Chapter 88 – So, this is fishing.
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In a matter of moments, we made our way to the fishing spot. The inside of the 'dog bowl' was actually pretty rad. It was a little hard to tell from up above, but the pond was actually quite a ways below ground level, sunk far into the ground. And the hills, despite being grassy on the outside, entirely consisted of tough brown rocks in this side. I dropped us on a sturdy rock outcropping, which was suspiciously similar to a viewing deck. There was even a safety railing made out of rocks. That struck me as a little odd. Behind us was a long, dark cavern, presumably leading to the entrance of this place. I guess it probably leads to the dungeon, too. And above us was a crisp blue sky, spotted with clouds, here and there, with the sun persistently beaming down upon us. 

The whole thing sort of made me feel like I was in a hallowed out mountain, or a deep and mysterious unexplored ancient cave or something. I bet the feeling of coming out of that dark tunnel, out here into the light, seeing the sun glisten on the water and feeling the fresh air fill your lungs is unlike any other. It'd be the kinda scene, like, in a movie, where the camera would go all *fwwwoooahh* and the music would *ooooaaahhhh*. Y'know?

Makes me feel kinda stupid for just teleporting here like a big dumb idiot.

Ah well. I can still appreciate the coolness of place, flashy entrance or not. 

The immortal peered over the edge of the outcropping. "Hmmmm... We're a bit higher than I thought we'd be. Let's head down." She said, gesturing over to the convenient suspiciously staircase-esque outcropping of rocks to our right. The safety railings even continued down the staircase. 

I nodded, and we began making our way down the stairs. They circled along the entire walls of this place, leading all the way to the bottom, to the lake proper. Though, we wouldn't be going that far. The staircase was also dotted with other convenient 'viewing areas' at various elevations.

We ended up at the one closest to the bottom. Not at the bottom, but close to it. When we got there, the immortal walked up near the safety railing and.. Stood there for a bit. She looked out at the water, and around the... Chasm? Is this a chasm? Or is it more like a ravine? Are either of those correct? My understanding of geology or geography or whatever is lacking. Anyways, she thoughtfully looked around the 'dog bowl, and once satisfied, took a deep breath. 

Then, she reached her hand out, held it there for a moment, and put her finger in her mouth.

"The heck are you doing?" I asked. 

"Yep. This is a good fishing spot." She said.



The immortal took off their fishing vest thingy, and laid it out on the ground. 

Man, she looked small before, but without that bulky vest, she looks tiny. I feel like I could pick her up and chuck her like a football.

Then I looked at my arms. I'm pretty sure her arms have more muscle than mine do. 

Okay, maybe I couldn't throw her. But someone strong like S probably could. He's lithe, but he's got some pretty nice muscle to him. I guess that probably comes naturally, given his line of work. 


I hope he's doing alright.


Well, I can rest easy knowing that he is probably capable of throwing little girls. 

Wait, why the heck am I thinking about this? 

Anyways, the immortal pulled out what appeared to be a green and brown camo towel or a blanket or something, before laying it out on the ground and putting her vest back on. She then sat down on the blanket, and gazed out at the water.

Wait a minute... Y'know, I wasn't really thinking about it before, but... Aren't we missing something important? Granted, I've never been fishing, and I don't know the first thing about fishing. But, I'm at least pretty sure that there's one pretty important part of the puzzle.

"Uh... Shouldn't you have a fishing rod?" I asked. 

She looked over at me. "Of course I do, it's right-" She reached towards the ground, and picked up... Nothing.

She paused, her mouth agape, and blinked really hard a few times. 



"W-well, I can just warp-"

"Nah, I'm screwing with you." She said, chuckling a bit. Rude. "Check this out." She stood up, and reached for the scabbard at her side. What she pulled out had the hilt of a sword, but, beyond that, it was some stubby looking black stick thingy with a reel. She reached back, casted it out, and, like magic, the rod extended, and a line was cast, which fell into the water below. 

"Oh. Cool." I said. It was pretty neat, though a little... Extra, I guess. I mean, is it that great an inconvenience to carry a normal rod around?

"You're darn right it is." She said, confidently. "Designed and built her myself. Light, durable, compact, and so, so much more. Nothing else quite like her. Trust me, I'd know." 

Huh. Well, that's certainly... Something. I guess. "Cool. Uh, what's with the sword hilt?"

"Eh, just makes more sense with the scabbard. I can make it whatever, though." She said, easily sliding the hilt right off, and setting it aside.  "Really just depends how I'm carrying it. Though, to tell you the truth, I could easily fit this baby in my pocket if I wanted to." 

"Cool. Why don't you?" 

"It'd take a few seconds longer to pull out. Gets kinda annoying." 

"I see." 

"Anyways, I gotta put a lure on this thing." She pulled the reel back, and, in the blink of an eye, the line was all reeled back into the rod. She unhooked a lure from her fishing hat thingy, hooked it on the rod, and cast it out into the water once more. 

"Ah, yeah... This is it..." She said, sounding quite relaxed, despite her intense gaze on the water below.



I looked around the 'dog bowl', but I didn't notice anything new.

"Uh... What is?" 

"Fishing." She said, simply. 

"But... Nothing's happening."

She laughed. "Yeah. Fishing."


So, this is fishing. 

I sat down on the ground, and, once again, soaked in the sights, the smell of the water mixed with the fresh air, and looked up at that clear blue sky. It was nice. 

And I sat there for some time, letting all of those things wash over me. 

I guess this is fishing. 

It's not so bad, I guess.