Chapter 1 – I – A matter concerning marriage
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Chapter 1 - I - A matter concerning marriage


Mister Kuro?  Mister Kuro?”


I slowly opened my eyes, and what I saw immediately was a maid with auburn hair.




“Eris would like to apologize, but can Mister Kuro move for a bit?”


“Hm?”  I looked around and was surprised that I was sleeping at the library.  Back on Earth, it’s a mortal sin to do that, especially if you’re in the middle of reading a book, “Sorry; I didn’t notice I fell asleep.”


The young maid laughed, “It’s fine Mister Kuro.”


And then it came back to me.  Isn’t it that Eris is assigned to the Grooming Department?  Why is she at the library?


“Are you out cleaning here once again?”


Eris shook her head, “Eris was just reading a book in her spare time.”  She put a couple of big books on the table and read.


“I see…”  Well, now that I noticed it, the entire library was vast…and empty.  I mean, there were a lot of empty tables at which Eris could read.  She really chose to read near my space.


What the heck, kid?


Okay, no matter.  It’s just a minor issue, anyway.  Looking back at Eris, I saw that the titles of the book she was reading were about the histories of the various kingdoms and states around Chersea.  And not just the typical, skim-and-read history picture books.  She was reading the detailed histories—yep, the types that had small fonts, and zero illustrations…books that would bore to death the average, post-millennial teenager who couldn’t part with their smartphones.




Well, I guess I’m out.  I read my share of books for now, and I never wanted to disturb someone so focused on reading such books.


“Eh?  Where are you going, Mister Kuro?” I heard Eris called out to me.


Hm?  Do you need something from me?”


“Not really…” Eris answered with an anxious face, “Eris was wondering if she disturbed Mister Kuro…”


Well, you just did.  But then again, it’s fine because I don’t want to sleep all day, “I’m okay with it.  I didn’t intend to snooze the entire time.”


“Oh…” Eris then closed the book she was reading.


“Hold on.  I thought you’re reading that?”


Hmm…it’s okay.  Eris would only want to read beside Mister Kuro.  She’s comfortable whenever Mister Kuro is around.  Besides, it’s been a long time since Eris had a talk with her friend…”


Now it’s my turn to feel bad.  Indeed, I was so busy with other matters lately that I had little time to have a chat with her.  I quickly sat down and took a book she was reading, “On a second thought, I guess I’d like to read again for a while.”


A happy, excited smile appeared across Eris’ face.  She returned to her seat and restarted reading the book she held in her hands.


Well, I guess this is good.  A slow, quiet life doing what you love besides the people you trust…



Hey, Eris!”


“Mister Kuro?”


“I’ve been wondering for a while…but you read books that are meant for ages way above your own.”




“I mean, aren’t you bored reading such books?”




“Well, I just think so?  These books are meant for grown-ups, after all.  I’m wondering if you understand everything that was written on it.”  I said that not to underestimate her, but I’d like to create a reason for her to talk to me.  Since she didn’t want me to go, and I’m done reading, for now, I never wanted to be a display, so I’d guess I’ll help her process what she’s reading…


It’s what teachers do, anyway.


“Oh, that.  Eris understands some parts.  If she cannot, she’d just look from other related articles to know what that certain passage says.”


Ah, right, context clues.  Back when I was her age, I also used that technique to comprehend fully what I’m reading.  After all, not every word I encountered was taught to me by my mother (who was a former teacher) and my school.


“But Mister Kuro, Eris is wondering, why do we have to study history?”




“Well, don’t get Eris wrong; she loves history.  It’s just that, whenever she is questioned by her other friends, she doesn’t have a proper explanation to say.  They always tell her to move on with the past and look unto the future.”


Haha…right.  Sometimes that does indeed happen.” I recalled the moments where my own classmates were amazed by my concentration while reading a thick history book that was collecting dust in our school’s library.  They would often ask me why I was still reading about events that were already done…


Heh.  Fuckers.  They don’t even know how history affects every one of us.


 “You see, we have a saying in our world that ‘history is bound to repeat itself’.” I explained, “It meant that, no matter how long had passed, what happened before could happen again.  We can always learn from those events, so we know how to proceed in our next steps.”




Ah…well, humans have the same motivations even though a lot of seasons passed them.  You know, ambition, power, the desire for glory, or simple pleasure.  It’s how history was shaped and being shaped.  We record these stories to highlight our achievements, but then, it becomes a cautionary tale of our folly.”


Eris fell silent while she pondered on what I said.  I guess with her young mind, it’s quite hard to understand my words.  But maybe she’ll remember it someday…


Hm…Eris really loves to talk with Mister Kuro.  She learns a lot from him.”


Ah, thanks!  I hope you’re fine with my explanation?”


“Yes!” the young maid nodded happily, “History is more than recalling the events of the past.  It’s rather a lesson left for us by those who came before us so that we would avoid their mistakes and improve on our society.  Isn’t that right, Mister Kuro?”


“I’d say…” Honestly, I’m dumbfounded when she said, “I’m impressed you can process my information into something you could explain yourself.  Eris, I think you’ll be an excellent student.”


“A ‘student’?  You mean those who follow the master swordsmen, Mister Kuro?”


“Nope, it’s something that we call an apprentice in my wor—I mean, my country.” I laughed at the comparison, “It’s a step away from being a full scholar.


“Really, Mister Kuro?  Do you really mean that?” there were sparkles in Eris’ eyes.  I could tell she became excited when she heard my words.  Well, being a scholar in this world was a big thing, apparently.


“Yeah.” Impressed at her display of intelligence, I gave her a head pat.


“Then, Eris will do her best!” the young maid proudly declared.



Whew!  At least I learned something new about the people around me, like Eris…


There had been a lot of events happening around lately, and before I knew it, another season had already passed.  The weather had considerably gotten warmer—and I mean, way, way hotter—so that everyone at the Holy Palatial Gardens was forced to wear loose and light clothing.


Maybe that’s why I also fell asleep at the library earlier.  It’s so hot that my body went into its ‘siesta’ mode.  Anyway, I need to focus on what I plan to do for now, or I won’t be able to do anything at all.




“Are you doing your laundry now, Mister Kuro?” a maid asked me the moment I appeared at the laundry house.


“Ah yes, I’m looking around if there’s still space for me to wash my clothes.”


“Well, I guess that stall over there is still available…” she pointed me to the stall at the other end of the laundry house.  The laundry house was a separate building from the rest of the palatial gardens and was partly hidden among the thick vegetation.  Inside were several stalls designed for the servants in charge of the laundry to have their privacy.  A sink was built in each division so that they won’t have to haul the heavy tub-loads of clothes to soak it in water.  


It’s a decent place, unlike the facilities for washing clothes (mostly in the streams and rivers) of medieval Earth.


“Alright, thanks!” I hurried to the place she showed and prepared my used clothes and soap before entering.  It was a busy time for doing laundry, and so the place was bustling with the servants from the laundry department.  Fortunately, this stall was still available, or I’d have to wait for another ‘long sleep’ before I could wash my clothes.






“!!!”  I immediately closed the stall door when I saw someone had already occupied it, “Sorry!  I thought it was empty!”


The door then opened, and a maid came—no, it’s not a common servant of the Saint; it’s the kitchen bitch—I mean, the kitchen head maid, Jessica.  Contrary to what I expected from her, she had a calm expression on her face, though her cheeks were red.


“D-Did you see it?” she asked.




“I-I’m washing my u-u-underclothes.”


“W-Well, for someone who’s trying to hide it, you revealed it to me.”


Jessica closed her eyes and slapped her forehead, “Ugh!  I’m really stupid…”


Well, I think you are.


“A-Anyway…ugh, at least I didn’t tell you I washed the blood off from it.”




“I said something stupid again, no?”


I nodded.  She slapped her forehead once again.  Are you doing a stand-up joke, or just plain clumsy?


“Anyway…I think I’m disturbing you, so I’ll just go away.” I told her, “Sorry!”




“Y-Yes?  You need something else from me?”


“W-Well…I-I’m just like this…ugh…because it hurts…”  Now that I noticed it, she’s kind of pale.  And she was trying her best to stand up straight even though it’s clear that she’s in pain.


“You alright?”  Though the kitchen head maid’s a bitch to me, it’s not like I’m someone heartless.  I could feel pity towards devils and bitches, see?


Ugh…well, every time I’m having the bloods, this happens,” Jessica replied.  Maybe ‘bloods’ was the Chersean term for menstruation?  But I think she’s got dysmenorrhea.


I helped the kitchen head maid sit down for a bit, “Tell me, you got a pain in your belly?”


Jessica nodded, “Also, my thighs and hips are aching…goodness, this is unbearable!”  She let out an exhausted sigh, “At this rate, I won’t be able to cook for Her Holiness!”


“Well, don’t.” I told her, “I’ll just tell her what happened to you.  But if you’d like for that pain to disappear, take a rest.  Don’t drink coffee and wine for now, and avoid salty foods.”


Ha?  But those are—”


“It’s up to you if you won’t take my advice.  I’m just trying to help you.”




Well, that shut her up for a while.  Seeing that she fell silent, I continued, “While resting, apply a hot compress on your belly, and if possible, have someone massage your abdomen and lower back, got it?”


Jessica’s in pain enough to keep her from arguing with me.  She just nodded.  I called a maid over to us and told her to bring the kitchen head maid to her room.


“I’ll…pay…you back…later for your help, K-Kuro!” she said to me as she was being led away.


Nah, I’m just trying to be of use!” I shouted back to her.



Of course, for someone who owned a few varieties of clothes in his wardrobe, I got no other choice but to ‘recycle’ my shirt (the one I’m wearing underneath my coat when I was summoned; Maddie fixed it for me before) because it’s more comfortable than the Chersean clothing Lily gave me.  Even my iconic ‘business coat’ had to be shed off, since it could be unbearably hot.  Heck, if this was my home, I’d go topless like I always do back on Earth during summer.


On second thought, I guess I have to put it off from my head.  The ladies can take me for a degenerate once again.


Oh?  But I’d like to see that; thanks for the treat in advance.”


“…”  Well, for so many times she had done that, I didn’t get jumpy as before, when Maddie surprised me with her sudden appearances nowadays.  There she was, once again, standing by the door of my room, blocking my way inside.


“Your Holi—”




“Maddie, have you seen the kitchen head ma—”


“I did.  That advice you gave her helped her through her bloods.”


Well, as long as it did the job, then I guess it’s all fine.


“I already healed her belly pains.”  Maddie then asked me, “Tell me Kuro, are you also a doctor?”


“Huh?  I’m not!  I told you I’m a teacher!”


“Then why do you know of things that only a doctor should know?”


“Isn’t it a part of my job?”


“So a teacher is someone that is way above a doctor, then?  At least in your world?”


“No!” I laughed at the very thought of it, “Teachers and doctors in my world are on the same level of importance, see?  Doctors focus on the human body, while we teachers focus on human learning.”


Oh, interesting…” she pondered on my words.


But I guess I needed to tell Maddie that she had to let me in my room, “Okay, I think I need to fold my clothes.  Could you move away from the doorway?”


“You need to remove that shirt of yours first.” Maddie went back to her teasing.  She had the gentlest of smiles on her face, yet her demands showed her true intent otherwise, “Let me see those muscles you’ve been hiding from me.”


“I’m sorry, but I think you’re in for a disappointment.” I retorted.  True enough, I’m not that of an ‘active’ person, though I do joggings from time to time.  I may seem to be slim and fit, but well, I guess my body had a high percentage of fats than muscles.


“I don’t think that matters to me, the girl who loves you.” Maddie was quick to counter my thoughts, “I’d choose your fats over someone’s muscles to protect me anytime.”


I was left speechless by that.  Honestly, it made my heart flutter, and hearing those words felt like I was in the clouds.  For the first time in my life, there’s a girl who could appreciate me for who I am.  Yeah, I knew she’s like that to me before, but this was the first time that it finally sank unto me.


Man, I really love you, Maddie.


“I love you as well, Kuro.” her smile was way too beautiful not to behold, “But, I cannot let you in your room just yet.”


Eh?  Why?”


“Well…” the Saint avoided my eyes, “Some things…happened.”


That’s a suspicious move, Maddie, “Are you stealing my clothes again?”


“What?” Maddie was indignant, “Of course, I’m not!”


“Then why are you barring me from entering my room?” I sarcastically asked, amused at her angry expression, “I have to do my laundry before I go to sleep.  My shirt has to be dry when I wake up later.”


Uhmm…err…w-would you…uh…like to sleep together?”


“Eh?” I was surprised by her suggestion.  Well, now that she mentioned it, I noticed that Maddie’s wearing her ‘sleeping attire’.  While it’s not your typical ‘sensual’ sleeping dress, it felt like her charms increased when I saw her in those clothes.


“What can I say?  Your fiancée is beautiful.” she proudly declared.  Well, I agree.  I guess there’s no greater honor than having someone as lovely as Maddie falling head-over-heels for a guy like me.  Though she may have had her flaws from time to time, it’s all part of her charms.  And I’m being drawn unto her the more I get to know her personality…


What did I even do to deserve this?


“Ah, there you go, belittling yourself again!” I heard her say, “Heh, let me tell you that since you caught my heart, then you’re definitely not someone who’s ‘low’.  I’m not a naïve woman, see?”




Oh, I almost forgot about my laundry!


“Can I come with you when you do your laundry?”


“What for?”


“Nothing.  I just feel like it.”


“Well, I guess you may come.  So, can I go inside now?”


“No!” my fiancée quickly put herself between me and the doorway once again.


Err…why are you blocking me?  I’ll just get my used clothes inside!” I grabbed the doorknob, intending to force my way in.


“Uh…uhm…err…” I guess my cute fiancée finally lost the topics she could put up to delay me.  She’s basically panicking about what to talk about.


I wonder what’s the fuss?


Seeing the opportunity, I pushed her gently on the door and trapped her in between my arms so she could not move.  Maddie had an embarrassed expression on her face, but she kept her defiance.


“Oh?  S-So you’re f-f-finally taking the lead, K-Kuro?”


“Well, you don’t know how long I’ve been holding myself back, Your Lovely Holiness.” I drew my lips nearer to hers as I hold her other hand, “Do you think I’m someone who had no hidden desires?”


“K-Kuro…please be gentle with me…” Her perfect form shivered lightly, and she closed her eyes in anticipation of what I’m going to do.  Maddie looked so cute and fragile right now…


Good lord, my fiancée is so adorable I want to gobble her up!




“!!!”  I quickly grabbed the doorknob and went in.