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“Lets get going, ill tell you about me as we ride home Lin” my master said.

I hated my nickname he gave me, but I couldn't tell him that.

“My mother was a prostitute and had me at 20. She died at 30, I was only 10 at the time and normally would have died on the streets soon after. But for 7 years I stole food and clothes, never getting caught. At 17 I started working on fishing boats and was able to work my way up. By 22 I had bought my own boat and then a year later I was even able to earn citizenship, only 5 percent of the population are citizens. Because 3 years ago in 136 I was one of many boat owners who helped the Fluctus military fight the Denolopis invasion on the front lines. I have never had any crew because of the empires hazard pay laws, the ocean is dangerous and while I benefited when I worked on other peoples boats. I could not afford that myself so I went out alone when I had my own boat.”

“But I almost died so I need help on my boat and I only need to feed and clothe you, witch will save me money”

As he talked to me a was looking around and amazed by this water city, platforms held up by poles from the water making city blocks. They were about 10 feet above water with some walkways hanging on the sides, I think these were supposed to be sidewalks. Occasionally a bridge like platform connected the 2 side. The poles were metal and stone, also large rotating stairs lead down to the water from the walk ways. Where floating platforms lined the side of the water streets, some blocks had tall buildings at least 40 feet tall. Others had one or two floor buildings, all metal and covered in some rust. Most had walls separating there property from the walkways.

I was so overwhelmed by all the ads and sighs, there was also a lot of people. Mostly English was used but some Latin I think was used as well. I saw ads for sex slaves for rent, gun shops, liquor stores, clothing shops, and more.

A ton of pipes ran under the platforms, most likely for fresh water, sewage, and power. What the fuck happened in 150 years, then I heard my master say “just be grateful you don’t live on the crater, its like hell there”. I didn’t know people lived on that massive crater and why didn’t they leave? We finally pulled into a small private dock with buildings on the other side, they looked to built the same as the slavers building. Except they were a hideous faded red, did no one repaint there houses?

We pulled up and the jet ski pulled up to a dock that also had a long and skinny boat there, it had a huge turret looking thing that had a seat on the back. I also hated the shade of orange it was painted, my master picked me up in my barrel and carried me up the stairs between the two buildings.

“Welcome home, you even get a bed and your own room”, he then patted my head again, I felt so helpless but at least he seamed like a person. I had so many people I would call monster handle me so far, also I wanted a bed so bad, hell I would even sleep in the same bed as him. I had nothing but cold metal floors for who knows how long.

I was unlocked from my barrel in front of the house and invited in, I wanted to stay on his good side so I did. A small living room and kitchen with ugly yellow walls and dirty carpet is what I saw. A chair that looked so beet up, as to be beyond saving. Then I smelled the foul fish smell of the house, I wanted to complain but I was afraid to.

He then picked me up and carried me to the end of the kitchen and turned right followed by another right. A small hall with 3 doors was in front of me and I was carried to the door on the right, it was a bathroom. The tile was old and some was chipped, a small metal sink with a mirror was in the right corner, next to it a dirty tub and a metal toilet. “Time to bath you my little slave”, I was put in the tub and my shirt was pulled off. Water started running and it was cold but this bath did feel good, “master, can I get warm water”. I could not believe what I said, I did not want to get beaten again. Luckily I just got a head pat and he said, “don’t have such a luxury in this house”.

While still not pleasant he didn’t seem to get any pleasure from touching me as he bathed me, at least he didn’t show it. The bath did feel good but I didn’t want to admit it, once it was done he drained the tub and ask me to exit it. I was handed a towel and dried myself off, at least he let me do it. Then all of a sudden he touched my breast for 30 second, “I had to, your just so cute”, he then patted my head.

I followed my master naked to my room and it was as run down as I thought, yellow walls and dirty fish smelling carpet. A twin bed with a thin mattress and a blanket, the pillow had a blood stain on it.

A small wooden table and chair and a plastic bin full of clothes, 2 windows in the corner but they were barred so I could not sneak out. “Its all old clothes and they wont all fit but find something to wear, lots of jeans, underwear, and t shirts” he said, I asked “any bras?”.

“No, I forgot about those, well I know your a c cup so later I can by you some”, great so no bras.

I found some under wear that fit me and put it on, then I found some paints that he called jeans and put those on. I looked threw the shirts and found a few that fit me, the least embarrassing was one that was blue with a sword and a rifle on it. I found some socks and looked to my master for what to do next.

“Good, now rest up for the day, your probably tired. Tomorrow ill start you working, and the doors locked”. I was thrilled to have on clothes and get a bed finally, and the bath was nice. I instantly lied down in bed, this bed sucked but right now it was the best in the world. I fell asleep as I had not slept properly in so long. I passed out and didn’t care fore anything else right now, I hoped he would treat right since even if I escaped I had no idea where to go and I didn’t know how to drive a boat.


Thank you to all who are reading