The Falling
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Trent was indeed correct when he said that this door didn't quite lead to freedom, whilst the two were outdoors or seemingly so, this was infact some sort of garden attached to the big main building via huge metal fences and with a huge bio dome covering the sky. The only way out was through the huge office like building to the north. As Trent began his frantic sprint from the tower they just emerged from, Diego spotted something just lying on the floor. His armour. Last he knew, this had been left at the campsite he was abducted from. They were just lying on the floor, covering in bits of ash. The whole thing made a lot more sense from Seeths words about this being a "dump exit". Chances were, they tried to burn his stuff, failed and just dumped it outside. He couldn't just leave it here, he'd never get it back if he did. So he stopped to put it on... it only took a few seconds but the group of furious aliens charging up the stairwell behind them meant that each second was precious. As he clipped the shoulder piece on and the gauntlet, finishing his armour, Seeths head appeared from the hatch, barely visible in the dark concrete room. She was pulling herself through the small hatch, her significant bust causing her issue, bringing a grin across Diego's face as he winked back at her and sprinted after Trent who's already kicked his way through a shoddy back door to the building and was finding his way through.

Now empowered by his armour again, Diego found himself returning to his previous, much happier and much more life filled self. As he closed the distance and entered through the buildings broken door, Seeth finally got through the hatch and was shortly being followed by Leech and Moltezz. Their vastly larger size allowing them to move far quicker. It would appear they all got dressed too, all wearing their tight fitting corsets to stop their busts from wobbling everywhere. Diego finally caught up with Trent who was stuck at a locked door which Diego promptly barged through with his shoulder piece, opening up into a large reception hall. This whole building was completely ruined though, it functioned mearly as an outpost for the Rewritten and an entrance, rather than an actual complex. And indeed the entrance was staffed. A number of uniformed women, similar to those down in the dungeon were waiting around for the two, armed with ranged stun lasers and tasers too. As the pair of frantic males leapt over the desk from behind which they came from, the lizard let loose a warcry that warped the flow of energy in the air. Both Diego and Trent found themselves feeling lighter, faster. The barrage of incoming stun fire didn't seem to effect them much either, as the warcry had given them powerful, if temporary psyonic plating that reinforced their skin. The two sped through the hall, Diego in front, charging through a group of the armed girls and directly through the front double doors, shattering their glass panes and sending chunks of plastic and wood into the surrounding area. Trent shortly followed suit, but not before grabbing one of the knocked over girls weapons and sprinting off into the truely open greenery in front of the two.

In front of them laid a large green field with forest surrounding its edges. The field stretched out a good 600m for so before any forest was reachable and they both knew that the protection of the trees would be the safest place so far.

"Trent! I have a sword! It should be at the campsite where i was abducted, we need to get there." Trent nodded, keeping his pace up and following Diego's lead. Another huge wave of stun fire was volleyed from the building, Diego's warcry still protecting them from it and still giving the the boost in speed needed to outpace the pursuing chasers enough to give them a few seconds lead. Seeth and company sprinted from the front of the building, their large size slowing them down as they got through it, but this was their territory now, open ground meant they could reach their full speed. For someone so busty, Seeth could really haul ass when she needed to. Leech had equipped herself was a couple of energy whips, one of which she threw to Seeth and the two were gaining of the males quickly. The wooded area approached quickly and that would give the two smaller males their advantage back. Seeth called out to them as they ran in an attempted to bring them in.

"Its not too late to go back Diego! Trent too! Just stop running and we can sort this out!" She leapt a good 20m or so in one huge stride and lashed the whip forward, attempting to catch their legs, Trent was in range but the nimble bugger heard it coming and jumped over it, the whip missing him by inches, Diego's warcry giving him the speed to do it. "Don't make this any worse! You know you can't escape! Stop delaying your punishment and face it like a man!". The pair jumped over the small wire fence that sectioned the forest off from the field and carried on their blisteringly fast pace through the light foilage.

"She really doesn't want you to go does she?" Trent panted, getting a little tired but keeping up pace.

"She doesn't want me, to get to my sword." Diego's reply as staggered as Trents. The forested area broke out into many small creeks and clearings, one of which had a concrete tower in it, identical to the one they escaped from, which worried Diego. He changed course to avoid going through the clearing it was stationed in. "We should, stay away from those Trent. They could be moving... through them.". Trent nodded and agreed, they were obviously connected to the facility so chances were, there were people moving through them to intercept the two of them. That was when Diego's warcry wore off, their footsteps suddenly becoming heavier, Diego's boots now thumping into the ground with more weight than before. Due to the speed decrease, they weren't pulling away from the chasers anymore. They were now being gained on, slowly, but surely.

They splashed through a creek and up the side of banking, stopping for a brief second to figure out where they were. Diego couldn't use his warcry again, not for a while, but he did have a few other tricks up his sleeve. He gestured in the air for a couple of seconds, Seeth running up to the creeks stream as she did so, her ever serious face turning into a slight smile as she was almost close enough to grab them, knowing they would be tired, looking forward to just raping the poor lizard on the spot when Diego finished his incantation. Her face turned to shock horror as the river she was about to plow into became alive with activity. Hundreds of identical illusion clones of Diego and Trent splashed up from the water and sprinted in seperate directions, the area now completely full of identical looking people all mixing together and furiously running off in seperate directions, their apperance and actions perfectly real, but their bodies formed of practically nothing, falling apart into coloured water as soon as Seeth touched them. The sheer horror spread across her face would have been great for Diego to watch, but both him and Trent were far too busy running to notice, the clones thinning out as some were dissapated and others simply ran in seperate directions. Despite this, Seeth was still managing to keep up and keep going roughly the right way. Although Leech was totally lost now, chasing the completely wrong clones in the wrong directions and the same pair of clones were even dodging her whip strikes and juking out her grabs, further wasting her time. The whole water clone situation had bought the two many minutes worth of time, increasing their distance massively and giving them some breathing space to work with. Although soon the the clones would be cleared up, as the stun laser armed grunts were sweeping the area slowly and a single shot from the would destroy the clones instantly. The two Leech was chasing after though were really making her life difficult, acting extremely convincing and drawing a huge amount of reinforcements to them. To the chasers, the real Diego and Trent just looked like a pair of clones. The ones Leech was after had clearly convinced them all otherwise.

They stopped again to catch their breath, knowing no one was after them currently. Trent a bit speechless after what he'd just seen.

"Diego... Jesus man! That was awesome! Where'd you learn to do that?"

"My training years ago. Never make a Zion Knight desperate, we've got many tricks up our sleeves."

"The hell is a Zion Knight?"

"I'll explain later, the campsite was in a clearing, a factory was nearby, it was an entrance to their dungeon. Any idea where that could be?"

"Yes! Thats were they got me! Its to the west of here."

"How do you know that?"

"I uh... escaped before but they got me... i hid for a few hours out here but Moltezz found me. That was a rough night... That was why she locked me up in her private quarters too. They actually seem to like it when you try to escape, i think the thrill of the situation kinda drives em to rape you more or something."

"So what you're saying is, if we ge caught, they're gonna rape us shitless?"

"Pretty much yeah."

"Well, we've come this far. We ain't stopping now." Trent nodded again in agreement and the two carried on at a slower pace to regain some energy, under the rough directions of Trent towards the campsite where Diego's sword should be. Diego estimated that there were about 20 clones left and the pair Leech was after were STILL going, despite being shot at and Leech being directly on their tail the whole time. Seeth had clocked on to what was going to happen, remembering about Diego's sword and how he'd want to get it back, she didn't know which clones were real or not, but she stopped chasing them entirely and instead headed towards the camp, where the sword was still lain. No one had been able to move it since they first captured Diego, unlike the armour which they managed to retreive. Seeths own feelings about the situation were very conflicted, she was angry at Diego for trying escape, but she was sad that he wanted to. She was furious about his rage this morning, but sympathic to his cause. Perhaps Diego meant more to her that she previously thought, she'd never chased after anyone before... She shook her head to clear the thoughts and carried on towards the campsite.

The escaped pair came into another clearing, this one close to the factory. Trent spotted a red glimmer over to the edge of clearing, coming from within some foilage. Diego confirming his sword was red, the two headed over to investigate catiously. As they got closer, the foilage moved and its occupant made herself known.

"FOUND YOU!" Moltezz howled, launching herself from her cover directly towards the pair, the males reacting by turning on their heels and sprinting in the opposite direction to her. She was supported by a single female standard beside her, firing her stun laser at the fox, hitting him twice in the back as he turned to run, slowly his retreat massively. Moltezz got in range with her whip and lashed it at Trents feet, catching them painfully and tripping him over, it wrapped itself around his legs perfectly and she hauled him back towards her, he gripped desperately at the grass in an attempt to save himself but his attempt was in vain as Moltezz was vastly stronger than him.

"NOT AGAIN! PLEASE! NO!" Trent howled, Diego turned back to see him chum being dragged backwards across the grass.

Knowing he was down, Moltezz walked up to the panicked fox, standing over him triumpantly, like a hunter over its prey and placed her padded foot on top of his torso.

"You'll never escape from me Trent. Never. And you know what comes next little man." She licked her lips and looked up to try and locate Diego. But what she saw did not inspire confidence within her.

The lizard swung around and formed a bright yellow energy bolo in his gauntleted hand, hurling the pulsing energy towards her, it whirring and humming through the air, energy arc'ing off it as it did so. The first energy bolt slamming into Moltezz's mid section, hurling her backwards and directly through a near by tree, sending an explosion of splinters and chunks of bark through the air. The second bolt stretched off and its energy tie to the first snapped, arcing it perfectly into the armed girls face, shattering her skeletal structure and sending her through the environment never to be seen again, the spray of blood from the impact suggesting that she was dead. A wounded Moltezz managed to stand from the settling dust and limped off, scared for her life, glancing back from time to time to see if she was being pursued, which she wasn't.

Diego ran over to Trent and helped him up, the Fox was wounded by the stun lasers shot at him, but he could still run. Just not quite as fast as before. They carried on their way towards the campsite, the journey being rather uneventful as the only clones left were the ones still being chased by Leech and now half an army. The illusions were ducking under stun fire, weaving through the environment and sprinting through clearings with a grace at Ion would be proud of. Utterly untouchable by anyone, working Leech into a demonic rage, waiting for when she'd finally catch them to rape them, unknown to her that the second she laid a finger on them, they'd dissappear. They were so caught up in chasing the final clones that they didn't even hear the bolo detonating, luckily.

Continuing on, they found the ruined factory by which they both were taken. Curosity grabbed them both as they decided to have a peek inside, seeing the door that Leech kicked down that very first night. Diego remembered the night very clearly. At least up until this point. The fresh air from the outside was mixing with the corruption, sex and sweat saturated air of the slave pens below, through which Seeth and Leech escorted him through that first night. The stairwell down to the locked door was there as it was. The factory itself was an absolute ruin. Just an empty building. Signs of violence and struggle were apparent all over it, but they were old battle scars, not new.

"You think they took everyone here Diego? Turned them into those... things?" Obviously, Trent had seen the slaves too, the mindless people who'd been turned against their will to serve a cause they didn't support.

"Must of, this place looks lived in, at one time. This wasn't built to be a disguise to their base, it was turned into one." Diego stopped and leaned heavily against one of the walls. He surprised himself with how much energy he had stored up, but that bolo really took it out of him. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up. Trent wasn't looking too good either. The stun lasers had really impacted him hard, but at least he could still run, the fox really was tough as hell. Those lasers are designed to take people down in a single hit and he was still going.

"Those clones of yours still going?"

"One pair left, got half an army after them, i don't know how but they really seem to be going well, they've really pissed off Leech."

"I uh, forgot to say Diego. Thanks. For everything. You ripped that door off, gave us that speed boost thing and shield, make a ton of clones... and then you save me from Moltezz... I don't know how the hell you did it man, but thank you."

"No, thank YOU. If it wasn't for you... i don't even wanna think about it. This was a team effort buddy, i couldn't have made it this far without you."

"Likewise. Still though, we aren't clear, not yet. What do we do when we get this sword of yours?"

"I'm not sure. We need a way out of this area completely, or better yet, off the planet. We'll sort something out."

"If i remember correctly, theres an old vehicle depot to the south of this factory. Not far either, that'd be a good place to start."

"Good idea, lets get my sword, then we'll make our way there." Before they left the old factory though, Diego stopped to look down the stairwell, its code locked door at the bottom had been left slightly open. He couldn't help himself to have a little peak through it, see if it was as he remembered. The thick muskey smell increased in its density as he approached the bottom and a quick look through the door revealed exactly what he remembered. The slave pens. Hundreds of thousands of people, just slightly underground, all shambling through the little rooms they were settled in. The very sight of it sickened him and he departed quickly. He had no desire to go any further in. Trent had scoped out the area and acutally located what he assumed was Diego's sword, the huge cresent shaped red blade sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the greenery that surrounded it. He waved Diego over, who had to climb up a small banking to join the fox.

"Yep, thats the one! I'll go fetch it now."

"Holy... Diego, that things huge! How do you carry that?!" Diego waved his hands around and grinned before walking out into the clearing and turning back briefly to reply.

"Magic!" He chirped, before closing the distance to the sword. He got within a few meters of the blade before a familar voice called out to him.

"Diego! Wait!" Seeth sprinted out and stopped a few meters in front of Diego, keeping her distance due to his proximity to the blade. "Please don't... Don't leave me."

Diego was somewhat startled by her apperance but continued to walk towards his weapon.

"Whats changed your tune? Underestimated us and now regretting it?"

"Yes, yes i do. But i regret something else much more than that."

"What would that be then?" Diego asked, unimpressed by her so far. She stepped forward a little.

"I regret ever letting Leech near you. I'm sorry. You were right. I knew you were scared of her and i tried to treat you like you were just any old mark. I was wrong." Diego became a little more interested in her speech, he reached his blade but he didn't pull it out the ground yet. "Look, I'm sorry i did that and i'm sorry i got angry at you this morning. I wasn't going to fetch Leech this morning, i just wanted to scare you... i went to tell her off about what she did! Please don't leave us... me... Diego. I'm asking you to come back." He paused to think about what she was saying, Trent was becoming increasingly worried from his hiding spot on the small hill, but he stayed hidden, watching closely.

"I'm not asking you to come back as my slave... i'm asking you to come back as my... my..." She sighed and paused for a second, the words she was trying to say were clearly difficult for her. "... As my boyfriend Diego..."

His jaw dropped and he stared at her in disbelief.

"I won't chain you up unless you want it, i'll keep Leech and Moltezz and Plasia away from you if you want it. You can join our ranks as a commander and not a slave. You'll be my 2nd in command and my lover. You know you loved being with me. I made you feel pleasure that you didn't even think was possible. And i'll give it to you all again. And again. And again. And it only gets better, i promise. Just don't leave me! Trent can go, i won't chase him. I'll deal with the backlash and i'll sort it all out, you won't have to do a thing. I'll get you your own private quarters! We can be together tonight, doing what we both love!" He was clearly considering her offer, his thoughts were getting mixed up and confused, she took another step forward, towards him and carried on trying to convince the lizard. "You can fuck anyone you want! You've seen how many Nodes and Slaves we've got, they'll do anything for you! I can make it happen. You know nothng is ever going to rival the sexual satisifaction i can bring. What more could you ever want? A home, power, wealth, sex at the click of your fingers, me..."

"How can i trust you Seeth?! How do i know, if i say yes, that you're not going to betray me and lock me up again? How do i know that Leech isn't waiting for me if i go back?!" The huge girl fell to her knee's, a tear rolled down her soft face.

"You can't... All you have is my word." She quickly wiped the singular tear away and tried to return to her emotion devoid expression she usually displays but she was struggling to hold it together. Diego turned back to look at Trent who was still on the hill, he didn't say anything again.

Seeth stood up and walked closer to Diego, coming within a meter of him and stopping again. Looking at him for permission to come closer.

"I know you like me in charge of the bedroom, but outside of that, you'll be in charge of yourself Diego. You can go anywhere you want, do anything you please. But just don't leave me. I l-"

She stepped forward again and placed a hand gently on his face, stroking his features with her soft hands. "I... love... you..."

He stared back at her, unable to reply, shellshocked by her words. She came a little closer, placing both her hands on his head, carrassing his hair and ears. "I love you Diego. There. I said it." The tears appeared in her eyes again, and she truly showed emotion for the first time since they'd met, her sad and utterly hopeless expression conveying just how truthful she was being. She stared into his eyes, desperately waiting for a reply. "Please say something... talk to me! Don't make be lose my dignity and beg! Because i will!" She fell to her knees again, bringing them face to face due to the size difference. "I just want you... so much Diego. This isn't a quick fling or a lust desire... this is something else, something i haven't felt in years and it really scares me Diego because it reminds me of who i used to be before i came... this..." She was frantic and desperate in her words, her eyes darting back and forth to look at both of his. "What else am i supposed to say...? Name anything! Any condition for your return! I'll make it happen! Just.... please.... stay with me..."

Diego still remained silent, but his mind was alive and utterly overwhelmed by thoughts and ideas. A part of him believing her, another distrusting her, a part of him not wanting to betray Trent in the slighest, another thinking that this could work in some way. Her stared back at her, placing a hand on top of hers and another on her cheek, running a thumb over the tear that ran down her features. He tried to start a sentence but failed several times as he changed his mind. Seeth tearing up further as she could see the conflict in his head. She wanted to do so many things to him, but restrained herself, to give him the space he needed. She wanted to prove that she could hold her word and her will. But could she be trusted? Could She even trust herself at this point?