Millian gets her clone and does terrible things to particular body parts
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It felt like a million years as Millian worked for her new employer and earned all the moneys she needed to pay for her clone. It didn't feel like tickling because her clients were too rough. She told them to be more gentle but they didn't listen. What a bunch of meanies.

But she finally managed to get the necessary moneys. Now, 2 weeks later, her clone was going to be ready for service. She was just waiting for the news as she sat at home, hoping for the good news.

Then the door opens and she gets up all giddy and wild. The door barely opens before she lunges towards her new lover.

"You must be my clone, Oh my gosh, I am in love with you, I love you and I want to be with you forever so let's go upstairs so I can put my  hand up your- HEY!" Turns out it wasn't her clone but her brother. "Sutpid borther, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I live here."

"You idiot! What are you doing outside. You know you're not allowed to be with normal society because of your disgusting ways."

"I got fed up and needed a break, which is why I'm wearing this mask to protect my identity. Anyways, there's a box for you over there."

"A box?"

Behind her brother, there was a large box. Pushing her brother aside, she opens it and finds body parts. She screams from fright at the ghastly scene as it was an assortment of body parts. "Who would send me such a thing!?" She then sees a severed head on the box! She screams some more only to get a closer look. The head was just like her! "What is going on?" she pronounces the words. She finds a note in the hand of the assorted body parts and upon picking it up with her own hand with her own fingers, she reads it.

'Dear Milian,

Your clone is ready but you didn't pay for assembly, but don't worry, just follow these easy to follow instructions that surely you can even follow and your clone should be running in no time.

If you liked this clone, don't forget to rate me on with 5 stars.


Dr. Hower'

"Oh, this is my clone, so I got to build it myself. Shouldn't be too hard."

She takes the box to her room and throws all the body parts on the bed. However, she couldn't figure out how to put it together. She looked at the instructions but they used very complicated terms like "lock joint" and "insert A to B" and "don't assemble your clone incorrectly as that would be inhumane to it". It didn't make any sense.

Not knowing what to do, she was about to throw the clone to the garbage and demand a refund, she then realized there were 2 very important pieces missing. Looks like she was missing her breast and her crotch area.

"HEY! THE BEST PARTS ARE NOT HERE!" She shouts as she races downstairs and outside to see if it dropped or something. She looks at the streets to find a pitbull carrying off the goodies.

"GIVE ME BACK MY TOYS!" she screams as she runs after the dog. The dog was about to get away and she couldn't run fast enough. She had to think fast. She then saw a 10 year old boy next to her.

"Hey kid, let me borrow your gun for a second so I can shoot that dog."

"Okay," and tosses his Colt Python .357 Magnum caliber revolver towards her. She grabs it and shoots the dog in the head, killing it instantly. She tosses the gun back at the kid and runs towards the dead dog.

Then it happened.

She saw the firm round soft yet firm breast and the curvy seductive hips. They were naked, all dirty from the dog drool and guts, along with pavement marks when it was being mishandled on the ground. It was so tempting that she could not help herself. Grabbing her brand new toys, she started caressing them gently and softly and pressingly. She tickled and rubbed them all over herself. She would then grab her hips and spreading the cheeks, she would lick it so soft and moistly. Oh, she bet if it were active, it would be tingling with sensation.

She couldn't help herself, it was just so good. She didn't care about all the haters around her clamoring her to stop this disgusting display of love and affection. After all, if she didn't listen to them about the whole running around naked when she lives next to a preschool, what makes them think she'll listen to them now.

But eventually she realizes the error of her ways. Toys are fine, but these were part of the rest of her body and it would be more fun to have the clone actually activated. So she takes her two goodies and even the dead dog because she accidentally also rubbed herself against it and surprisingly it felt good too, plus she didn't have time to go grocery shopping and could use a shortcut for dinner.

Thus she takes her ball and goes home.

Then she arrived home and went inside the home to go to her room.

After that whole ordeal, she decided to once again attempt to build her clone.

"This is too much work," she complained. "I want her right now, but I don't want to build her. Besides, I think I got it wrong."

She grabs a hold of an organ she'd never heard of before. "What is this weird wrinkling pink thing? Looks disgusting. There's no way people have this inside their bodies. What is this?" She looks at the instruction manual and declares, "I don't know what this 'brain' is but it looks useless. I'm throwing it away."

She takes the useless organ and throws it out the window where a ragged dog was just scrounging around her garbage. Let's just say that dog was very happy to find out it would eat tonight.

It took her so long but she finally managed to build it. It required her to open a book and put all her energy into reading it and it gave her a light headache and it was so agonizing that she needed to go to the corner pharmacy and buy some prescription headache medicine. The pharmacist was no nice because she didn't have any money but that was okay because all he needed was for her to be blindfolded and have her temperature taken. Though she found it strange that the thermometer was so thick and hot and that it would squirt some strange ooze into her mouth and anal cavity as the doctor required both oral and rectal temperature checks but the doctor told her it was nothing. He gave her a baggy full of medicine powder and she had to cut it up with a credit card before she inhaled it with a dollar bill from her nostril. What a strange prescription but it was doctors orders.

Then, finally after all that, the clone was complete, but it was still lifeless. According to Dr. Hower, she had to activate the clone by getting a pair of jumper cables, clamp one of the ends to the nipples and the other to the car, and start the car engine.

She did just that and when the car started, the clone jumped up as sparks were flying everywhere.

Next chapter: The clone lives! Nasty things to follow.