I shall Weaponize the Overworld first! Part 2
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While I was adapting to my new vision the system started listing most of my recent exploits eventually combining them into one notification.

The System has decided to reward users efforts in expanding the available list of species to other worlds/dungeons!

Due to users effort in expanding the catalogue of biologically and magically viable species deadly and peaceful. System decided to grant your every next creation with an increase in (can select only one option):

  1. Creativity
  2. Prolificty
  3. Mana generation
  4. Mana sense
  5. Mana manipulation
  6. Stronger body stats
  7. Stronger mind stats
  8. Unlock for every affinity 
  9. Increase in one affinity (select one major and one minor from the list, Warning every other affinity will be blocked!)
  10. Slight increase in all stats
  11. Increased exp gain

List of affinities:

  1. Raw mana
  2. Primal mana
  3. Refined mana
  4. Water
  5. Air
  6. Earth
  7. Fire 
  8. Stellar
  9. Void
  10. Light
  11. Darkness
  12. Gravity
  13. Space
  14. Time
  15. Nature
  16. Physics (user has to have extensive knowledge on several subjects to use it properly but the spells cost almost nothing)
  17. Chaos (user is able to inflict mental states like insanity, spell effects and cost are determined by luck stat of the user)
  18. Demonic (user is able to grant wishes in exchange for servitude or souls. This affinity gradually inflicts insanity)
  19. Creation (user is able to create anything with just a thought, better understanding of the object and parts of intended creation lessen the cost of mana)


Jesus fuckin christ that’s a lot! Hehe, time to break the game! I chose option 9, major will be “Gravity” and the minor will be “Physics”. As I laugh merrily about the endless possibilities of actively using laws of physics and gravity to break them. Essentially the Physics part should work as a buff to mana efficiency and every affinity unlock while gravity gives strong movement, attack and defensive abilities!


Also out of curiosity I remade the basic non specialized Zodarii species due to my insight in making various similar species I made their muscle structure 31,45% stronger and overall changes increased efficiency in menial chores by 6% and in construction by 20%. 


Surprisingly this triggered the new boon I got from the System, but this alone wasn’t that big. The biggest surprise was the fact that the boon activated in all of the specialized Zodarii. It is logical that if the main species has it then the subs should also have it. I’m not complaining though, because remaking all of them for better efficiency go back on the list of things I have to do.


Also the armor of mages was recording spells and could help with casting, remember that? Well, the mages can still cast normall spells as before using the armour assistance but with lesser mana cost thanks to my knowledge ingrained in them.


As for the surface, I ordered the construction of a fort with a dock for boats and dungeon helpers that will be able to fly higher than napkins. The plan of the foundation is to take rocks from underground, turn them into long bricks with magic and stack them on top of themselves while reinforcing them with mana and gradually merging all of them to create primitive magical concrete. 


Thanks to my innate sense of using gravity my mages were able to greatly increase the density of the foundation making it pretty much invulnerable to explosive damage and most of piercing attacks. Blunt force still could damage it but the loss of material and the cracks are easily repaired thanks to the absurd density and earth magic.


The foundation was laid out in the shape of a hexagon with 2 gates facing the Island one facing the water where in the future docks will be. Dead in the center of the fort is the lift and main access point to the rest of the dungeon. The surface area protected by the fort is equal to a large village that houses about 300 people. It’ll take up half of the island when completed and even then it would need to be expanded because the entrance is close to the water.


Thinking about defending my progress, because only a fool would jump to the bottom of my Well of the Worty, I picked up various different mushrooms both made in the dungeon and the natural ones and I smashed them together.


With somewhat stable DNA of over 20 different species made into one I begin my work.


First, I increase the atmosphere filtration ability along with water filtration ability, to make the mushroom  able to live off salt water and the air alone. Next I fill every possible cell that will be exposed to sunlight with chlorophyll to make them able to photosynthesize.


Second, I gave the new creation to think and be able to use magic. By doing so it would serve as an excellent wall/gate against laundbound invaders. Next I gave it the ability to siphon mana from incoming spells and use nearby plant life to either heal or strengthen itself. 


I designed it to work like a barter system where the wall siphons mana from attacking army and uses it to trade for nutrients to heal or for other plants to move their roots on top of the wall plant giving another layer to destroy for the army below.


I made the conditions of growth of such a strong plant troublesome in any circumstance other than mine that is near perfect control over nature and creation mana. So even if someone manages to get the seeds they won’t grow and assuming that everyone thinks that dungeons aren’t intelligent or something they won’t ever discover the method to grow any of my plant life and make familliars out of my dungeon helpers.


The next thing to make was a turret. I had 3 options here: plant, mana formation or dungeon helper stuck in one place. Each has their own problems because skills like “Destroyer of nature” or similar bs could exist. The mana formation could be destroyed by a stray arrow or it could turn off when enemy tampers with it or when the energy runs out. 


The dungeon helper could survive the arrow but developing skills for protecting walls are going to take ages plus I lose potentially high level combatant when the main entrance is breached because it’s stuck to the walls.


While complaining about hard choices I absentmindedly remade all of my helpers, newest models didn’t see much or any improvement but older ones got changed a lot. The changes didn’t exclude plants, I made a risky decision and made all of them capable of simple thoughts and made them compatible with each other, meaning their roots could merge with each other allowing a hive mind to form. 


The risk represents the possibility of headache when the hivemind starts expanding out of the dungeon eventually encompassing the whole world. Speaking about risk, I just got invaded…. My BUFF NOOO!!!! ALL UNITS STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND KILL THEM BEFORE THEY ENTER  MY TERRITORY THIS IS AN ORDER! FAVOUR WHATEVER!!! DO IT!!


(Reconnaissance unit high in the air above location from System Ad)


-”Yep, it looks like a dungeon, alright. Arlen, what's the mana density of it?” Leader asked their mage.


-”Haven’t seen anythin like it in a while. Either over level 40 or someone fed it a lot of mana and it didn’t digest it yet.” Said the mage looking interested. This reaction made other party members worry since this unstable maniac only feigns interest when he and everyone around him are in real danger.


-”We were ordered by the Formation Master to check this place through and only come back with challenge done or severely injured by the dungeon. Haa, time to move our legs and enter cramped, messy, smelling fucking cave!” Rogue stammered in frustration over their unreasonable assignment and the common sense of how dungeons look.


-”I’m doin this so I can legally keep this amazing equipment! Who cares about the dungeon, it will be like a fly-by over fish in the sea!” Replied always cheerful warrior, while looking at his and others clothes.


The avian people generally don’t wear any, because they are signs of wealth, nobility or social standing. The clothes they were given composed of several bracelets for their hands and legs. Leather helmets with transparent protective substance over the eyes that allowed them to see at night. 


And thin leather utility belts carrying ammo and water. Their weapons consisted of enchanted feathers for the pigeon mage that act as a wand, sharpened and short feathers for the toucan rogue, black and constantly excreting puss for their raven leader who was able to raise small undead and long and strong feathers of their goose warrior. 


Since they were going to a cave and their feathers tend to grow back with enchants that were previously placed they didn’t need swords or anything. They were standing tall, average height of birdfolk is one head above dwarfs that are half as tall as humans, on the beach replenishing mana from their journey here. 


Their bodies even when looking like their unevolved cousins aren’t capable of flight but are adept at using fire magic that changes the flow of the winds allowing them to fly.