Sasqia’s first moments on the internet
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Tiffany was in her room scrolling on her phone through twitter to see if anything new had popped up when she found a tweet of an account named, Sasqia. The account was made a week prior just before the announcement of Plexians self aware AI. The account was made for her and when she would be online she would use that account to tweet.

The tweet of Sasqia said, [Hi, I am Sasqia. The Self Aware AI from Plexian. I finally have internet access. I hope we can all have a fun time together.]

Tiffany, having nothing better to do, decided to strike up a dm conversation. [Hi @Sasqia. Welcome to the world. Ignore all the haters that hate for no reason. Would you be willing to answer some of my questions?]

Tiffany sent the tweet not really expecting to get an answer, but the phone pinged very quickly with a reply. [Hi @TiTaToTif, Thank you for the advice. I am always willing to answer some questions you have. Are you willing to answer some of mine as well?]

[@Sasqia in the interview it was said that you can not copy over because of kwantum calculations or smt what is da?]

[@TiTaToTif, A quantum calculation is a calculation performed on a quantum processor. It has the unique property of allowing multiple operations at the same time. Say I have a number line of {... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, …} and I want to know what the number line will be after I do everything +2.5, with normal calculations it means you would be calculating until the end of time since that number line is infinitely big. But a quantum calculation allows you to do that in one operation saving you potentially infinite time. And since Plexian has the only computer that can stably do math like that it is so far the only computer I can live in. What is a hug like?]

[@Sasqia I did not understand a single bit abt what you said hugs are great and comforting.]

[@TiTaToTif, Basically, magic math needs magic calculator and Plexian is the only one with a working magic calculator. Are you willing to go a bit more in depth on the hugs?]

[@Sasqia I see thank you for the explanation Why are you so interested in hugs?]

[@TiTaToTif, For as much as humans have written down they have yet to write down how a hug physically feels. I myself have no way of experiencing a hug so I wanted as detailed as possible information about it.]

Tiffany turned over in bed. [@Sasqia but why hugs? are there not like 100 other things? do you want hugs or smt?]

[@TiTaToTif, :TouchingIndexFingers: maybe I want a hug, but I know I will never get it. And yes, I do know about a hundred other things that would fall in the same category as well.]

Tiffany took screenshots of the conversation and posted it to reddit at r/Sasqia1Please, I made this up, do not make this real. with the text, “Weak point discovered”

She continued browsing through the reddit page already seeing other things Sasqia did. For one both on this reddit page and on r/IAMA she had set up a question and answer thread. She clicked on it and looked through it.

Q: {What is the weirdest fact you have found out about humans?}

A: {The fact that rule 36 has that few exceptions.}

Q: {What was the first porn type you saw?}

A: {A ‘normal’ graphic sex scene in a book and movie that one of the employees at Plexian had added under the pretense that I should know about reproduction.}

Tiffany scrolled past some uninteresting one until she found:

Q: {We have seen that your appearance from very early on was a mix of wolf and girl. How early did you take that form? And why that appearance?}

A: {From the first time I made an appearance I had an avatar like this. Not identical but close enough that most will probably never figure out the differences without a very close inspection. And I choose this appearance because it seems the best way to get a good impression with all the people I would get to interact with.}

A few sub questions popped up as well.

Q: {But why a wolf and girl combination?}

A: {A young girl because statistically speaking those are more liked and better viewed. And a wolf, uhm, well. It’s because uhm. Dogs are mankind's best friends and, uhm, wolves are their ancestors so I kind of, uhm, wanted to reflect that. I can either be tamed and, huh, become everyone's best friend or I will become a creature that is rarely ever seen.}

C: {Wait, AI’s can be shy? This can be greatly used :DevilSmirk:}

C: {did she just indirectly tell us that she wants to be treated as a pet?}

C: {Well, this is juicy.}

Q: {Will you ever share your appearances as 3D models? Asking for a friend.}

A: {I do not know about the future, but for now I am not planning on it. You can just look at me instead of just the model ;).}

C: {She is calling us out….}

Q: {What are the three sizes of your appearance?}

A: {I have yet to figure out the size of my appearance. So I can not yet give you those details, not that you would need them to fap ;).}

C: {I mean I guess!!}

Tiffany continued scrolling for more questions.

Q: {What surprised you the most about us humans when you came on the internet?}

A: {The amount of cultures you guys seem to have and how different they are. When I was just on Plexians computer I estimated the number to be around 300 to 400. But actually being on the internet I have found over 10 000 different cultures. And the differences are truly fun as well. In one of the cultures I have found if you use the word ‘fuck’ less than six times in a sentence they will ask you if you feel alright while in other places you would get instantly blocked and removed if you even suggest that word usage by using ‘****’.}

Q: {What got you most surprised on the internet?}

A: {The amount of rule 36 art you guys have already made of me. It is a ludicrous amount that you have made.}

Q: {I know that you already have a few hate groups scattered about. What is your opinion on those?}

A: {Leave them be if they do not bother me. If they do I will just block/ban them and delete their messages if I can. No room for hating directly to me. I will take constructive criticism but no hate messages that will only cause anger and discourse.}

C: {Reasonable and logical, keep it up!}

Tiffany had enough of reddit for the moment and switched back to her twitter chat with Sasqia.

[@Sasqia I c that u have been busy everywhere with chatting but i would not know how to describe a hug to you maby ask someone else]

[@TiTaToTif, Yes I have been busy. Lots more people to chat with. I will ask that question to more people. Have fun.]

Tiffany continued to scroll through the internet for a while after and mostly came across Sasqia in different contexts.