Chapter [4] ~ A drama they dislike
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The morning sun endowed the girl's skin with its light that passed through the open windows. Iris sat on the bed next to the window, her hand held the red curtains as she tied it up with a blue ribbon.

“It's a beautiful day,” Iris murmured as her head slanted down. The dawn was lovely, she had seen it rise with her two eyes due to her inability to have a good night sleep. 

Yesterday was very unpleasant. She could hardly rest because of it.

The woman they called mommy had left them to pursue her happiness. 

She has seem to have forgotten they were conceived inside her stomach for nine months, the happiness of becoming a mother for her true love's child had taken over that fact. 

Iris retreated her gaze to look at her elder sister who was asleep. She was sleeping peacefully, she was even drooling for whatsoever reason was it. 

Vroom... Her attention returned to the window she was dazedly looking at earlier. The window was placed to see the garden and gates, Iris noticed a car entering the gates and she remembered that this car belonged to that man. 

After the guards let the car enter, the car doors opened an a beautiful woman about twenty years of age, climbed down. She was of mixed race, and her raven black hair complimented her very well. 

Iris went through her memories and knew who this woman was. It was without a doubt that this woman was the lover that man has and shares affection for. She clearly heard that woman complain about this lover of his.

Just as she was thinking about it, she found a little boy crawling out from the back seat. This boy looked a lot like Iris and Ivy. 

Iris was stunned for a subtle moment before a knowing smile stretched in her face. 

“I already know what drama would unfold during breakfast.” Leaning back on the pillows in her behind, Iris brown hazelnut colored hair glided in the wind as she called out to Ivy with a slightly frowning smile. 

“Ivy..” She voiced. Her childish voice was audible and Ivy who was heavily asleep, woke up moments after. 

“Good morning, Iris!” Ivy said while wiping her drool. She climbed off the bed and scurried to Iris who was watching the scene outside the window. 

“...Ivy, let's do well in our act today.” Iris reminded. 

“Why?” Cocking her head, Ivy didn't understand. 

“We'll be meeting the mistress and the illegitimate son of that man. We must act rebellious to ensure we can escape this family. There would only be hard days ahead of us if we choose to remain.” Iris leisurely answered as she took a step down. 

Ivy blankly nodded, “Then, where will we be going?”

“Remember the legacy left behind grandpa? We have been given the titles of the land and shop in San Antonio Street. Based by my memories, that shop was a club. We can make use of it and start a business.” Iris said. 

Afterwards, she added, ”And we'll change our surname.” 

“What kind of business shall we do then? If so, how about the surname Lien? It means Debt though. I think you'll choose another than this.” Replied Ivy. 

“...Hmm...” Iris thought about it. “The Lien Twins. Iris Lien and Ivy Lien. I think it suits best. Where have you gotten this inspiration from, Ivy?” She asked. 

Ivy giggled and softly answered, “Dad's last name was Lien. I went for it because I'm used to it. Rather than being called Ivy Estoria and Iris Estoria, Lien sounds the best.”

Iris chuckled and didn't say anything against it. She respected the choice Ivy has chosen. 

“Young misses...” A knock sounded and the two's attention darted into the door where a young maid's voice said, “The master has called for you two to go down into the dining hall to eat breakfast and meet...someone. This is very important so you two should hurry up and...change.”

Together, Iris and Ivy replied: ““Okay, we heard you.”” 

The knocking stopped. Iris and Ivy looked at each other and held each other's hands. “What do you think should I wear, Iris?” Ivy subtly questioned as they readied themselves to meet this ‘guest’.

“I'm not sure... Ah, how about this yellow princess dress? It compliments our eyes very well, and it's sunny.” Iris pointed to her chin before she picked another and raised the dress and looked at it closely. “On second thought, let's rather wear this one since we're up for a spoiled and rebellious character.”

“Pink...” Ivy muttered. “Well, I guess it's fine, but are we really going to do it? What's more, we don't have any script..” Other than the clothes, there's a problem on how they'll execute their plans.

“En.” Iris also thought the same. After changing, she too Ivy, “Well do it like this...”


In the dining hall sat a man, a woman and a young child. The three harmoniously conversed with each other, they were the perfect picture of a lovely family. 

The woman took a bite of the sandwich that was sent by the man, after a few bites, her happy mood turned sour as she lowered her head. “Daniel, I think for sure that they'll hate me...”

Daniel looked at her with distressed eyes, “How can you say that Grace? I'm sure that they'll love your company. If they do not, ignore their antics since they were spoiled. Just believe in yourself and in Dan. You two belong in here.”

“But,” Clenching her fist that rolled the hems of her skirt up, Grace continued, “I made their family broke up. If it wasn't for me, you and Irene shouldn't have come to this. I don't know why you are really persistent, but it was just an accidental one night stand and I should be blamed.”

Daniel rubbed his eyebrows. “Don't talk about that woman, Grace. Talking about her would make the current atmosphere awkward. Now, don't blame yourself and hurry up and eat your fill. I can't bear having you two starve, for it's quite complicated to know how the conversation with Iris and Ivy would be.”

“Yes!” The little boy sitting next to him raised his hands and agreed, “Dan will eat his best, Daddy! Can't wait to meet my sisters, Dan always dreamt of having siblings!”

Just as his voice came to an end, small patters on the stairs took their attention away. Daniel saw that Iris and Ivy had arrived. 

“You two, come and sit.” He signalled. 

The servants hastily placed warm food in their designated tables before moving away. Today would be a drama-like interaction between the stepmother and their half-brother. 

Ivy and Iris held each other's hands as they stepped Dow the stairs. They were wearing a vibrant pink dress with hearts plastered on the corners.

“What are you two wearing?” Daniel saw the dress and bitterly commented, “Didn't you two have much better clothes, why wear something this ugly—” He froze and hurriedly shifted the subject, “Anyways, you see...”

“This is Grace, your new mother—” His words did not come out completely when Iris and Ivy shouted: "“No!”"

“I want my mommy.” Iris said while she stared daggers at Grace. “I don't want a stranger to be my mother, I want my mommy!”

“Daddy...wu...Mommy left us! Why did you hurt mommy, daddy, I want mommy!” Ivy stuttered angrily as she bursted into tears. 

“Iris, Ivy....” Grace stammered and thought about how she could gain their acceptance. She thought about it for a while as she continued, “Irene was the stranger, right, I'm the one who gave birth to you two.”

Daniel nodded and said, “Didn't you two want your real mommy? Here she is. And this is your little brother, Dan.” 

“—...Daddy, why are you lying? Mommy is mommy, she's not this relationship destroyer mistress and we don't have a brother! You clearly understood that grandpa only wanted us two and no one else!” Ivy pointed at Dan and her voice was raised. “HE'S NOT MOMMY'S SON, SO WHY ARE YOU MAKING US CALL HIM ‘OUR’ BROTHER?!” 

Sniffling, Iris added, “We aren't your kids anyway. Let us go, we'll find mommy because she's our only relative. I don't want to be in the same house as your mistress and illegitimate son! Who cares about it all, we just want our mother!”


 “Wu....You never shouted like this at as before!” Ivy bitterly cried as they hurried up to their rooms. 

“We hate it here!” Their voices became muffled as the twins shut their doors violently.