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Some of the soldiers throw up upon reaching the land. The moment I got news of the Allonians beginning to move towards central Arria I began to sail down the Casterso river. “Luca, send some scouts out. I want you to find the Allonian’s position.” 

“Yes, your majesty. I will see it done.” Luca bows before leaving. I look out into the surrounding terrain. This area is fairly flat and open. But I know that if I move a little bit farther east I will find a forested and decent place to ambush the Allonian army. 

I just need to ensure that they haven’t gotten there first. Otherwise I will need to come up with another plan. If we continued down south we would be at the port city of Suso. I always wanted to visit a port city. They seem so exotic and foreign. One of the few areas where Altons are allowed to visit. 

A hidden detachment of forces may work well. Force the enemy to expose their vulnerable rear to these hidden forces and then spring them into action when the enemy is engaged. 

I look over at the men as they slowly get their footing again. Most are perfectly fine but a few didn’t take all that well to traveling by boat. Not that it particularly matters, they will recover soon enough. 

I can wait. 

“I have given the order.” Luca returns from his endeavor. I don’t spare him a glance as I look out onto the fields. "What kind of person do you think the Allonian emperor is?” 

“An experienced man.” He has managed to pull off a, at least so far, successful campaign behind enemy lines relying on raiding tactics but also managed to win when it comes to a traditional battle. 

“You are giving him too much credit.” 

“Perhaps, he seems to be a madman to me as well. He is both intelligent and daring as well. He doesn’t shrink from taking risks.” I do think that risks are stupid though. Why risk victory when you can slowly ensure it. It might be a different situation if he had any support for the war. 

But to think about that would be to deny the reality that we are current in. 

“He is a fool. A lucky fool.” I almost crack a smile at Luca. I think that luck played no role in his victories. One cannot pray for victory and have it handed to them. They have to take it upon themselves to seize it. “You are also a fool. An absolute fool.” 

“Is that so? I think it is reasonable for me to meet him on the battlefield. Everybody else is failing miserably.” When one wants something done right they have to do it themselves. Complaining about the result before attempting it yourself is arrogant. To dare think you could do better from your high seat. 

“Let us get this over with. I would rather be back in the palace.” I look over at him and attempt to figure out what he is thinking. I think he dislikes the insecurity of this place. Normally I am surrounded by guards, protected at all times. 

It is moments like this where I feel free. 

But it makes sense that he sees it this way. His entire purpose in life is to ensure my safety and the continuation of the Arrian royal lineage. Me dying on the battlefield would put a major spin on this. 

“Do you remember when I was younger?” 

“What are you referring to?” 

“The time I ran away.” 

“That was not really well thought out.” It didn’t even end well. But I managed to get out and ever since I have come to realize that anything is possible. So long as you set your mind to it. I could do anything I wanted but I chose to remain. 

I will accept any punishment for the decision I have made. 

“Well... what would have happened if you had succeeded?” Luca is asking a hard question. What would have changed if I succeeded? Most likely nothing would have changed. It was an irrespirable action of mine. To attempt to hide from my duty is childish. 

“I would have never grown up.” 

“You are much too harsh on yourself. Nobody would have blamed you from shrinking from your duty.” His reassurance is nice but misplaced. I am not harsh upon myself. It is merely the reality of my life. I was born with a duty and to run from it is childish. 

“Here, let me tell you of my plan...” I move over and whisper to Luca about my ideas. He nods his head and smiles at them. He brings up a few issues but they don’t matter. If he does scout out our strategy we will know relatively quickly. “It is just a small test. One designed to see how rash he is as a commander.” 

“If that is all it is then it will work well.” 

“We should have the soldiers build camp soon. I doubt we will meet William in battle today.” It might be midday but I haven’t heard anything from the scouts yet and I do not expect to hear any news either. 

He was on the other side of the Alle river the last time I heard any news about him. There should be a bridge for him to cross. If he can find it. It is defended by a fort but the garrison is hardly anything for me to talk about. 

I feel the blood inside me boil. I am eager to meet him in battle. 

A/N: Finished the first battle between Michael and William. Gonna take a break and relax. Might polish it up a bit later.

As always, thank you for reading.