Chapter 1 : What an Annoying One!
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Another year of taking in new people to serve me. And for me, it's just another one of the things I love. For I, Fuyuko Furushira will always be forgiven and accepted for my beauty. If not, I can always scare them to do what I want. After all, I am beautiful.

Well then, Class 1-C, I wonder who will be my personal pawn. That's what I thought in my head as I sat down and looked around the room, until one person came in.

He doesn't look like he'll stand out, based on his appearance that is. For one, he is decently—nay, isn't he quite attractive?! His flaxen hair and pale golden eyes contemplate so well. The only problem is… he's small….

Well, he will for sure be quite popular, and observing him now, he's quite the loner type, huh? Well, whatever. He'll work out fine.

"Bang!" I slammed on his table as hard as I could, although that hurt so much, I'll just try not to react as it will destroy my picture now.

"You'll do fine." I mischievously smiled at him to which he reacted with a confused face.

What was that about? I'm gonna be enough? What did Furushira-san mean? Right after she said that, she literally just left me hanging, returned to her seat and now the classes are ongoing. Now I can't focus one bit because of the thought of her words. 

Wait… thinking back to the opening ceremony, people said she'd target pretty much anyone, and something like being tough with her… why so…? Is she doing something to people like me that she chose or something?!

Time has passed and lunch break has come. Of course, I came to school prepared. I literally live alone, and I pretty much more or less know how to cook, so why not cook lunch for myself as well?

That said, I did want to eat, but as I was just about to take out my lunch from my bag, that girl, Fuyuko Furushira came to me once again.

“Hey, Ryou-kun~” her voice was sweet and rather calming, and the way she called me made my heart skip a beat.

But that's just the thing, audibly, she's sweet, but when my gaze met hers, all I saw was a smile, a really, scary, normal smile. It was like she's smiling at my soul, it made me tremble, and along with her cold air, it feels like I'm freezing.

“Wh-Wh-What is it…? Furushira-san……?” my voice was trembling and my face was showing a pathetic wry smile, I'm sure, but she didn't stop there.

“Can you buy me tea?” she asked me, with her same, terrifying smile, yet so gentle voice.

“B-But I'm about to—” I was about to say that I'm about to eat, but she smiled once again, which sent another shiver down my spine, “Y-Yes…”

I went up my way, returning my lunch box to my bag, leaving the classroom. I didn't let that break me though, I still walked and filled myself with pride, not breaking down from her. Because I think this will be what people meant about her. 

If that's the case, then— instead of bending on her will, I'll make her bend to her own! I never was active that much socially, but I do know that my will won't go down that easily, I hope. Well, time will tell who will lose first, but for now, tea~

“Eh?” I looked around the vending machine and noticed something controversial… don't tell me she saw this coming….

Shit, I just met her, so of course I don't know anything about her… Coffee… Milk… Cola… what the hell will she like?! That woman….!

I stared at the vending machine for a few more seconds, until I saw something… 

“This is?!” I didn't expect it to be here, but what I saw was one of my favorite drinks. Yes, it's milk, but the mild sweetness is delicious, and I think she'll like it… well she's a girl, probably she likes sweet stuff? Hopefully so.

“H-Here, there was no tea, so I just went ahead and bought anything I think you'll like… probably….” I handed her the milk carton on her desk.

“I said I wanted tea, right?” once again, she smiled at me so normally that it's terrifying and voice ever so kindly made me shiver.

“B-But… there's no tea…”

“Haa— whatever.” she waved her hand as if shooing a dog out of her way.

Does she always act like this?! What an annoying one! Geez. Mark my words, I'll make sure to bring you down, Fuyuko Furushira!

“But I'm about to—” he said.

“B-But… there's no tea…”

What the hell is that? No one has ever talked to me like that! How dare he try to resist my words?! This is probably the most annoying person I've dealt with! But…

“It's sweet… delicious…" ah— I immediately covered my mouth with one of my hands, the one not holding the milk.

I accidentally said it out loud…. But… it really is delicious….

Ahh— Geez! This Akira Ryouko! I'll make sure to bring you down to my knees!