The Upcoming
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Diego gazed back at her, unsure of what to say or do. If she was telling the truth then... Diego's life just became a lot more difficult. She weeped a little in front of him, but controlled herself and managed to keep it together for a bit longer. She was still holding his head, gently rubbing the back of his ears with her fingers. Her body kept trying to lean in for a kiss but once again, she stopped herself for fear of overstepping the line with him.

"W-why? How?! You've known me for less than a week Seeth! How can you say that?!"

"Despite everything i have Diego, i have not been happy, not truly. Despite having so many slaves and people to do my bidding, I've felt so lonely for so long. My life is dedicated to taking others away from them and it makes me unhappy when i think about it. I didn't question it until you came along... You were the only mark I'd ever talked too. You're the only person I've ever chased... You make me feel so... special... so happy! I'm still learning about myself and what you've taught me so far is that I'm not the same as Leech and Moltezz and Plasia! You know that I'm more than strong enough to pin you down and we both know how tired you are, but am i forcing you down? I'm holding you now Diego! I could if i wanted to and i would if you were anyone else. But not you. Not any-more. You mean too much to me."Diego paused to think about what she'd just said, it was true. She could easily pin him down right now but she was choosing to be gentle and tender to him. She'd caught him but she wasn't capturing him. He thought about it for a few seconds until he finally decided what to do.

"Come with me."


"Come with me! With us! It'll be a fresh start for you!"

"I'm not sure i follow Diego..."

"Come with me and Trent! Escape with us! If you truly feel that way then you'll join me! You can leave this place behind and start something new, with me!" He placed both his hands on her, like she did with him. "I am not going back there Seeth, i can't and i won't. I'm too much of a free spirit and i can't stand what's happened to those people you have locked up there, this isn't me. But if what you say is true, about you being different then prove it! I'll look after you, make sure you get what you need! I could do with a lover anyway, i get awfully lonely on my travels." Seeth remained silent, contemplating what he'd just said. "I am not betraying Trent here and leaving him so this is your only option if you want to be with me! We can travel far and wide together, see the wonders of the stars together, there's so much to explore and I'd be honoured if you'd join me to do so! You're right! You DO make me feel good, really good. I don't know how you shoving your 11 incher inside me does that..." He giggled a little and brought a smile across her face. "... but it does... and i think its more to do with you, than your tool."

She thought about it for a good minute or so, biting her lip and staring off into space, trying to avoid eye contact with him, until she finally leaned forward and kissed him wetly on the lips, remainlyclose to his face afterwards. "Lets do it..."

"You mean it Seeth?" She nodded slowly and a shy, sweet smile broke across her face again.

"Yeah, i do. This could be brilliant... and I'm going to hate myself if i don't try. I'm warning you now though Diego, I'm going to require a lot of attention and sex from you...."

"And I'm warning you that you'll get it and get it willingly." They kissed again passionately, locking lips for a good few seconds, her tingly thick saliva sending him into a bright red blush but he snapped out of his haze when he realised something. The clones Leech had been chasing were finally taken down.

"We need to go, now. We haven't got much time. How can we get off this planet Seeth?" As he spoke he gestured for Trent to come down, which he did, albeit nervously.

"There's a load of ships we use stationed in a small dock to the south of here. I can control all the nodes and slaves near me so when we get there, i can sort everything out in seconds. Its a good few miles away though and we need to reach it before anyone else does." She panted a bit, clearly effected by her kiss with Diego but pulled herself together and rose to her feet. Diego pulled his sword free from its earthy prison and sheathed it on his back, using the clip on the belt that held the shoulder piece in place. Trent cautiously walked up to the pair, unsure of what was happening.

"What's uh, going on Diego?"

"Seeth is escaping with us, she's not staying here with these monsters, she's different to them."

"You sure that's a good idea buddy?"

"No idea! But she knows how to get us off this planet and its worth a shot. I'm convinced by her and unless you have any objections, we're escaping as 3 now."

"If you trust her than I'll not question your judgement. Lets head to that vehicle depot and see what we can find."Seeth nodded in agreement, she'd forgotten about the depot near by but knew there'd be some vehicles for use in them. The trio began to quickly and quietly make their way through the surrounding forest, not encountering anyone or anything. Seeth knew the coast was clear as she could the feel the presence of her own kind, due to knowing their safety, she decided to carry on talking to Diego as her mind was buzzing with questions and ideas. She wanted to apologise to Trent for not being interested in him, but felt it wasn't appropriate.

"So where are we going when we get off this shit hole?"

"I don't know Seeth, wherever we can. Wherever we want! Where do you want to go Trent?"

"Home... i miss home. I want to stay in contact with you though Diego. I'm not going to forget what you did for me today and i will repay you for it sometime."

"We can sort that out easily, so we'll drop Trent home first! Then we can drift Seeth."

"Drift? I'm not familiar with the term I'm afraid."

"The stars have a natural flow to them Seeth, it effects everything. People who root themselves in place won't feel it, but those who left themselves go free will find themselves moving. Moving where? Who knows! Tats the beauty of it. Doing it by yourself is often very lonely... but flowing between the natural ebony oceans and solar glaciers with you at my side?"He paused for a while, thinking something through in his head which made him giggle. "Don't tell me you've never wanted to make love under the glow of a dying supernova."

"I... can't say I've ever thought about it. But that does sound rather amazing... I've never felt so full of life... so energetic... I can't wait!"Seeth did sound extremely excited, she had a slight hop in her step and she hadn't stopped smiling since they'd begun talking. She actually looked kinda sweet now it didn't looked forced. Trent was becoming convinced that she was actually telling the truth. "I really do hope your prepared for me Diego. I wasn't lying about the whole sex thing, i need it nearly constantly just because of my biology. It gets painful if i don't and i can get desperate..."

"Seeth, i would have fucked you back there if we didn't need to escape. I'm pretty damn frisky as it is and when I'm with you? Trust me, it'll be fine. Not sure how happy my bum is going to be, but whatever."She smiled widely again, his words both inspiring her and making her giggle. She didn't feel so... evil... any-more. She felt younger and happier just speaking to him. The strangest part about it, which made her extremely happy, was that she really did just want to pin him down right now and make passionate love to him, but she knew that he both wanted it and accepted it too. The whole idea of not having to force herself upon someone to find pleasure brought her a joy that was difficult to both explain and comprehend. She was extremely proud of herself for keeping it together too. It made her happy that Diego seemed more confident too, he didn't seem scared any-more and his question reflected that. "Seeth? Are you going to let me do the fucking sometime as well? Don't get me wrong, i like what you do and all... but... i AM a guy..."Trent laughed at his words, Seeth giggling a little too. She was coming across a lot more feminine now as well.

"Yes! Yes i will. Lets see if we can do a 50/50 split on that kinda thing, maybe flip a coin to see who goes first!"She laughed loudly, more and more ideas running through her mind. The more they talked about it, the more she loved the idea. Her corruption seemed less and less like a way of life now and more like a perk to pleasuring both herself and Diego.

"Ha, knowing you Seeth, its more likely to be 80/20 but that's just fine. I'm just... happy that you're willing to try. It means a lot to me."

They finally managed to reach the depot and whilst it was in a bit of a state, there were a few vehicles inside. A large open topped Jeep caught their eye but it needed some repairs, to which Trent volunteered and got to it, asking to work alone as he'd work faster. Seeth and Diego took a seat outside on a large log. The depot itself was surrounded by thick woodland, aside from the dirty road that connected it to the surrounding buildings, it was old and falling apart, but still in good enough condition to work in. A good storm and the whole thing might fall over, but for the time being, it depot was more than good enough to get them going. As Trent busily worked away inside, finding parts and tools to repair the jeep, Diego and Seeth carried on chatting outside. They didn't want to risk getting too intemate due to the current situation. Rather sweetly, they held hands whilst talking.

"I'm... surprisingly not bitter about leaving everyone here. I mean... they're all bitches really. Leech brings out the worst in me. Plasia's fucking insane and the only reason she likes me is because i stop Moltezz from raping her all the time. And Moltezz herself? She's not a nice person. At all. She's just as bad a Leech really, only she doesn't experiment as much. Did you know Leech made herself bigger because she was jealous of my bust? She just wanted to be bigger than me in something so she made her rod bigger."

"I... did not know that. No."They both laughed a little.

"Yeah. She did. She's a very insecure person, or used to be, when we were both normal. So now she takes it out on everyone else... Its quite saddening. She's not the same person she used to be. Neither am i really, but i still have pieces of myself, which you are restoring. My little lizard hero!"He blushed at her words and kissed her hand. Diego was noticing all the differences in her, she was more enthusiastic, showing so much more emotion, she seemed happier. He was proud of himself for doing it. "Its taking all of my will power not to just jump on you right now."She said, biting her bottom lip.

"Yeah... mine too... We just need to wait bit longer! Shouldn't take Trent long to finish up in there. The jeep didn't look too bad. Can i ask you something Seeth?"


"Can i... touch your hair? I've always wanted to but never got around to it!"She giggled softly and nodded, leaning towards him to he could reach. He gently grabbed a thick strand and squeezed it a bit.

"Oh lordy that's weird! Its soft and squishy but its dry! But it feels like it should be wet! Aww man, that's gonna amuse me for hours!"She smiled and leaned a bit more forward to kiss him, what should have been a quick peck on the lips quickly turned into an outright snog due to their feelings but Seeth cut it short and went deadly serious.

"She's here... they all are..."Diego was still a little phased out by the kiss.

"Who now? What?"

"Leech. She's here. Trent, you need to hurry the fuck up with the Jeep or we're gonna get swarmed!"

"Yeah, I'm just about.... finished! There we go!"The sound of the rumbling engine confirmed his words and he drove out from the small building with a proud smile on his face. "Cmon! Lets get the hell out of here."

Seeth climbed in the back as she was too big to fit anywhere else, Diego took the front passenger seat.

"I've already arranged for the ship to be stocked up and ready to go, we literally just drive there, get in and go. No problems, no issu-"

"You fucking TRAITOR!"Leech bellowed, launching herself at Seeth and punching her off the side of the jeep, causing the two to land heavily on the floor, shaking the ground a bit with their impact. Diego leapt out to help but was shortly tackled by 3 uniformed women. More and more uniformed grunts arrived, pouring out of the forest at every angle, diving onto Trent and Diego to hold them down. Leech stood up first and grabbed a large stone from near by. Holding Seeth by the neck who was still stunned from the initial impact, the furious Leech began bashing the side of Seeths head with the rock, splintering her carapace and causing thick lashings of red ooze to dribble out.

"Betray me will you? After EVERTHING we've been through! You weak willed pathetic little whore. I'm gonna bash those stupid little thoughts outta your head lil' sis!"Seeths side carapace split and cracked but Leech was not satisfied, she dragged the wounded girl off to the log they were just sitting on and placed her torso over the top of it. "No, its not good enough. Once a traitor, always a traitor. Looks like you meet your end here. Its a shame because we've been through so much together. But i guess you chose unwisely huh? So much for being the brains of the operation."And with that, Leech stood over Seeth and began pushing down repeatedly on her head, trying to snap her neck over the log. Each push she gave, pushing Seeths neck back a little more, something started cracking inside her. She tried to fight back but Leechs larger size and strength meant she couldn't push her off. Her vision started to fade and blur, being completely obstructed by Leechs sadistic face, her demonic smile seemingly going to be the last thing she ever saw... as Seeths neck made its sickening crack noise again and again, a little louder and a little more painful each time...

She whined and cried out, yelling for Diego until yet another loud crack stopped her talking completely and she fell lost strength in all her limbs, going completely limp, but Leech still didn't stop. "Once you're dead, Diego will be all mine! I hope you can still hear me! Diego! Is! Mine!"She kept on pushing and pushing and pushing, wanting to see Seeths neck split at the skin and she wasn't going to stop until her damn head came off. Her pushes turned into punches, thumping the girl repeatedly in the head, waiting for the final snap of Seeths snapping spine with eagerness.

But then something stopped her.

Leech recoiled, pain written across her face and she collapsed momentarily on to Seeths unmoving body. A burning sensation in her back causing it. Trent had managed to fight off the grunt assigned to him and aimed the stun laser he stole ages ago at Leech, buying some time which Diego used wisely. He heard Seeth calling out to him and his desperation to help her empowered him yet again. An aura of power blasted out, the same one that allowed Diego to escape in the first place and he threw the grunts off him, bounding across the jeep and grabbing Leech by the feet whilst she was stunned. Leech began howling in dismay, clawing at Seeth to try and hold on but Diego was far too strong to stop as he pulled her off and hurled her over, into the depot, causing the building to crumble and collapse from the impact. He picked the limp Seeth up and put her down gently on the back of the jeep, kicking off another grunt trying to stop them. Trent hit the gas and sped off from the scene as yet more and more grunts arrived to stop them. It was lucky that they'd used all their ammo on the clones.

Diego crouched over the severely wounded and seemingly lifeless Seeth, trying to find if she had any sort of pulse, his aura of power died down again and he tried to speak to her.

"Speak to me Seeth! Tell me you're ok!"He started to tear up as she failed to respond at all. "W-we were gonna travel the stars together Seeth! Say something please... Seeth..."He collapsed onto her damaged frame, the hot tears stinging his eyes as he tried to hold them back. "We were gonna see the ebony oceans together! The solar glaciers... make love under a dying supernova!"He broke down a little more from seeing her so still. "Don't fall away from me Seeth! You can't! Not now! Not after everything... Oh god..."He finally burst out crying on top of her, hugging what he assumed was her corpse close to himself. "Trent! Stop the car a second! Please!"

Trent nodded and and pulled over on the dirty road, he'd driven far enough away for them to be safe for a while. Diego was weeping into her chest, rocking back and forth slightly as he hugged tightly onto her torso. He thought that Leech had actually finished her off and was falling apart at the very thought of it. The thick red ooze coming from the side of her head was like nothing he'd ever seen come out of her before. Clearly that ooze was not a sexual one. It was seeping slowly down her ruined and cracked carapace, dripping down onto the jeep.

"Diego look! Her fingers!"Trent pointed to her left hand, her fingers were moving slightly, tapping gently against the metal panelling of the jeep. Diego softly grabbed it, holding her hand within his own and he felt her squeeze it. He nearly fainted when he felt her react. He kissed her gently on the lips and whispered to her.

"You're gonna be ok Seeth, i promise. Just don't fall away from me, don't make me beg you, because i will!"He nuzzled against her gently and she kept the pressure on his hand to let him know she was still alive. "Keep going Trent, we need to get to that ship and fast. Hopefully there will be some medical supplies on there."Trent nodded and hopped back into the drivers seat. Going at a steady speed to not rock Seeth about too much. Diego carried on whispering sweet nothings to her, telling tales of coming adventures the two were sure to experience, every-time she squeezed his hand a little more.

"Here it is! I hope they don't shoot at us..."Said Trent nervously as he drove up to the gate on the dock. It opened automatically to reveal a decently sized ship of some sort, waiting on a landing pad, the back cargo door was already open, so Trent just drove straight up the ramp and into the ship. The place was dead though, not a single person to be seen anywhere. Diego smiled at her and rubbed against her.

"You clever little devil... she told them all to bugger off after finishing their jobs so Leech couldn't use them against us. Always one step ahead huh? That's my Seeth..."He kissed her gently again and once again, she squeezed his hand. Trent jumped out the jeep and started to look around the ship, trying to find a medical bay or supplies, to which he did. A decently sized medical facility was just within the ship and he rushed off to let Diego know.

"Diego! There's a medical room just down that corridor, through the door!"The two men sprang to action straight away, carrying Seeth together towards the room. Due to how tired they were, it was a real struggle, but neither of them were in any mood to let a bit of exhaustion ruin this. They laid her down on the table and Diego started to search through the computer to begin analysing her. Trent figured this one was a one man job and headed off to search the ship for the cockpit and get a feel for the layout.

Diego managed to activate the auto systems which got to work scanning her body and finding the correct gels to inject into her. He looked on nervously as a robotic arm slowly stuck a needle into her damaged neck and a bright blue fluid flowed in for a few seconds. He literally couldn't stand to watch any-more and had to leave the room, deciding to find the cockpit and keep an eye out for incoming reinforcements. He hadn't actually killed Leech, he didn't even know how wounded she was. Chances were, she was on her way here now. He had a vague idea of the ship layout, having travelled so much and managed to find the cockpit pretty easily. It also turned out that he knew how to fly it as it was a standardized cockpit used on many luxury ships. The original idea was Seeth was going to fly the ship... Diego was ever thankful for his Zion Knight background as standard DA knight training teaches you how to fly luxury space craft. He powered on the basic systems (Medical systems run off their own supply) and then headed out back to check if anyone was coming... which they were.

Trent appeared in the cargo bay too and stood next to Diego, patting him on the back "She's gonna be ok man. Shes- holy shit!"Trent caught on to what Diego was staring at. This wasn't just a few people, this was a whole god damn army. A wounded Moltezz was being carried by hundreds on slaves in her royal hand moved carriage and was pointing at the ship they were in, just moving past the gates with her force into the 1000's.

"THEY'VE TAKEN SEETH. TAKE HER BACK AND TAKE BOTH OF THEM. ALIVE."She bellowed, the army suddenly breaking into a frantic sprint from their timed march towards the ship.

"Diego! Get this fucking thing off the floor! We can't let them get in! Did you find the cockpi-" Trent looked back to see Diego already gone, running towards the cockpit and climbing up the small ladder and hatch to it. He frantically flicked the emergency switches on to get the thing flying and pulled hard on the controls, but it wouldn't take off. The landing clamps on the pad were still attached. He called out on the intercom to get Trent to do it.

"Trent! The clamps are still on! Get out the ship and pull the levers below to release them, should be 3 of them! We can't leave until its done!"

Trent leapt out the ship and followed Diego's instructions, pulling the first lever to release the clamp, it coming off with a satisfying hiss and clunk. Then he turned around.

Time seemed to slow down for a second, as Trent saw the huge living wall of zombie like slaves hurtling towards the ship, His heart pounded hysterically in his chest, almost going into cardiac arrest as the ground shook with their approach. His time frame to pull the remaining two levers and get back into the ship was literally single digit seconds. He pulled on the second lever and once again, it released with the same hiss and clunk of the hydraulics coming off. The third lever approached. He pulled it down but this time, there was no hiss. He pulled it again but once again, it didn't do anything. His eyes caught on to a single hose that wasn't attached properly on the clamp. He dived to it and frantically reattached it, his fingers slipping multiple times due to the ever increasing rumble of the approaching horde. Once it was re-attached, he pulled the lever again and it finally hissed and clunked, signing the release of the final clamp, causing the ship to jump up a good few inches, Trent turned back to run up the ramp, but sheer horror gripped him as the wall of approaching slaves was far closer than he'd anticipated. He started to run up the ramp, but a hand grabbed his ankle. And another his tail. And another his clothing. And more hands pulling him backwards off the ramp. He clawed desperately at the metal work, his small nails scraping on the ramp but they pulled him again. The ship was taking off and was a good 2 meters high now and Trent clung desperately onto the edge of the ramp with all his strength, but more and more slaves clung on to him, pulling him down. The ship had now completely lifted him off the ground, but the slaves holding onto him were stronger than his grasp and he fell into the horde below. They clawed at this clothing and heaved him up into the air, transporting him along their ranks until he reached Moltezz's carriage.

Diego took the ship off to a suitable level and left it to hover in auto-pilot, running off to check Seeth and then to see where Trent was. He checked inside the cargo bay to find the door still open. Peering outside, the small orange blob screaming and being shifted along the horde showed that the worst had happened. Trent didn't make it. He got the clamps off, but failed to make it back into the ship in time.

"No... no... nononoNO! Not this! Not after everything!"Diego dashed off back to the cockpit.

Trent was somewhat cut up and bleeding by the clawing from the horde of slaves. The hung him up like a towel left to dry in front of Moltezz, who stepped out of her carriage to admire her handiwork.

"Ahhhaha. What did i say Trent? What did i say. This attempt was far more exciting than the last... oh yes. Your friend there is pretty talented isn't he? The energy thing he threw at me really hurt. I thought i had you there! But once again. You've failed."She walked up to him, the slaves keeping their distance from her, apart from those holding Trent up. "Oh yes, this has been pretty fun actually. Its a real shame your friend left without you though. I guess you can't trust anyone huh? In the end Trent, they will all let you down. Just like the last one did, just like this one did. I like that you keep fighting though. That's why you're my favourite. Mhmmmm... you're getting it good tonight. I'm sure Leech is going to want to get in on that too, considering you shot her."

"I... am... so sick of you..."

"And THAT, makes me love you all the more... Just think, a mere hour from now, I'll be within you once again and you'll be powerless under me. Again. That's how we both love it, right? How much cock do you think you can take this time? I might get Leech to give me a bit of an increase, just for you. I'll be sure to swell up nice and tight too."She patted him on the stomach and he growled back at her "Gonna fill this up to the brim. Remember the heat foxy wox? You will. Ohhhh you will..."

She grinned at him and grabbed his muzzle, forcing a kiss upon him.

"Remember this bitch?"Diego howled, falling from the ship, hovering just above and hurling another energy bolo at her, to which she jumped back and avoided the detonation.

"Actually, yes i do."

Diego landed heavily, a thin yellow line connecting him to the ship, it was so thin that it was barely visible. But with a click of her fingers, a huge wave of slaves grabbed him by the arms and forced him down onto his knees. Moltezz licked her lips and stepped forward towards him, her gigantic rod slipped out from her body and rapidly hardening to its 13 inch length. Already dripped with her red goo.

"This just gets better and better doesn't it? What exactly was your plan Diego? You think I'm stupid enough to fall for that trick twice?"She closed the distance to him and forcefully rubbed her balls against his face, smothering the goo across him. "And now, I'm going to rape you, in front of Trent, then Trent, in front of you! And that's just the beginning! Think of the fun when Leech gets here!"She pressed the tip of her rod against his mouth, trying to force it in, but he refused and shook his head about. She became forceful and grabbed his head, pushing it towards her cock and thrusting at him until he finally snapped.

He unleashed a mighty roar and once again, threw the slaves off him, rising to his feet and drawing his sword out. The same power aura he'd used twice before today tore through his body, turning his armour and weapon a deep purple from its red due to the energy warping. He swung his huge blade around, decapitating a whole row of slaves and forcing Moltezz to jump back, her rod still completely hard and ready to go. He swung at her again, jumping towards her, forcing her further back, the slaves now keeping away from him, forming a giant ring around him and Moltezz. He forced her back a little more and then retreated to the middle of the ring.

"That's a very impressive ability you have there Diego... so that's how you broke the door down... A little thing i know about those kind of psyonics though, you can't hold them forever! And as soon as it fades. You. Are. Mine. I'm gonna ruin your ass and bloat you up like a water balloon, you little fiend."Diego laughed, his voice twisted by the aura itself, sounding rather demonic and warped.

"Then its a damn good thing i don't plan to stay!"And with that, he turned around and launched a huge surge of energy from his gauntlet, slamming into the group that held Trent and blasting them into a shuddering concussion. Trent had somehow been left unharmed but the group that had been holding him, as well as in a 5 meter radius around him were completely shell shocked, most of them had fallen or were about to. Diego leapt over to Trent and grabbed hold of him, pulling on the thin yellow energy line then held him to the ship and suddenly shooting upwards, the line becoming much thicker and more visible as it compressed itself and lifted the pair up from the horde. They arrived in the cargo bay and landed with a bit of a thump on the floor. Both gasping for air as the sudden upwards movement had taken it out of them.

Moltezz started going ballistic from the ground below, the slaves that weren't stunned were backing away from her out of sheer terror as her words rivalled the roar of the ships engines above in volume. From the ship above, Trent was practically in tears.

"You came back for me man!"He gave the lizard a heart felt hug and helped him stand to his feet. The last abilities Diego used clearly used up what little strength he had left.

"Of course i did... We're in this together man, i wasn't gonna leave you behind."

"I thought i was gonna fail again... thank you so much... I'm just... lost for words right now..."

"Can you help me to the cockpit? I'm having a bit of trouble walking again. We need to actually leave this planet now... we're STILL not technically safe."Trent laughed a little between his tears of joy.

"So our escape attempt starts the same way it finishes eh? With me helping you walk... that's kinda poetic i guess..."

"Yeah... it is. Ughhh god, i just wanna leave this place. Lets go, before they get some fighter jets or something."

"Right."Trent helped the lizard as he asked, getting him to the ladder and hatch. And placing him in his seat. The lizard flicked the various different switches and pulled again on the controls, causing the ship to fly off into the sky. And finally to safety.

Now they had left orbit, Diego left the ship on auto again to go check on Seeth. He stumbled out of the cockpit hatch, bracing himself against the wall and sliding along it until he could reach the medical bay. The machine had stopped a long time ago, whilst it had addressed her most important injuries, it didn't recognise her species and thus couldn't repair everything. He managed to make his way into the room to see her still lying on the table, eyes closed and lying rather still. Her head was still "bleeding"and the carapace was still severely damaged. He decided he couldn't leave her like that and searched around for what he required.

Fetching some cloth, a bowl of water, a stool and various different tools, he sat down next to her, bringing a powerful spotlight onto her head and sat down to get to work. Washing the red slime off and removing the broken carapace with some tweasers. Occasionally he'd plant a kiss on her cheek and grab her hand, feeling her squeeze it back gently when he did, it brought a tired smile across his face every time. He really hoped he wasn't hurting her, but figured the machine would have administered painkillers anyway. The carapace itself was near ruined, or at least the size pieces were. He decided to completely remove the side pieces, slowly removing the shattered bits and plucking the fragments out of her damaged skin. More of the red ooze seeped forth every now and again, but he wiped it up and kept her clean. He figured that it must have been her equivalent to blood or something similar. Despite his bodies protests, he worked tirelessly for hours, ever now and again checking on the cockpit to see if everything was ok, which it was. The amount of effort it took him to get up the hatch and back down again was more than worth it for him. He wanted to know for sure they were safe. It took at least 5-6 hours for him to finally clean her up completely and sew up the wounds, by which he was so exhausted, he laid against her and fell asleep on her chest, both so he didn't have to move and to keep her company. Trent passed by a few hours later to check on him, the Fox had found himself the living quarters and fallen asleep on a huge sofa hours ago. He smiled at the sight and let himself in to check on them both.

Seeth was... different... she looked a lot less intimidating now her carapace was smaller. Her face was quite feminine and pretty before but now... now she looked like a super model. Aside from the cuts on the side of her head. Her face was just stunning... beautiful full lips, huge pretty eyes, a sleek and gorgeous facial structure... it was amazing how much difference removing the side plates had made. Most noticeably, she looked a lot less... well, evil. At least to the fox. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Diego, having such a beautiful partner now, but he also felt it was well deserved. And Diego? He looked just as exhausted as he did before. It seemed very fitting that today ended the same way it began. With him cuddling around one of Seeths boobs, using it as a pillow. Trent was finding it difficult to believe he was free, it had been locked up for so long... so very long... he wasn't sure what freedom was supposed to feel like. He was allowed to walk about again, do what he wanted... first thing he did when he woke was dance a bit. He felt that dancing was one of the greatest expressions of freedom, it was just a shame that he wasn't very good at it. He was considering waking up Diego, to take him to a proper bed, but figured he'd want to stay with Seeth, regardless of how his back might feel when he awoke.