Chapter 5: teleportation spell and Colbert worry
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Well my pretty come here and take my hand I will teach you a Void Attribute Spell.

- Okay but don't do anything weird to me!!!

Trust in my love, since I arrived, your life will never be the same, nor will you be mistreated or underestimated.

“Now let's see how I can contact my guiding angel, ummm let's call him Tenshi.

“Tenshi beautiful, are you there? I need your help. I want you to transfer the basic Void Teleportation spell to My beloved as soon she touch my hand.

 Hi, Alucard, I'm tenshi, your guiding angel, thanks for remembering that I exist, hump!!

Here you have the spell!! bad Alucard!!! Hump!!!

“I'm sorry tenshi I know I forgot you until now but I was busy later when we're alone we can talk all we want for now I have to concentrate here.

- ok!! Bad Alucard!!

So my love this spell that I transferred to you is called teleportation and it is a basic one of the magic of the void now try it, go to Kirque and return to me.

-I'll try!! Teleportation!!!

- jajajajj I made it you saw kirque you saw I'm not Louis the zero anymore!!! Hahaha

- Thank you Alucard!!!

Well, my love, you're welcome, now come to me.

- I go!! Teleportation!!! Hahaha I made it I made it again.

Of course I told you that I would make you the most powerful magician of the void that this country has seen of course that will be if you accept our marriage. This just proves that I'm telling you the truth. Now let's go to your room we have a lot to talk about.

Everyone can now go here there nothing more to see! Backing out!!!

Colbert I will be in my beloved's room if the director wants to talk to me he can look for me there!

Come on Louis honey lead the way

-Yes !!

- Well, everyone has already heard the angel, leave, I'll go talk to the director

“There, being extremely careful with that one called Alucard is very dangerous, I only felt a little of his aura and my instinct told me to run away. Until now I have only felt that with the director !!!. I must explain all this to him quickly!!!