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In the middle of my ‘long sleep’, I was awakened by the sound of shuffling and soft thuds.




Since I’m still half-asleep, I opened my eyes for a bit.  The study room’s door was still closed, but I could see a shadow by the small library to my right.  My eyes inadvertently went there to check…




And there, right behind the big wooden table of her father, was the young duchess, Eris Braunhauer.  She was reading some books once again, as she tried to keep the flame at the tip of her wand for light (I closed the curtains in the room, to darken it).


I’m really admiring this child’s concentration when she’s reading.  It’s as if she’s in another world; no one could simply disturb her.


I slowly got up and went to the window.  And then I opened the curtains, much to Eris’ surprise.


“Mister Kuro!  Eris doesn’t know you’re awake already…or did she disturb you?”


Nah, it’s fine.  I woke up on my own.”  Of course, it’s a lie.  However, I didn’t want to make her feel bad.  Besides, this was her house, “What are you reading, by the way?”


“Well, Eris couldn’t sleep.” she admitted, “So she’s reading about history, Mister Kuro.”


So she said.  Yet, I noticed that the history book her father gave to her was closed.  She was, rather, reading different literature, “Are you annoyed that your mother sent you out earlier?”


Eris didn’t answer.  However, I could tell from her face that she’s irritated.


I chuckled, “Well, sometimes a kid has to give way to adults, especially in matters that involve the government.”


Hmph!  Eris isn’t a kid anymore, Mister Kuro!  She’s trying her best to be helpful, and yet, her mommies don’t want her to help.”


“I think you’re helpful as well…”


“Really, Mister Kuro?” Eris’ eyes suddenly brightened up.


“…however, I believe you’d be more helpful if you try to learn more about the world around you, Eris.”


“W-What does Mister Kuro mean by that?”


“The world isn’t as simple as it may seem, Eris.  What you see isn’t exactly the truth, and sometimes, if you’re never careful, it might come to bite you back.”


“Like when some people who say they’re Eris’ friends, but secretly they aren’t?”


“Yep.  We humans have different reasons for doing things, so you must be careful.  Not everyone can be trusted…”


The young duchess was silently contemplating on my statement.


“However, it doesn’t mean you won’t put trust in people anymore.   It depends on the situation and their attitude.  That’s why we’re given the ability to discern.”


Hmm…is that why mommy is always angry at Eris?”


“Well, she’s worried that you’re too trusting at all, see?” I explained, carefully rewording Eris’ interpretation of Lady Hanna’s treatment of her.   “She’s like that because she loves you, and would want to see you stand up for yourself without help from anyone else.”


“But it’s what Eris is doing!” she defended herself, “Eris admires her daddy a lot, but she doesn’t want to become like him, who can’t stand up for himself!”


Oh…well, that’s quite new.  I didn’t know the Duke had that side of him…


“That’s right.  Personally, I’d say, just continue what you’re doing.  Stand up for your beliefs and defend them with all of your might.” I patted her head, “Take things slowly.  Soon you’ll be able to fight for your ideals.  You’re still young, and you’ll have plenty of time to do that.”


The young duchess nodded.


“But for now, watch us so you know how adults do things.” I winked at her.



The next thing when I came to be, Maddie and Lily were both staring at me.


“Rise and shine, Kuro.” my cute fiancée greeted me.


Oh…I didn’t know I fell asleep again after that talk with Eris earlier.  The last thing that I remember, I was just watching her read, while she’d put up some questions on me about some matters she was having difficulty of understanding.




I guess I really went back to sleep.  It’s something slow and peaceful that bored me and caused me to drift once again to dreamland…


“You think he’s awake?” Maddie asked her head maid.


“What do you think?  He’s not some heavy sleeper like the saint beside me.”


Tch.  Shut up.”


Oh well, if they could tease each other like that, then it meant everything’s fine so far.  However, I didn’t feel like I got fully rested.  I mean, the issue about the ‘hidden enemy’ remained in my mind, it’s slowly making me paranoid.


“Don’t worry Kuro, the paladins were taking turns in watching over this place.” Maddie told me, “I also informed Lily about our precarious situation here.”


“She already knows about you unable to read the Duke’s mind?”


“And I recommend we leave this place as soon as we’re done with the negotiations,” Lily added.


Maddie nodded.  Well, at least Lily’s aware of it now.  Even so, I’m nervous…


Ah, hold a little more, Kuro.” Maddie’s got a bright smile on her face, “Soon, we’ll be leaving this place.”


“The Duke summoned the other nobles to his fief earlier, and since they’ve been preparing for war, they’re pretty much nearby.” Lily explained, “As a result, it’s easy to call them over for a sudden meeting.”


That’s quite good news.  Now they could discuss my proposals, and we could proceed with bilateral talks between the royal and noble factions sooner than what we originally expected.


“Maddie and I sent a runner to the royal capital as of this moment.” Lily told me, “That is to notify the crown prince to be prepared anytime to come to a designated place where we could put an end to this affair peacefully.”


“And, we’ll be sending another runner at the duchy’s border later, on standby.  And once the results of the meeting with the nobles are out, he could rush to the royal capital to summon the royal party.” Maddie added.


Ah!  That’s great!  Once this is over, then we can return to our lives at the palatial gardens!” I exclaimed.  Good thing that the Duke was an amiable person.  I mean, based on what I heard about his personality, I never expected that he’s quick to convince or coerce (as in Maddie’s case).


Hmm…now that you’ve brought it out…” I heard Maddie say, “It seems like we’re mistaken about the Duke.”


“What mistake?” Lily asked.


“Kuro just thought that the Duke of Braunhauer was easy to convince.”


Lily then fell silent for a moment, as if to ponder on what I observed, “Well, considering the events that are taking place, I wouldn’t deny Kuro’s opinions.  I never expected him to be this easy unless he’s deliberately allowing this to bring down our guard.”


“It could be.  But also, I’d like to point out that during my talks with one of his wives—”




Maddie, it’s not like what you think.  It’s a friendly, parent-to-teacher chat.


“You talked to his wife?” Lily’s eyes were round in sheer surprise.


“To Lady Hanna.  I think she’s Eris’ actual mother.”


“I’d like to hear more about the details of your talk with her later,” Lily said.


“And so do I.” Maddie backed her up.


Oh well, it’s not like I got something to hide about.  Anyway, I continued with my words, “Anyway, so I talked to Lady Hanna.  And based on what I gathered from her about her husband, I could safely say that the Duke was rather a lax man.  It’s as if he barely cared for his daughters and delegated the responsibilities to his wives.”


“So what do you mean by that?”


“Well, if we combine your observations with my information, one picture about the duke arises.” I turned to Maddie, “What do you think caused the mercenaries hired by one noble to go on a rampage?”


“Isn’t it because the noble ordered them to ravage the parts of her fief that had royalist sympathies to pay for their fees?”


“Yep.  But, if you’d ask the Duke, he did not want that to happen, nor was he in control of his followers.” I pointed out.


“So what you’re saying is, the Duke was a weak leader?”


“Politically, he is.  Because if I say he’s weak as an ‘over-all’ leader, then his achievements at the battles you fought against him would be put in question.”


“Is it even possible?”


Well, it was.  Throughout my world’s history, some men who rose into prominence had certain ‘inconsistencies’ regarding their character.  For example, King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England was an exemplary military commander, but he neglected to rule his realm properly in favor of crusades.  As a result, his mismanagement set the stage for his successor, King John, whose reign was marked by barons revolting against his rule.


That certain German-Austrian chancellor—yep, the ‘genocidal guy’ with the toothbrush mustache, was also a man of inconsistencies.  He’s an exemplary orator, as evidenced by his fanatical followers, but he’s an idiot regarding military matters, which eventually led to his country’s ruin and his downfall.


I guess it’s all because of the complexities of the human character.  Some people live their lives like robots; bounded by the same routine repeatedly.  And others were unpredictable as fuck.  Well, anyway, it’s better not to lower our guard, even when things were going our way.


Ah, anyway, I’ll see that the hourglass would be done after we arrive at the Holy Palatial Gardens.” Maddie happily reminded us, “So, hang in there guys; we’re almost at the finish line.”


“Right!  Anyway, hurry!” Lily urged me to get dressed, “We’re going to town to witness the proceedings.”


“Got it!” I immediately hopped on and grabbed my coat nearby.  Never in the entire time I was staying here at the Braunhauer guesthouse did I feel so elated as now.


Certainly, that’s a great morale booster.  Especially to me who’s worried about how things are going.