Chapter [2] ~ Marriage is love’s urn
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“Don't cry, Ivy.” Iris gently said to prevent her sister from crying. 

 She knew that things weren't going well with the couple. Fights broke out every now and then, Ivy didn't know that it has been the fourth argument, she was asleep during the first three.

“Wu...Iris, why are they fighting? I remember that they used to be harmonic, it was of that reason why I slowly liked them, but now ...” Ivy wiped her tears as she whimpered.

 Iris wanted to reply “It's normal” but she decided to remain silent. After the momentary quietness, Iris tilted her head and said, “I don't know, either, Ivy. I didn't fall in love nor married someone before.”

“You just didn't want to speak about how it's normal.” Ivy mumbled and Iris subconsciously looked at her. 

“Ivy?” Iris swear she heard something just now. Ivy realized she had spoken it out, she hurriedly hid her face as she stuttered:

“Oh, I understand.”

 Ivy wiped her tears using her palm. Her red dress had been stained by a few droplets of tears, Iris  moved her gaze to look at it before standing up. 

“Iris, where are you going?” Ivy saw that Iris was walking further away. She hastily stood up and followed behind, they left the bench in the estate's garden as they entered the house. 

Iris took a step in before pausing. Ivy was confused on why Iris suddenly froze, Iris looked around before stopping her gaze at Ivy. “Ivy, let's play tag.”

“Tag? Why so sudden?” Ivy rested her chin on her hand. Iris didn't say the reason why, she took Ivy's hand and placed it on hers. 

“Cause' if we enter now, we'll be forced to hear some bad words.” Iris didn't hide the matter and bluntly said. “The two are fighting again.”

Ivy understood and forcing herself not to tear up again, dragged Iris to return to the garden but just as her foot took a step down the slope, a loud crashing noise echoed inside the house.

Ivy and Iris hurriedly turned around and saw that the door was opened and glass shards scattered on the floor. Iris furrowed her brows as she pulled Ivy near the wall. 

“Irene... How could you do this to me?! You want me to comply and pardon your affair? Impossible! That child in your belly isn't...” A deep male voice shouted with raging anger. 

On the little opening of the door, Iris and Ivy could vaguely see a tall man's silhouette. In front of him was a woman who was teary. 

“Daniel! Did I ever say anything against you when you had had an affair behind my back with that fourth rate actress? No, I didn't! Didn't we agree that we can become friends, because you have your true love? Don't you remember!?” A woman shouted while wiping away her tears. 

“You...” The man pointed his finger at the woman and muttered in distress. “Ivy and Iris, are they mine? With your records, it had been stated you have met with a man behind my back before we had intercourse. Tell me! Are they my kids!?”

“You dare investigate me!” The woman gasped in disbelief. “... Of course they are your kids!” She angrily berated. 

“Are you sure?” The man trembled as he swung a paper towards the woman. “Read it! Isn't there a zero in there! Now tell me, are they mine or not!”

“... What?” The woman hurriedly read the results and was stunned. “Impossible! I didn't sleep with anyone before we had intercourse! I only met with my client that day!” 

“Heh.” The man sneered. “Divorce, immediately.”

“So be it.” The woman snickered. “I don't care if we break up or not. But I do not believe this result, Iris and Ivy are your kids. I don't want to bring them with me since they have your genes”

“With me? Heh, please, they aren't mine.” 

Ivy couldn't help but tear up when she heard their conversation. She glanced at Iris and said bitterly, “Iris, they're tossing us around like toys. They used to love us now they don't...”

Iris patted her head, “They're crazy, Ivy. That's that. They think that the situation in the beginning was okay but after we reached our fifth birthday, they're relationship is strained. The reason? Marriage is the cemetery of love, it is as thin as paper. Didn't you hear that they kept lovers behind each other's back? They are sick of each other.”

“They're disgusting.” Ivy spat as she couped her cheeks with her hand. “Dad said that people should be loyal to those they love. Even if mom died, he did as he told and remained single. They couldn't be compared to him.”

Though Iris didn't have any memories of their past life's father, she shares connection with her twin and clearly knew that the man she was talking about was indeed good. 

“It's too bad we were birthed by these parents. It would be better if he was our dad even at this life.” Iris said as she tucked her sister's wet front hair to the side of her ears. 

“Iris...” Ivy's eyes moistened as she stared at her younger sibling. Even though Iris had the mind of an older woman, she was still influenced by her physical age and couldn't prevent herself from crying. 

“I don't want them to break up, Ivy...” Iris muttered as she wiped her tears. She never experienced familial warmth like Ivy who had the first half of their preincarnation life with their father. 

The memories she had begun abrupt with the sentence, “Condolence.” Because the father that raised his daughter alone had passed away. 

She expected that like how Father loved Emily, this new parents of them would do the same, but her hopes went downhill after their fifth birthday. 

“Me too, Iris.” Ivy sniffled and snuggled on Iris' embrace. The cold autumn wind blew upon their skin as they hugged each other while silently crying together. 

The muffled voices of the arguing couple reached their ears as a pure buzzing sound. The twins didn't know when they have fallen asleep. 

They woke up and touched the dry trails of tears in their cheeks. Subtly conditioning their hazy eyes they watched the beautiful scene of the garden before the door swung open and an angry voice and the sound of screeching followed.