The Doctor (H/M S*x scene)
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After yet another night of having his bum bashed and fucked senseless, Diego awoke on a large bed to be greeted by the usual pair of huge purple eyes staring at him, waiting for him to wake. Seeth always did this and he still wasn't growing accustomed to it, yet this morning, something was different. Another pair of huge eyes were staring at him, these ones weren't Seeths or Plasias or even Moltezz's. No, these ones were green, a deep toxic green, the very same deep toxic green that Leech has. That very shade of green was now something he associated with fear, so much so, he begun to panic and struggle straight away, knowing that Leech was near him. Yet his struggles did nothing, once again, he was securely chained up, Seeth started doing that again after the fuss Diego was making, his intent to escape was being made clear and Seeth was doing everything in her power to stop it. It was at this point, he noticed that this wasn't Seeths room, there was no décor and no homeyness to it, far more of a dungeon than a bedroom.

He wriggled and writhed around on the bed, trying to talk but they'd even gagged his mouth shut with a ball gag of all things, prompting him to growl and become aggressive. To which Leech grinned toothily.

"Now now little mousey" She said, running a slimy hand down his chest as she did so. "You can growl later, i haven't even done anything yet. You knew this time would come around at some point didn't you? Seeth couldn't keep you to herself for very long and now its my turn." She grinned, biting her bottom lip slightly as she leaned over his sleek black body and admired it, breathing in his scent.

Seeth glanced at Leech at then back at Diego, since he'd begun trying to escape, Seeth had become a little desperate to try and make him stay, no matter what it took, whether that be fear or love... "This is your punishment. You may like it, but i doubt it. Hopefully you'll realise that running off into Moltezz's quarters and then trying to escape is a very bad idea and you should stay within my room." Seeth said, in her ever emotion-devoid way. "I'm not going to be here for the first half, i have stuff to do. But i'll be back soon. You best hope Moltezz and Plasia don't arrive, or you're going to be one very stuffed little lizard." With her final words, Seeth leaned forward and planted a sopping wet slimy kiss on Diego's nose and disappeared off through her door, closing it behind her. Diego whimpered a little as she departed. Leech's sadistic grin growing ever wider as she eyed up her slave.

"Oh my little mousey, you're better looking than i remember. So, what shall we do then?" She got up from the bed and walked over to a large cabinet, pulling the doors open to reveal a huge array of different tools and toys, including some different syringes and creams that looks rather menacing to say the least. He struggled and kicked about further, becoming ever more terrified now that he could see some of Leechs different toys and tools, fearing what she was capable of.

"Hmm... i tried this one out on Plasia a while ago, ever since she's been dribbling that blue stuff everywhere, you know, the stuff that made you swell up after she forced it inside you? I taught her how to do that too. Ohhhh what about this one? This one causes permanent growth! Ahhh, and this one! This one will change your gender! So much choice!" She chirped, searching through the various different vials of fluid. "Aww dammit, i just remembered, that one won't work on you because you're a mark. Could still be fun though i guess. I mean i should be able to grow a pair of breasts on you, just no vagina, but who needs a vagina with a butt like yours eh?" She turned around to see the terrified expression on his face and walked over to him again. "Ok little mousey, i'll offer you a choice. A. I spend the next 6 hours filling you up with hormones and smothering you in those creams and whatever's left of you, Seeth gets to play with, that is if you still awake by then, cause you could well be unconscious. Or B. I spend the next 12 hours pumping you full of my seed. I'll do whatever i want to you, but i won't use those creams on you." She ripped his gag off and placed her hand over him maw instead, holding it shut tightly. "Now which do you choose?"

She released her grip on him and let the poor lizard speak.

"B! B! Fucking B! Please! B!"

"Good! Excellent! Truth be told, i was still going to fuck you if you chose A." She smiled, walking back over to the cabinet, taking a couple of unknown items out and slamming the doors shut.

"Wh-why did you offer me a choice then?"

She laughed heartily and leaned close to him. "Because i wanted to hear you beg for me." Her words were followed by an evil cackle and a kiss on the lips, her tongue slithering into his maw briefly, leaving a trail of thick green slime that seemed to numb his mouth a little.

Before he could really reply, she pulled him out from the bed and re-tied the chains, securing his arms behind his back and forcing open his legs to be held open by restraints. She made sure to re-attach the ball gag too.

Despite his position though, she didn't reveal herself. She kept her rod inside herself and out of his view, which only further terrified him. He whimpered a little and his breathing became faster. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest furiously and Leech hadn't even really touched him yet.

"Little mousey! Why are you so scared of me? What have i done to warrant this fear?" She laid down on top of him, pressing her massive weight into him. "I didn't see you panicking this much with Seeth or even Moltezz. And believe me, I have been watching you..." Leech was becoming fascinated in his reactions and decided she wanted to see his face. So she pulled up off him and flipped him over, gazing into his widened and outright terrified eyes. She grinned ever wider knowing how scared he was.

Pretty soon though, his old instincts were kicking back in, fear being replaced by anger, his temper building again as he bit down into the gag again, teeth sinking further in this time. His hairs were standing on end on the back of his head and is eyes narrowed at hers. She didn't like that.

"Thats quite enough of that little mousey." She pouted, putting her hands on her hips. She became a little angry herself when he didn't calm down. "I said thats ENOUGH." She commanded, slapping him painfully across the manhood causing him to whine and whince at her action. A powerful hand gripped him at the throat and she leaned over him as she did so. "When i tell you thats enough, i mean it." She growled into his face. The wet and somewhat disturbing noise of her own manhood finally coming out rung into his ears. He shook his head in disbelief as he finally managed to see what kind of tool she had, he couldn't help but think that maybe option A. Might have been a better choice. Her hugely thick rod stretched up his body, dripping its thick green goo over him. He looked up at her with pleeding eyes, hoping that maybe she'd just use the tip, perhaps she wouldn't use it all... But really, he knew. He couldn't deny that she was going to use it all. All 17 inches.

She placed both her hands on his shoulders/neck, gripping his tensing muscular structure tightly and she positioned her hips to place her tip against his tail hole. It felt even bigger than it looked and it looked fucking huge. He whimpered again, pleading that it wouldn't hurt much and she knew it, laughing at him again. She pressed in, sinking the massive tip of her cock into his back passage, stretching it out and filling him already, she panted and laughed, watching him clench and cry out as she pushed further and further in, in one powerful movement, her thick green slime allowing her massive member to pass in without injury. It seemed to go on forever as yet more of her sunk in, he could of sworn that is was going to come out his mouth at one point. Yet still, push continued to stretch him out to his maximum and further.

Yet before he passed out from the pain, they seemed to echo away, the intense burning and cramping from inside of him dying down to only leave a tingly pleasure behind. She loosened her grip on his shoulders and ran a hand down his chest. "I'm not called Leech for nothing you know." She winked at him. Tearing his ball gag off and holding his maw closed instead. The big difference between Leech and Seeth was now being revealed to him. He wasn't erect or turned on, he wasn't enjoying this and she didn't care. Unlike Seeth who very much tried to pleasure him as much as herself. Leechs idea was "I'm going to make you enjoy this at some point." Rather than Seeths who was "We're both going to enjoy this.". He really wished he'd stayed in Seeths room now. He was snapped back into reality harshly by her pulling herself out. The sudden movement and the epic scale of it forcing his attention to it. She didn't pull herself out all the way, she left a few inches in and pushed back in from there, once again, he waited for the pressure of her hips to press against him, that was his only relief. This one came quicker than the last, as both his body was adjusting as best as it could and her natural lube was starting to build up, thickly coating her rod and sliming up his insides. She panted and grabbed at his manhood, which was now hardening quickly. The thick musky smell of his pre already mixing in with the air, to which he was ashamed.

She tore at her corset, ripping it off and freeing her large bust, shaking it about a little, Diego was somewhat disappointed as she had the smallest of everyone so far, although that being said, they were still damn big. Falling forward onto him, accidentally releasing her grip on his muzzle and licked at the side of his head, whispering into his ear. "Oh gawd yes, i understand why now, they all love you. So tight and loving... so warm... oh yes, you'll be mine. I just have to pry you free of Seeths grasp... What will it take i wonder? I must have you." She stood up from him and pulled out again, starting her rhythm up, slowly at first. Not because she couldn't go faster physically, but because she was too pleasure consumed to go any faster. Despite the numbing action she had and the pleasurable tingles he was getting, it was still vastly uncomfortable for him. He'd found no pleasure in the penetration and there wasn't much to be found in her fucking so far. She was simply too large for him, that being said, they'd only just begun and the more of her slime was coating his insides, the more he felt good. Her movements becoming stronger with each thrust. She grabbed at his legs and held them wide apart to help her increase her pace, to her surprise and enjoy, he held surprising tightness within himself.

"Awhhh fuck yes... you are one good little mousey aren't you?" she moaned out, as lashings of green slime oozed from her cock onto the floor, splattering over his rear. Her orgasm came far quicker than she expected it to, only after half an hour of ploughing his rear thoroughly. She mashed her hips against his own and cried out in pleasure as a gut filling wave of corrupant spewed forth from her massive cock and into his insides. She paused for a minute, trembling slightly from the pleasure that was coursing through her and slowly pulled herself out, litres of lube slime and cum pouring out in a messy mixture as she did so. Once removed from his rear, she slapped her mighty manhood down on his stomach, laying it next to his own erection, which paled in comparison to her size. She grinned with a sadistic idea and repositioned him, grabbing him roughly by the body and putting him onto a new set of restraints, ones that held him in the air, face to face with her in an upright position, hands secured fixed and held away from his exposed body.

"I'm going to make you do something new... something strange Diego... And i'm going to make you cum doing it..." she grinned, running a finger down his erect length. He couldn't reply right now anyway, he was far too exhausted and overwhelmed. She pressed a kiss against his face before lining herself up to perform one of her stranger activities. She strained for a second and panted as her cock inflated to its maximum girth, leech was one those controllers who could control the girth of her manhood somewhat... she maxed out at 6 inches wide... next, she pressed the very tip of her cock onto his and held it there firmly with her hips.

"Seeth warned you about this Diego didn't she? You may have thought she was joking... but she wasn't..." Her voice was surprisingly low and seductive in tone, it almost would have been sexy if she wasn't so down right terrifying. She grinned wide and started to push her cock against his own, its massive size dwarfing his embarrassingly, he didn't really understand what on earth she was trying to accomplish until he felt an incredibly peculiar feeling... she continued to push their rods together until her own massive cock started to waver and give in to the smaller intruder pressing against it. She panted and pressured more, feeling the very tip of his cock enter hers and she gasped loudly, a mix of confusion and terror spreading across his face as he began to realise what she was going.

"Mhmm.... I like that... more than you think I do... but you're the one who's going to cum here... aren't you?" She moaned, pushing further until her cock gave in and sunk further down into his, continuing to strain and pressure her hips until the tip of her massive fat wang pressed against the skin of his pelvis. For him, the inside of his cock felt extremely tight and really rather warm and strange, he was caught between being horrified at the sight in front of him and pleasured at what she'd just done... Yet she didn't move her hips after that, instead, she placed both her hands onto his suspended hips and move him instead. Pushing and pulling his hips to effectively make him fuck her. She moaned out loudly as the process began and watching him to see his expressions as she made him dock her. There was a hell of a lot of friction involved and the fucking was slow and long, but she was right... it was making him cum... she giggled as she watched him shudder and blow his load into her own rod. Hovering it there for a while before slowly pulling free. She remained silent for a few seconds as she observed the hole in the front of her cock before quickly grabbing his head and shoving it down onto the still hard, ever massive cock. Keeping a very firm grip on the back of his head and she thrust into his throat and prepared to blast another load into his stomach. She cried out loudly once more and quivered as another massive loud erupted into his maw, freely flowing from her stretched out rod down his throat, filling him even further up, he was starting to wonder if she even had a limit to the amount of cum she could produce.

Letting up off her rod purposefully slowly, she grinned at him as he hung limp in the restraints. "So... thats round 1 over... how about we get some friends in here and spice things up a little bit?" She asked, motioning for someone to enter from behind. A familiar voice called out but it sounded like two people entered, not one. Moltezz was here.

"Hello Leech, I see you've been abusing the new favourite mark! Look who I found again!" She laughed, throwing forward a chained up Plasia, who stumbled forward and landed on the floor in front of Leech, she quickly shuffled back from the two and gathered herself up, standing up and shielding herself from Leech and Moltezz as she huddled against a wall, nursing her leg which was injured slightly from the fall.

"Why'd you bring this welp Moltezz?" Leech asked, rubbing her cock against Diego's thigh idly.

"Think of the fun Leech... with 3 of us here... I want to see how much he can take..." She smiled, walking forward and rubbing her girth against his rear. Leech grabbed Plasia by the arm and put her behind Diego, Moltezz moving aside when she did.

"Fuck him Plasia, right now." Leech demanded, Plasia's own 9 inch length that had been concealed inside her, nervously slipping out and hardening to its length as she pressed it against his rear, slipping it inside fairly easily and beginning to pound against his rear, moaning and groaning, becoming more and more excitable and crazy as Leech's smell drove her to it, until her tongue freely flopped from her maw and her eyes narrowed down for their beautiful blue orbs, down to their cat like slits of insanity. Leech positioned herself in front of Diego, Mounting onto his cock with her curvy ass and slipping it inside herself. Due to her size, her cock pressed against his chin and she forced it into his mouth once more, using one hand on the back of his head and another on his shoulder to balance himself. Moltezz instead moved to Plasia's rear, slapping it loudly and shoving herself in Plasia's awaiting ass, as she fucked away at Diego's rear violently. The foursome fucked like this for several hours, Plasia and Leech swapping positions from time to time as each would blow their load into his ass, bloating his stomach more and more each time, his legs were absolutely plastered in different coloured lube goos, that dribble down his thighs and onto the floor as each girl took their turn to fuck him mercilessly Moltezz would follow Plasia's ass when it was fucking Diego or would swap to receive head from Diego when she was riding him, hopping onto his ass when she felt her own load coming or just blowing it straight into his maw.

They worked endless for hours, never stopping for breaks, they even had slaves deliver them pitchers of water and snacks to eat whilst they fucked him to keep their strength up... It soon turned into a pattern he never thought would end... yet stilll, he found tremendous pleasure in their actions, his sore, overused manhood continued to feel good and blow increasingly less loads of cum every few minutes... Feeling Leech's massive rod press at his ass before slipping in and filling him up to the brim shouldn't have felt as good as it did... Load after load after load, litres of different coloured slimes pouring into his mouth and his ass left him feeling heavier and heavier, more and more bloated, an obvious, visible and ever growing distortion on his stomach the physical evidence of just how much slime he was being forced to endure.

He faded in and out of consciousness, waking up in different positions around the room as they had torn him out of his restraints and were fucking in at every angle and position they could. They came on his face, on his chest, on his ass, on his legs, Plasia was blowing off so many loads every few minutes that she didn't care anymore... But alas, this slime drenched, wreck of a lizard could take no more from this group and he fainted as Leech jack hammered herself into his anus once more, but even in his comatose'd state, he could still feel the size of Leech's massive cock, pressing down his throat or into his ass once more... it was impossible to judge how long this went on for. But by the end of it, he was left defeated and strengthless. He resembled nothing more than a squished slug by the end of it. His body so deeply covered in slimes and goo's that his natural skin colour was impossible to establish. Left on the floor of Leech's room, discarded like a used tissue, the three some continued of their own, Moltezz and Leech deciding to fuck Plasia instead, as they wanted to see someone react to their presence...

Diego had learned just what these creatures were capable of. And it did not bode well for him...