Chapter 12: The Mastermind Revealed (Part 1)
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Grodd found it strange how someone was here waiting for him. He did not reveal the second part of his plan to anyone, not even Weather Wizard. He was surprised to see two people waiting for him, one was a well-dressed gentleman while the other was a redhead wearing a doctor’s coat.

While he was staring at the two people before him, he heard footsteps of more people running towards the room he is currently occupying with the two people. When the door behind the two people opened, he saw some familiar faces. The team that helped The Flash defeat him in the past. The people that gave him his psychic abilities.

Despite the greater number of enemies before him, Grodd did not feel intimidated in any way. He knows that he has the high ground as his psychic ability allows him to use telepathy to enter the minds of his enemies and cause them severe pain. With this power alone, he could disable most if not all his enemies. He directly attacks their minds and makes the pain unbearable to the point that he could disable them with just his thoughts. "Your numbers will not deter me."

The moment he used his telepathy, Grodd saw everyone before him clutching their heads in pain and writhing around on the floor in agony. Grodd watched in contempt as his enemies suffer under his awesome mental prowess, "Pathetic. Your humans are pathetic." Even Caitlin was no different, because he did not feel any sort of intimidation the moment Caitlin changed into her alter ego, Killer Frost. Caitlin now had hair as white as snow and she released cold air into the room. Grodd scoffs and stops her in her tracks by inflicting more pain on her mind, even more than the others. Compared to the others, she had the greatest chance to stall or even stop him.

Grodd used his telepathic powers and everyone could not stop but to writhe in agony. "Soon, very soon. You will all bo before Grodd." Grodd then approached a chair that was hovering above the ground on the edge of the ground. It was hidden behind some shelves and boxes, it was the Thinker’s chair. Grodd would take the chair and hold Harrison Wells hostage so that he could have the good doctor modify it to amplify his powers. Furthermore, with Wells as a hostage, he knew Team Flash would not attempt anything because they would be too worried about their friend’s safety. He took Wells and the chair and left S.T.A.R. Labs to continue his plans. He then proceeded to prepare for his future plans to impose his thoughts on everyone in the world, thus controlling every single mind in the world.

When Eddie returned from Iron Heights, he brought with him another transport convoy. He told the people at the penitentiary what had happened, and they agreed to send another convoy to the location of the fight. When he returned, he told Archer, "The people from Iron Heights are coming here, and I told them that'd you'll be here waiting for them." A white-haired tanned skinned man in red and black named Archer. When Eddie arrived, he could see all the people that attacked the convoy and the ones that tried to escape, but he did not see his friends. He then glared at Archer. "What happened to Firestorm and Elongated Man?"

The copy Archer’s response for Eddie was “Another member of ours, Caster, came and took your friends to S.T.A.R. Labs to be treated. We don’t mean them any harm. You should run back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Grodd infiltrated the place, this whole situation of attacking the convoy was just a diversion to get your attention away from his real target. I suggest you get moving at your fastest speed before he kills everyone there. I’ll stay here and keep watch over these guys until the people from Iron Heights arrive.” With Archer’s assurance of the situation, Eddie started running back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

When he got there, Eddie found that the command room was empty, and he became worried for their safety, that is until he saw the monitor. He saw that Caitlin had changed into her alternate persona, Killer Frost. They were all facing off against Grodd. When he got to them, he immediately tried to attack Grodd but someone stopped him from doing so, “I suggest that you do not interfere.” Eddie was stopped by a well-dressed Englishman. He was unable to grasp the situation. He did not understand what was going on as everyone was just standing there facing Grodd, without even moving. "I need to stop Grodd before he gets into everyone's heads." But that was not the case. As when Grodd did so, everyone should have been on the ground writhing in agony. Instead, they were all just staring at each other.

All the gears were moving as Carter intended. Since he was still imprinted with Caster, his mastery over magic was unimaginable. Grodd using his telepathy to invade the minds of others was child’s play to him. "Too easy." When Grodd, tried to invade his mind, Carter used Solomon’s powerful magic to stop him in his tracks while at the same time giving Grodd the illusion of victory. Everything that Grodd saw when he used his telepathy to hurt everyone present was simply an illusion Carter created for the gorilla. Grodd would not even notice that none of the things he is seeing is real, it is all work of fiction. After having his fun and the fact that Eddie had arrived, his action of stalling Grodd had succeeded.

Seeing as how everyone was still unable to grasp the situation, Carter released Grodd from his Illusion spell. "Alright monkey, time to wake up."

When Grodd was released from the illusion, he found it strange. He was still at S.T.A.R. Labs and all his enemies were still standing before him without any pain whatsoever. He also found it odd that Flash was also with them when he should still be facing Weather Wizard and the escaped met-humans. "Flash!? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be preoccupied with Weather Wizard and the other escapees?" It was then that Carter got off the large crate he was sitting on and revealed to everyone about the whole situation. He was especially looking down on Grodd for having fallen for a simple trick, despite the trick being not so simple.

“So Grodd, how was it? The dream I just showed you. It felt very real right? I am a little stunned how a highly evolved ape with superpowers, was able to fall for a simple trick like my illusion. But now that I have had my fun, I think it is time I put a stop to your ambition and put you in a cage where you belong.” His form changed as he now has long silver hair and a braid over his left shoulder, and was wearing a black and red robe.

Carter created several purple-colored energy spheres and launched them at Grodd. Grodd was sent flying out of the room. Carter now created several yellow spheres. There was supercharged and condensed lightning in each one of the spheres and Carter created seven of them. Each sphere released the lightning bolts and at it struck Grodd once again. He was unable to defend himself against Carter’s barrage of attacks.

Grodd lost consciousness when the last lightning bolt struck him. Carter approached the unconscious gorilla and used his mastery over magic, to create a cage for Grood. Cater made a meta-human dampening cage out of magic and placed Grodd in it.

Eddie and team Flash were still unable to comprehend what had just happened. They just saw that their new friend Dr. Roman changed just like Caitlin but in a more unreserved manner. He then materialized the spheres that defeated Grodd. He defeated Grodd so quickly and effectively that they did not understand what had just happened. All of them left the room and moved behind Dr. Roman just in time to see him materialize a cage out of thin air. What he did goes against every single law of Physics that they knew. Cisco pinched himself, "Okay, can someone please tell me what just happened?"

After taking care of Grodd, Carter turned and faced the team. The copy he made of Ruler then walked past them and moved beside him. Ruler also looked at everyone before saying what he had to say. “You can come out now. You don’t need to keep hiding, because we already know that you are the culprit behind today’s events. The game is over and the jig, as they say, is up.” Carter and Ruler then looked at Harrison Wells. “You can drop the act now Wells, or would you prefer Eobard Thawne.”