֍CHAPTER 18: Unlikely Reunion
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The aftermath of Kirill’s impulsivity wasn’t pretty. The basketballer, Emanuel Jensen, was unconscious by the time the school’s security officers got to them and he was sent to the hospital. Kirill, with no remorse or any display of emotions, stands in front of the principal in her office with Emanuel’s parents yelling at him for almost killing their son and at the principal for having let such things happen under her watch. The principal is quiet and just listens to them cursing at her. She appears to be calm and professional, which somehow allows Kirill to admire her. The door to the principal office is then knocked by someone and a woman enters the room as soon as the principal allows them with a “come in”.

The woman has long beautiful silky brown hair. She smiles apologetically towards the principal and two dimples formed on her cheeks. With her mismatched-colored eyes where one was blue and the other was brown, she turned to look at Kirill. The smile on her face disappears. “Kirill,” she called him.

Kirill was surprised to see her at first. All sorts of emotions begin to form in his heart and his eyes sting. A tear was about to come out from his eyes but with ‘tch’, he managed to hold the tears back in. He managed to control his emotions at the last minute and he spoke rudely; “why is this woman here?” he asked the principal, refusing to acknowledge the existence of the woman.

Before the principal could answer, another knock can be heard from the door. The person on the other side didn’t wait for the principal to call them in. He just pushes the door open as if it was his own office. Four young faces enter the room led by none other than Stepanov Chenkov. “Madam Principal,” Stepan called. “We are here as the representatives of witnesses regarding the earlier incident,” he informed. 

The principal sighs in defeat. She does not wish to entertain the four boys longer than it should so she figures it’s better to hear from their side first so that she could dismiss them earlier. “Well, pray tell,” she spoke.

“Madam Principal, Kirill was harassed by Emanuel. What Kirill did was merely self-defense,” Stepan started. This statement causes Emanuel’s parents to gasp in horror. Kirill, too, is surprised by the sudden accusation. 

Andre steps forward in support of Stepan’s statement. “Everyone in school can testify to this, Madam Principal. They all saw what happened.”

“Emanuel is not like that! You’re lying!” Emanuel’s mother yelled at the boys. She had known better than anyone not to provoke the wrong kind of crowd. And the boys are obviously from the wrong kind. Who have not known of these boys’ background after all? But she couldn’t just stand there to listen to them spouting bullshits about her own son! She won’t take it!

Stepan looks at her straight in the eyes provokingly. “If I’m lying then the whole school is lying,” he indicated. Which is true. They all echo him. Whatever he said is the truth will become the truth. No one will dare to defy his statement. This, he is sure of.

“Kirill, is this true?” The principal turned to ask the boy who had been quiet all this while.

Kirill is not a liar. He hates it if he has to lie. But that doesn’t mean that he is not good at lying when it’s necessary. It is unclear as to the motives of the four to lie for his sake but he would like to find that out later. As for now, lying is indeed necessary if he wishes to deal with the stalkers without alerting the police so that the stalkers will be emboldened by the freedom given to them. When they think they’re invincible, they’re bound to make mistakes. “It’s true. I have prior trauma to sexual harrassment so I might have gone a little too far in the spur of the moment. For that, I apologize, Madam Principal,” he corroborated Stepan’s statement by adding some truth of his prior trauma to make it more believable.

The principal was quiet for a while, lost in her thoughts before she came to a decision. “The five of you may leave first. Kirill, please visit the school doctor first to tend to your wounds. I will call you back in later. I wish to speak in private with your mother and Emanuel parents for a moment,” she spoke.

The boys obey her order. But before he left, Kirill turned back to take a quick look at his mother who had been looking at him the whole time without a word. Through her eyes alone, Kirill can already sense longingness. He, however, does not wish to bother with such longingness. Once they’re outside of the door, Kirill looks at the boys inquiringly but all Stepan does is smile and says; “let’s go to the doctor’s office first. We’ll talk there.”

Kirill can tell from the looks on the four fucktards’ faces that they’re unhappy with the situation. He couldn't care less about what they feel. All he knows is that he is satisfied with what he has done. It was as it should. Kliment means the world to him. No one who had messed with him could live unscathed. But what’s for sure is that Emanuel wasn’t the one who had killed Kliment. Kirill can still remember the night it all happened. And he was absolutely sure that the perpetrator has a very distinctive engraved scar on his right hand. If he were to touch the scar, he would definitely be able to identify it. Emanuel doesn’t have such a scar.


Next update: 2022/04/04