Chapter 118 – First Night Together (Part 2) (Likely Explicit)
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"Many people balk at the idea of true love in this world where most things revolve around benefits, but I digress. True love is when you find yourself willing to sacrifice even yourself for its sake, and all too few find such a bond in this day and age, something I feel is a shame." - Saying attributed to the Silver Maiden.

"Are… you certain about this?" Aideen heard Artair ask as she turned around and closed the door to her bedroom. They were alone there, just with their last bits of clothing on. The room was sparse, with only a large bed - large enough for two adult humans to lie down on with a child between them - and a wardrobe in it.


"What? Don't tell me you're having the nerves now," Aideen teased him in return as she slowly pulled off her tunic over her head. She had worn nothing else underneath it, baring her naked body for him to see in its entirety. "I wouldn't be bringing you all the way to my bedroom otherwise, silly."


Aideen walked closer to him, and hugged him once more for reassurance, this time no piece of clothing obscuring the contact between their bodies as she felt her breasts press against his solid abdomen. She felt his hand caressing her back, before slowly, uncertainly inching downwards, as if fearing a reprimand to come at any moment.


Instead, Aideen kissed him once more, as she felt how he was emboldened by her response and his hand gently caressed the curve around her backside, down to her thigh. Her own hands were busy removing his underpants, which was the last thing he had on. She knew some therians were comfortable with going around mostly naked, but apparently Artair wasn't amongst those.


She got rid of his underwear with some minor difficulties, and immediately realized that he was quite definitely aroused from what she found underneath it. She smirked at him from seeing that, and once again he gave her that bashful look that just contradicted his fierce appearance so much.


They shared another deep kiss, while their hands strayed all over each other's bodies with abandon. He felt one of his warm, furry, paw-like hands caress her breasts, and in turn she teased his nipples, which made him squirm and made her laugh at his reaction.


Even if he was a shy man, Artair showed that he knew what he was doing - not surprising considering his past, Aideen thought - and his touches were gentle, yet purposeful. She felt his right hand caress her toned stomach, then slowly, carefully slid downwards, before it settled between her legs.


Aideen felt his thick, furry fingers caress her down there, even felt him prod her carefully, apparently afraid he would be hurting her, which made her smile. The careful caresses felt ticklish, yet also awakened a sensation she was unfamiliar with, yet found pleasurable. She returned the favor with her left hand, being careful as she caressed him on his most sensitive spot in turn, which got him to intensify their kiss.


They had walked closer to the large bed as they kissed and caressed one another, and before long the back of Artair's knees stumbled against the side of the bed, and they fell together onto the bed, which creaked a bit at their combined weight.


Almost as one, they laughed cheerfully, even as Artair raised himself and now sat cross-legged on the bed, his digitigrade legs quite naturally tucked against each other. Aideen sat practically on his lap, her thighs resting on his, even as their bodies pressed close to one another, and she felt his hardened manhood poke against her abdomen.


Aideen noticed that he was breathing more heavily, contrasted to how she did so breathe irregularly, mostly just once in a while to get air in her lungs to speak with. The musky scent she had smelt before was even stronger now, as she saw how he eyed her hungrily.


She returned the same look straight to his eyes, and holding onto his shoulders, carefully raised herself until they were facing each other eye to eye. She saw the yearning in his eye mirroring her own, and her left hand carefully guided him towards herself.


Then Aideen lowered herself, and embraced Artair with all that she is, everything that she has to offer. A slight, sharp tearing pain hit her, but as she had felt much worse pain before, she entirely ignored it. Instead she embraced him even tighter, a gesture he returned in kind. For the moment, they were joined together, of one flesh with each other.


Aideen looked Artair in his eyes, then she slowly nodded with a smile. Sensations she had never felt before raced across her mind as he started to move inside her, ever so gently and slowly. Waves of pleasure unlike any she knew filled her mind, and once again she pressed her lips against his as she hungrily experienced the foreign sensations it brought her.


From slow, gentle movements, she felt him intensify as he moved faster, her body still seated atop his lap as they embraced each other throughout. She followed and matched his movements as best she could, her eyes closed as she felt the pleasurable sensations come in waves through her. Her lips locked with his other than the times he had to pause for a deep breath.


Aideen did not know how long it lasted, maybe mere minutes, maybe more than that, but eventually Artair could hold it no more and she felt him shudder as she felt a surge of warm fluids pouring into her barren womb.


Artair dropped onto his back as he breathed hard, Aideen's body lying down on his own, even as they remained joined together, as their eyes found each other's and each found the desire for more in the other's eyes.


Having caught his breath, he just started moving again inside her even as she laid down on him, their lips once again locked in a deep kiss as they simply enjoyed one another's bodies in the most intimate manner possible, as they sated their pent up desires with one another.


"Say… mmmmn," Aideen said as she supressed an unbidden moan while he churned her insides. By now her body had known what to do, and she moved instinctively along with him, something she noticed seemed to both give him pleasure and a hard time simultaneously. "Does this mean… mmm… that you love me? Or are you just after… my body, huh?" she asked teasingly.


"Please… woman," he said in a scoff that reeked of overreaction to her words, before he ended up laughing out loud. Aideen felt his laugh thoroughly as his body trembled along with it, including the part inside hers. "If I were to be looking just for a pretty face… I wouldn't be chasing after a strange, furless primate… like you," he said with a smile as his laughter subsided. Whatever words he had to say next was lost in a happy mumble as she pulled him closer and pressed her lips against his yet again.


At first she mostly followed his lead, inexperienced as she was in such matters, but as the night went on she found that there were similarities between making love and dancing. Soon her body instinctively reacted to his every move, to each gentle caress and lustful thrust, and before long she learnt to allow herself to be immersed in the pleasure and let her body take the lead in the intimacies they shared, especially as he grew somewhat tired and his stamina started to lag behind.


Neither of them counted the number of times they made love over the night and straight through the day, as they just lavished in the closeness they shared like no other could, the intimate caresses they freely gave one another, of pleasure mutually and freely given.


By the time their lust was sated, Aideen realized that it was already sunset the next day. Fatigue was something she felt after the wild night they just had, her legs feeling as if they could barely support her, while Artair fell deep asleep on the bed they shared, completely tired and worn out, yet with a deeply satisfied smile on his face.


When Aideen carefully got up from the bed so as not to disturb his sleep and stood on unsteady legs, she felt fluid trickle down her thighs, and it felt as if there was something shoved in between her legs, but she just smiled and looked fondly at the therian man lying asleep on her bed.


For some reason, she felt as if they had shared a deeper understanding of one another, a certain feeling of transparency between them, one just for the two of them and no other.


As she watched the sun set from her bedroom's window, Aideen smiled. The first genuine, happy smile to grace her lips since a long while now...


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