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Eliteia POV


I was standing in front of the mansion's front door, tapping my left foot impatiently.

What took them so long? I'm dying to see Varix right now.

While waiting for them, I recall my first encounter with Varix.

I was driving home after a long day of work, there was heavy traffic at the time, because there was a car accident, which caused me to be stuck in the road.

I relieve my boredom by simply looking around and watching some passers-by. Until my sight passed onto a person sitting on the side of the road. Because the hair hides the face, I'm not sure if it's a female or a boy. Based on the body shape, I'm very positive that's a teenager. And that person is unmistakably a homeless person.

I was just staring at that kid inside my car. That kid's hand has numerous wounds, indicating that he or she was involved in a fight. And that person was just staring up into the sky, as if thinking about something.

I'm having a great time watching that kid. When a middle-aged man approached the kid, he said something that I didn't hear. That kid simply stood up and nodded. The kid follows the middle-aged man. I simply look at the child till it vanishes from my sight.

The next day, I went to the location where I had seen the kid at the time. And the kid was sitting there like yesterday. I believe it is the same spot where the kid sleeps.I'm just keeping an eye on the kid.

One week of observing, or should I say, stalking, that kid. Despite the fact that I didn't know that kid, I was too fascinated by watching it. Even the child appears to be filthy. I wasn't disgusted at all.

Then, one day, while I was watching from afar, the kid peering at the passing vehicles, the kid's mouth formed an unexpected tiny smile, and even though I couldn't see the kid's eyes, I was startled since it was the first time I had seen that kid smile.

I couldn't stop myself from driving towards the kid when I saw the kid's thin smile. Something is urging me to help that kid. I stepped out of my car and began to hold a conversation. I knew that kid thought I was a suspicious person, which is why he didn't respond to me at first. I tried to be cheerful while speaking, and eventually the kid responded, revealing that he is a boy. There's nothing except coldness in his voice.

My aim at the moment was to just help him, and I was ready to hand over some cash. But I went the other direction; I asked him to become my son and bring him to my house, or, should I say, force him to come.

I never imagined Varix, whom I had watched from afar, would become my son. That night, I had intended to speak with him, but there was an emergency at work, so I went out again.

The next day, I informed Blaise, as expected, that she would have a younger brother. Blaise didn't like it, and Varix came down to talk to me; his face is now visible. He's surprisingly good looking. His heterochromia, with one violet-colored eye and the other light gray, drew my interest even more.

Despite his attractiveness, how did this boy simply end up as a homeless? That was my thought at the time.

In their first meeting, Blaise is harsh on Varix. I was afraid Varix would be hurt by what Blaise said about him. For the first time, I became enraged with Blaise.I noticed she was taken aback. Upon seeing that I'm deeply sorry for that, but I can't tolerate insulting Varix, even though she is my daughter. I'm not sure why I'm so attached to him, even though I have no idea who he is.

My rage grew as I learned more about Varix's past. I looked for Varix's relatives, who kicked him out and stole his parents' money, and the host club where he used to work, particularly the owner. I made them pay in a slow and agonizing manner, until they begged me to just kill them.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find the person I most wanted to kill, that jerk named Andy, who made Varix's life in the host club a living nightmare. I'm going to make his death more agonizing than he could have dreamed in his life.

Varix stepped out of the car and called me out while I was deep in thinking.

"Mom!" He smiled at me with a wonderful grin.

Awww-~Varix is so handsome. He got a new hairstyle.

I gave him a warm hug right away. I pressed my face on his chest.

Hmmm.. he really smells good.

I truly hate being hugged or intimate with other people, particularly repulsive males, but Varix is an exception.

Varix is fully aware of my aloof demeanor when it comes to males; he had no idea why, and I didn't want him to find out. I'm afraid he'll be disgusted with me once he learns why I had that trauma. It makes me hurt and sad to think about it.

" What's wrong?"


"You suddenly look sad, Mom," he says, with a tinge of concern but also a trace of coldness in his gaze. His eyes are exhibiting emotion, but they will quickly return to cold and lifeless.

I'm hoping to get rid of the coldness in my eyes one day.

"It's because I haven't seen you in a week, and it's making me sad."

"Well, who's fault it is?"

I was the one who assigned him to that business trip, after all. It was planned to last only three days, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it was extended for additional four days.

What's that?......on Varix's shirt, I smell a new exquisite perfume. It isn't Blaise's scent.

Where the hell did that perfume come from?

While glaring at him, I sharpened my eyes. He was taken aback by my abrupt change.

"Who are those girls?" No, it's neither Blaise or Kyrie.

Please don't tell me he has a girlfriend.

"What girls?" Varix, you can't fool me by acting innocently. Even maintaining your stoic demeanor.

"Right, Mom, Sara and Diane hugged him earlier," Blaise said as she walked up to us. With a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

I smelled three different perfumes and wondered, "Who's the other one?"

"Ahh...maybe it's from that freshman," Varix said, as though he recognized who I was referring to.

"Can you tell me who's a freshman?"

Blaise added, "Mom, she's the one who married Varix in university." I can't control my feelings after hearing this.


"No, nonono Mom, it's a marriage booth, marriage booth," he exclaims, panicking.

"Can you tell me who that girl is?"

 I'm going to track down that girl...

"I'm not sure, Mom. Come on, it's only a marriage booth, nothing to be concerned about," he reassured me with a firm hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh really? ... Why did you kiss that freshman, then? " Blaise has revealed yet another secret.

Kissed...I will kill that girl. Only Blaise and I have the right to kiss Varix.

"He kissed her on the lips, Mom," I caught Varix glaring at Blaise.

Even neither myself nor Blaise kissed him on the lips, preferring instead to kiss him on the cheeks or the forehead. Why?

"Mom, let me ex-"

"I don't want to hear that," I said angrily. I'm just staring at him coldly. And then I began to enter the mansion. Leaving Varix and Blaise 

I was now feeling betrayed and hurt. My tears were already streaming down my cheeks, and I was completely unaware of it. I'm rushing to my room, which is adjacent to Varix's room.

I realized I didn't love him as a son, but rather as a man. When Blaise, and him grew closer to the point of sleeping in Varix's room, I knew it. I was envious of Varix's attention and hurt that he didn't pay attention to me.

I'm hoping that one day he will love Blaise and me as women. Yes, both Blaise and I are know that we love him.

Our plan is to persuade him to accept us as his woman.

I hadn't expected him to kiss another female in our two years together. Except for myself, Blaise, and Kyrie, he never got involved with any other girls.

He has trauma on girls, especially older women, which is one of the reasons he estranged himself from them. Despite the fact that I am much older than him, I was fortunate in that it provoked his trauma.

I don't know the whole story, but knowing he kissed the other girl, it upset me.

Worried at the same time. Is this a sign that he's starting to recover from his trauma? I'm scared he'll leave us once he's fully recovered.

I wrapped myself in a blanket, tears rolling down my face.

I know I should be behaving appropriately as a older, but I can't stop crying.


So, what should I do now?