punishment." Just as Leech was about to reply, Moltezz's booming scream of anger roared down the corridor, the sound of her kicking down her door and stomping out into the hallway was easily recognisable, even to Trent and Diego as they limped away.

"TRENT HAS FUCKING ESCAPED AGAIN." Moltezz launched herself at one of the uniformed herms who had just arrived and punched her across the face, practically taking the poor girls jaw off and spraying blood across the wall and floor as she collapsed. "WHERE IS HE CATHRINE? YOU WERE IN CHARGE OF LOCKING HIM UP AGAIN! AND AGAIN, HE'S GONE. UNLESS YOU CAN TELL ME WHERE HE IS THE NEXT 5 SECONDS, I'M SMASHING YOUR SKULL IN!". Cathrine was assumbly the girl she just floored but she was unable to reply as her mouth was kind of falling apart.

The utter havoc being caused behind them surged adrenilline through the two males bodies and they sped up again, realising they could be a bit louder because of all the ruckous. Diego could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the pain in his body was fading somewhat as the natural painkillers that accompany the fight or flight instinct kicked in, although he still couldn't stand up by himself. The sound of poor cathrine being beaten to a bloodied mulsh by a furous Moltezz was audiable still and a true indicator of how serious this was. Whilst Moltezz was busy, Seeth and Leech began walking and talking together, checking the doors as they walked down the hallway.

"You don't think Trent and Diego have done a runner together do you?"

"Absolutely, its too much of a coindicence to be anything else."

"What happens when we find em?"

"Anything we want. Harsh punishment for trying to hide from us. I've tied up Plasia and left her to swell, i say we use her for a start, you know what shes like when shes riled up."



"Plasia's Quarters, they know shes not there, they've got to be there, its the only place they could hide."

"Good idea." The two huge herms stomped off into Plasia's quarters in a rightous fury, but the ever loud sound of Moltezz's fury was shaking through the whole area.

They reached the end of the series of corridors and into a small room that was acutally a dimly lit stairwell, to which Diego frowned.

"This is gonna be difficult Trent..."

"We've got to do this buddy, you heard that shit behind us." Diego nodded, there was no going back now. They began to limp up the stairs as fast as they could, taking it two steps at a time to speed it up.

"Where exactly are we going then and where are we?"

"We're on the west wing of the dungeon, theres an incinerator and a weapon smiths down here, thats why practically no one comes down here. This is an exit stair way, leads straight up to the surface level, past the slave pits. It not out, but its better than down there." As Trent spoke, Moltezz stamped her way past the entrance to the stairwell, dragging a bloodied and split corpse across the floor behind her, going towards the incinerator. The pair stopped moving when they heard her coming as to not give their position away. She soon stomped her way back again a few minutes later though.

"Wait... if this is pretty much a direct exit to the surface, why aren't they checking here?" Trent frowned and pointed up, revealing just how far they'd have to climb.

"Its about 30 floors Diego, they'd never expect you, in your state, to ever climb these. And the door above is locked securely." Diego's responce was bleak.

"Securely... locked...?"

"Its our only chance Diego! I've checked everywhere else, theres too much traffic in the other areas, we'd be discovered and we can't fight them! I'm sorry man... i'm so sorry." The fox began to break down, as he began to realise that his plan wouldn't work. "Now we're both fucked! I'm sorry Diego, i should have told you but i couldn't just leave you there, not with Seeth coming back! I'm a man of my word and i said i'd come back for you... but i just..." Diego stopped him.

"They never expected us to escape and they still don't. They think we're hiding. I might be able to break the door down but... lets cross that bridge when we come to it. Stairs first right?" The nodded to each-other and continued up the steps, Diego's spirit getting stronger with each climb to freedom but his body getting weaker with each strength sapping step. More violence could be heard from below as the frenzied Moltezz searched the south wing. The voices of Seeth and Leech could still be heard, if a little muffled by the distance between the hunters and the prey now.

"Only two places left, the north wing and the west wing."

"What about the rest of the complex?"

"They'd never make it without being spotted, too many slaves and nodes. We'd know."

"Good point. I'll go north, you go west." With Seeth heading to the west, Trent and Diego stopped moving for a second to listen. Seeth quickly ducked her head into the stairwell and checked to see if she could hear or see anything, which she couldn't thankfully. She then dissappeared off allowing the two to continue quickly. She did however start calling out again to them now.

"Do you think this is funny Diego? You and Trent playing games with us? Will it be funny later when all 4 of us are on you? Come out now and i'll make sure its just you and me. Like the first night. Remember that? How good you felt? Just you and me..."

Diego was clearly tempted as he remembered how good it felt before but Trent reminded him of what was at stake.

"Don't man... you go back now you'll never get out... ever. Moltezz is going to lock me up in her private sector again and i really don't wanna go back there man... please."

"You're right... i haven't come this far to turn back. No matter what she says. We're in this together now. I'm a man of my word too you know."

"Good to know buddy, we're half way there now."

Trents words inspiring new found strength in Diego and causing him to support more of his own weight. Diego's sapped and damaged spirit was returning to him, empowering his used and abused body beyond its normal limits, his Zion Knight training would again save his life. The steps they took were blending into one big blur as they ascended further and further out of the dungeon they'd been stuck in. The various screams and shouts of the people below were inaudable to them now due to the echo'y reverb of the stairwell and their own exhaustion.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, they reached the top the stairwell, which ended with a small metal ladder to a locked hatch. The lock was on their side though, so the two scrambled up and made their way through with no problems, but this wasn't the lock Trent was talking about. The hatch opened up to a small, dimly lit concrete room, with a thick metal door on one wall, this one was padlocked and required a key to open... The pair stopped and took a small break in the room to catch their breath and to listen out for what was happening. All 3 of the giant herms were now in the west wing and searching through it frantically and they knew they didn't have much time.

"So, we're at the final bridge. How do we cross it Diego?"

The lizard didn't reply, instead he stood up by himself and walked over to the metal door, touching it with his fingers and sending a jolt of psyonic energy through it, making Trent jump a little from the yellow spark it produced.

"Its about an inch thick, locked up tight too. No keys in here or anything?" The pair had a quick look around but the room was completely bare apart from the hatch they came through. Their search was fruitless and despite trying their best, no solution was found. This door was locked and strong. "Huh... guess not... Well... Trent... When i do this, they're gonna know we're here and we're gonna need to run for our lives. You ready?"

"Do what? Diego, what you up to?"

"I said... are you ready?"

The fox stopped for a moment, unsure of what was happening and then decided to go head strong into this and trust Diego. This was do or die. And if Diego was prepared to do something, Trent was going to follow him all the way.

"I'm ready. Do what you gotta do man." Diego nodded and stood back from the door for a second.

A huge wave of energy surged through Diego, warping the visible perception of light around him, bending his black skin into a far more blood red colour and blasting the air around him into a torrant. Roaring like a nuclear train, he slammed his fists through the door and tore it off by its hinges in a display of strength that would be forever remembered by Trent. He threw the door away and shortly collapsed for a few seconds on the floor, the aura of power he generated died away quickly and he returned to normal. In the utter silence that followed, between Diego recovering, Trent being surprised and the girls downstairs wondering what was going on, Seeths angered voice broke the silence with a sudden realisation.

"They aren't hiding, THEIR FUCKING ESCAPING THROUGH THE DUMP EXIT!" She, followed by Leech, Moltezz and many smaller herms charged up the stairs at 10x the pace the two males did. Provoking both Trent and Diego into a frantic sprint into the wilderness that surrounded the concrete tower they just escaped from.