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Indel's body burned.

Another groomer brought more sticky roots to rub along his arms.

Hunched over, Indel brushed them back. "Do not touch me!"

It had been cycles since he'd felt such discomfort. He'd thought the very worst was the day he'd met Nala, but today rivaled even then.

Every part of him ached. There was no moisture. He considered he should return to the lagoon below them lest he continue to writhe in pain.

The next hand to touch him did so with force.

Indel nearly flopped over. He sat up, his long black hair hanging in his face.

Bowl with more sticky root in hand, Nala knelt before him. She said not a word, only wore a pleasant expression as she took a good portion and smeared it along Indel's body.

Indel sneezed and twitched. It rattled him for a moment. He sneezed again, and again until Nala caught hold of his face and said, "My sweet king, I apologize."

Mouth agape, Indel stared at her. "So I am no longer your Mana? I do not really care. You shouldn't have come back. You should leave."

Nala gave no answer. She continued with her task and Indel let her.

Without saying another word, Nala brushed the robe from Indel's shoulders and rubbed the mashed roots from his face down to his loins and legs.

Indel lost his venom with each stroke but bitterness remained by the end of it. If not for Nala, he wouldn't even need the moisture. Nala's departure shouldn't have upset him this much.

For the rest of the day, Indel found it difficult to explain Nala's behavior. When the queen arrived to discuss their agreement, Nala bowed to her along with the other Summoners and lower-stage Levelers.

As the day progressed and it was time to eat and start in another pitiful attempt at mating, Nala disappeared in with the other servants. Indel had his misgivings. He didn't even feel pride when Citel complimented Nala's new agreeable disposition.

The meal was one of Nala's specialties and Indel was filled with wonder when he saw it.

Even Sessel looked smug.

It was that reason alone why Indel grabbed Nala by the arm and brought her outside the spacious room and into the narrow hall.

He opened Nala's robe, ignoring the Summoner's protest, and turned her around. No new lash marks. Other than the coarse skin where the others had healed, he could see nothing more.

Nala caught hold of Indel's hands and turned in his hold.

"What is it, my king?"

The words sounded even and true; Indel hated them all the same.

"Call me Mana," he demanded.

Nala stared at him and shook her head. "I cannot do that. Tonight your queen will call you that."

It was proper conduct. What Nala said was the proper way but Indel worried.

"I do not understand what has happened. In the morn you set to leave. You did leave."

Nala's surprised expression faded to one of sorrow. "I did leave. I thought to leave, king. I wanted to leave because I did not understand. But I know now, I understand it. I am your favored."

"You were...yes," Indel agreed, staying on guard.

Smiling solemnly, Nala said again. "I am your favored. And tonight I will show you what gentleness I can. My task is important."

Indel leaned in, their foreheads together as he whispered, "Tell me I am your Mana."

"My king," Nala whispered back. "If we can manage it, soon we can be like before. But do not ask me to break my resolve. I've come humbled and eager to offer all that I can. Short of mating in your stead, there's not much else I can do."

A chuckle bubbled up in Indel before he could stop himself.

"But I do not know the dance, however, I will stay and help in all I can. I wish to see the new king, too," Nala said.

Sessel's voice carried from the entrance. "Is something the matter?"

Indel stared into Nala's silver eyes and found peace there. It felt familiar and he felt saved.

"No, Sessel," Indel said without looking back. "Let us continue."

Hand in hand, they returned to the room, much to the relief of all in attendance.

Tonight's food was perfect. The tepid and useless conversation was perfect. And tonight, the dance felt just as tense and stressful as Indel's first mating but each time he spied Nala's curious expression, he remembered his duty and continued.

The queen spread her robe and lay. This was one action Indel could hardly overlook; no opportunity to romp with her tail, just bare lust where there was none.

Indel hesitated to approach her. The tail was a sore point but he would have to overlook it.

Others in attendance were forbidden to speak. Indel himself wanted to call out to Nala. From where Indel knelt, he could see his favored's back. After a moment longer of silence, Nala turned to face him.

Nala motioned him forward with both hands and Indel smiled. When he crawled between the queen's inviting legs, he didn't look at her, but rather, stared ahead.

Their hips rubbed. Citel's body was slick, too slick. Nala's body gave off far less secretions.

Indel worried he'd have to stop tonight as well. When Nala opened her own robe, Indel's member reacted. The bud formed.

On her hands and knees, Nala crawled forward. Citel didn't protest.

Braced on her right hand, Nala used her left to reach down and stroke the tip of Indel's penis. She even tugged at it when it refused to extend on its own.

Indel looked from it to Nala and smiled. "Na'am, it favors you," he teased in a whisper.

Nala broke custom by bringing their cheeks to brush as she whispered back. "To your duty, my king. I long to have you again."

The tingle in Indel's groin told him this time might be different. Nala positioned them, though she guided Indel's hips, refusing to touch the queen. That was enough.

Cheek to cheek, Nala whispered, "Think of me if it helps. I've been awful to you. I will seek your forgiveness in other ways. Now buck your hips, and arch your back, Mana. Your Summoner misses you."

And then they connected. Citel gave off a sharp cry. The look she wore when she watched Nala's retreat might have meant she'd heard Nala's disrespect by using that title. To Indel it was always Nala's to take.

Without Nala close, his member failed to elongate further.

Indel meant to call Nala near again but when he spied his Summoner, his voice failed him.

Legs crossed at the ankle claws, Nala shed her robe and caressed her own body.

Displays like these were Indel's favorite, though Nala often refused to perform them around the bodyguards.

Nala eased her legs apart to display her slit before she brought her finger lower and popped it into herself.

Indel bucked. One thrust led to yet another and another still.

Today was by far the best display. The sight of Nala's body glistening, moist and slick made Indel hunger for her—hunger to be on top of her.

And then Nala sat up, removed the digit, arched over, and running her tongues against herself instead. Slipping in and out again and again, Nala's tongues, the longer main one, and the shorter lower one below it, flicking along the opening which secreted more due to the stimuli.

When Nala moved her tongues, frantic, yet again, Indel's own thrust quickened.

Using both second fingers as aids, Nala continued with her timid exploration. She turned ravenous soon enough, body dripping as she lapped her own juices into his mouth.

Indel smiled, letting off a yell of triumph when his groin finally tightened and he released his seed.


His eyes closed but he slowed in his pace and waited for that all but too familiar sound.

When Nala reached her own threshold of lust, Indel watched out. Some of the Summoner's oils and essence slipped from her lips but she scooped it back into her mouth.

It had been days since they'd pleased one another; the length of Nala's rapture said as much.

Indel continued to move his hips, enjoying each flicker of the tongues Nala took. All too soon it was over, Nala was exhausted, and Indel grinned.

It worked. They could mate. This was a way for them to try yet again.

Indel regretted nothing more than looking down at his queen. He meant to conclude the ceremony, but she wasn't watching him as was tradition.

Instead, her upper body twisted, she stared at Nala, utter disgust and revulsion written on her face.

"What manner of vulgarity is this?" she demanded.