Chapter 116 – Mutual Feelings
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"Some things only happen once in a lifetime. Cherish them well, for once lost they wouldn't be returning." - Saying attributed to the Silver Maiden.

Palace of Bones


Lichdom of Ptolodecca

Winter Solstice, year 91 VA.


Time flew by, and before Aideen knew it, it was time for the winter solstice celebration once again. She fondly recalled how she first met the therian man she grew quite fond of over the past year right there at the celebration by coincidence last year, and a smile came unbidden to her face.


She went out of the palace interior and greeted some of the Ptolodeccan officials who had joined in to enliven the celebration, Mimia and Éirynn following behind her and doing the same, their hands held in each other's. Officials and citizens alike welcomed them politely, Aideen for being the Bone Lord's "favorite" and the other two for their being his personal disciples.


They greeted people as they went around before the festivities officially began at sunset. Aideen saw Artair from afar as she made her rounds and waved to him, which caught his attention and made him return the wave with a gentlemanly bow.


When the festivities began at last, everyone celebrated, good food was provided aplenty on the long tables, whole good ales and meads flowed from barrels for everyone to enjoy. Officials, members of the clergy, and regular townspeople mingled freely, sharing the joy of the celebration with one another as they feasted and drank.


Aideen was chatting with some fellow unliving from the town - Jerrod and his family, as well as Illyana and her family amongst them, whereas Mallard was drunkenly weaving around elsewhere - when she spied Éirynn and Mimia approaching Artair with mischievous expressions and clearly grilling him with questions that made him nervous, likely ones related to her.


She chuckled quietly when she saw that, and decided to let them be for the time being, as she made her round and chatted with those she was acquainted with. These days that number had decreased, as many of her acquaintances from before had retired to the countryside or passed on from old age. Some like Drietven and Yvgenia remained seemingly unaging though, thanks to how their race aged much slower, and she greeted Yvgenia and her new husband - a young white haired elf from Ævietønavæel around her own age - when she spotted them also making their way around.


From what Aideen knew, for an elf to marry multiple times in their lifetime - even if their previous spouse still lived - was common. They lived very long lives, and remarrying once a century or two was rather the norm, and those who stuck with the same spouse for their whole lives were the exception.


After the feast temporarily ended, minstrels played joyful music, and many of the people danced a jig at the wide clearing left open in the courtyard. Aideen went to where Artair was standing after Mimia and Éirynn finally left him alone, and offered him a wooden mug full of ale.


"Hope those two didn't scare you off," she said with a chuckle as he drank deeply from his mug. She herself followed after him and took long gulps from her own mug, allowing the crisp and refreshing cold ale to wet her throat properly. "Éirynn's been particularly close to me since her parents passed away, and Mimia goes wherever she goes."


"They're… quite protective of you in a way, yes," Artair said in reply after he took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I think she's just worried that this stranger would be eloping away with her dear aunt or something, heh," he said with a self-deprecatory chuckle.


"Are we?" Aideen asked in jest with a raised eyebrow as she chuckled as well. "We aren't that far along yet, no?"


"You know… I wouldn't mind making that a reality if you don't," replied Artair with a chuckle of his own, clearly tinged with some nervousness this time, which he helped cover by taking another drink from his mug. "Maybe without the eloping part though," he jested eventually.


"Are you seriously propositioning me, Artair deVreys?" Aideen questioned in turn, this time less in jest and more in seriousness. "I am aware of your situation, and your worries about your bloodline. You are aware that I cannot possibly give you children to carry it on, aren't you?"


"I know. And sadly, it wouldn't have mattered either way. I myself am incapable of siring a child, so that is a moot point regardless," answered Artair with a sigh, confessing what he had so far kept secret to Aideen in all their talks. "That is why my mother's ambitions died out with me, as you might guess by now. As for the why, I believe it should be common knowledge to anyone who had studied therians before, and I highly doubt the old duck there never mentioned it before."


"He has, yes," said Aideen with a sad nod to Artair's words. Just then the music shifted from the fast paced folk tune to which the jig was danced to a slower, melodious tune with a hint of melancholy to it. "I… am sorry to hear that."


"It's fine… To be honest, since you are familiar with how it feels, I figured you might be one who understands how I felt all this time," replied Artair with a nod as he looked at her with a hint of melancholy in his fierce mien. "I'm actually familiar with this song… may I have this dance with you, milady?" he asked with a courtly bow as he extended one hand to Aideen.


"Only if you don't mind me stepping on those paws you call feet," answered Aideen with a slight chuckle of her own as she placed her hand atop his meaty paw of a hand. "I don't have much experience dancing, I'm afraid."


"From what I heard, you're a martial artist of some expertise," said Artair as he guided her towards the clearing, which had fewer people than before, dancing a slow, elegant dance in pairs. "Just follow my steps and you will do fine," he added as he began to sway along to the melody, their hands interlocked with his guiding hers.


Aideen followed his lead as they swayed and twirled in harmony to the melody, her feet placing themselves naturally alongside his as they danced, her instincts from decades of training taking over. It came naturally to her, with nary a struggle, and no outside observers would have believed that it was her first time dancing that particular dance.


Unconsciously they allowed themselves to be buoyed by the music, as their steps took them closer to the center of the clearing, eliciting some looks of surprise from some onlookers, and cheering from yet others.


In the middle of the clearing that served as the dance floor, Aideen saw a couple already dancing to the tune for a while, who moved slightly to share the center spot with them. It was Éirynn and Mimia, and as the two couples swayed past each other, she saw her niece, then in turn her spouse giving her a conspiratorial wink as their eyes met.


Aideen didn't take the teasing to heart, as she just enjoyed the feeling of comfort she was immersed in, a joy of companionship she had not known in her life before, and savored every moment of it.


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