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"Lorem Ipsum" Dialogue

'Lorem Ipsum' Inner monologue

--------Sophia's POV-----------

'My name is Sophia Yukline. I and my brother are twins. I am the elder sister among the two of us obviously. I have a secret which even my brother does not know about.

My secret is that I know my brother's secret.

I think from the day we were born I was able to witness a strange world in my dreams they were very vivid and life-like.

As I grew old I came to understand what those dreams were about.

They were of the world where magic is a fantasy, logic is eternal, mathematics is truth, science is an unshakable fact.

And most of all they are memories of my brother in his previous life.

I used to see them in fascination as to how a world without magic works where a god does not dictate your existence, and mankind has reached stars. To me, that was an illogical world.

But it changed when my brother made a timepiece from my memories, first I did not understand a feeling of déjà vu but just I fell asleep that night, I dreamed of it and everything became clear.

Our world has legends of summoned heroes, reincarnated heroes, and many others. It is said that they were common at the time of continental war which lasted for centuries.

So is my brother a reincarnated hero, how can it be? It has to be bogus right!                      Whatever it may be I am going to keep this secret near my heart.

In my vivid dreams which I saw at random order, where my brother was sometimes as a student, sometimes as a deadbeat working adult, sometimes as reading mangas and light novels.

As they are precious memories of a world I don't know about I learned about them to understand my brother better.

In any world people ask questions, the question means existence, and questioning one's existence means thinking.

Therefore a quote I saw in one of the light novels my brother read comes to mind-                                                                                          [I think therefore I am]

With their thinking and questions, they were able to find what our world is made of.

In my world we have magic but we still don't know what our world is made of we have the misconception that our world is made of five basic elements of nature fire, water, earth, air, and space.

I saw those dreams I studied their knowledge and perfected my magic.

That's why even before I became a professional level wizard I was able to use composite magic.

As for my next class, I choose researcher. As I want to study my brother's knowledge, know what my brother knows, see the world my brother sees.

Sometimes I wonder, if my brother has my abilities then what would he have done with them?

That's why I will be supporting my brother by spreading his knowledge far and wide.

So that he can see the familiar sight of his past life.'

As darkness around Sophia cleared She found herself laying down on the bed holding Amish's hand.

'So I am a professional level Mage now, huh'

Sophia turned around to look at her brother.

'I wonder what next class will you choose?'


'I am sleepy, let's go to sleep'

"Goodnight brother"

----------3rd Person POV-------------

A few moments later Amish woke up from his test.

"I passed huh! damn, that was tough. I did not think that they would provide a modern-day workshop for tests, or is it due to my cognition, well whatever"


"I am sleepy, yawn~, let's go back to sleep"

Amish turned around to look at his sister.

"Goodnight sister"