Chapter 121 – An Offering of Peace
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James Walsh

Edwin Jose

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"While the historians of the short-lived fourth empire tend to denigrate the achievements of Khaer Ul Tessarii, the first emperor of the third empire and his successor, those of the fifth empire viewed their achievements in a far more positive light.


The reforms the third empire enacted, that the fourth empire tried to undo, caused the end of the human domination on the empire's political scene, and the therians which formed the majority of the empire's populace to begin with ended up taking their place instead." - Delvin Amble, Jötunbergian Historian, Circa 359 FP.

"Interesting," said the Bone Lord from his throne as he placed his chin on his hands and pondered the imperial delegation. Even that small gesture of his made some of the delegation members further behind pale and sweat somewhat, those remaining unaffected being the minority. What surprised Aideen was how the small youngling behind the old lizard at the front looked at the Bone Lord with large, innocent, inquisitive eyes, even if they had hidden half their body behind the leg of the elder therian. "You are the new emperor, I presume? Quite courageous to make the visit yourself, I would say. Did you not fear that I might just order the lot of you removed from existence?"


"Unlike my predecessors, I am familiar with history," replied the old lizard therian as he stood tall and proud, his tail feathers spreading slightly to the sides and creating a backdrop for his regal figure. He stared the Bone Lord eye to eye with no fear whatsoever, a feat that made Aideen increase the old lizard's mettle by a notch in her mind. "For the Bone Lord who had single handedly caused the end of the first empire, I highly doubt you would resort to such measures just to deal with us, who wished only for a continued peace."


"Quite bold of you to assume on my behalf," replied the Bone Lord, which caused many of the delegation to visibly fidget in nervousness, even though Aideen noted a slight tone of amusement in his voice. Then again, such details would be lost to the delegation, as they were unfamiliar with the Bone Lord, unlike her. "But well said. So what is your new empire offering for this peace you so desire, hmm?"


"While I am unable to speak for the future generations, I can at least swear that Elmaiya shall not turn a blade towards Ptolodecca at least in my reign, or my successor's," stated the old lizard, which earned some assent from the gathered Ptolodeccan officials, though the Bone Lord himself did not react in the slightest. "At the same time, to apologize for our predecessor's misdeeds, we offer the lands on our eastern border, with the latitude where Fort Asconix lies to be our new border."


That announcement got far more reactions, which Aideen interestedly noted included many of the delegation members themselves, some of which seemed about to protest. Others were unmoved by it though, and she noticed one female Therian in the back row eyeing those who were about to protest accurately, probably some sort of internal power play, she assumed.


She also noticed how nonchalant Artair's father was about the whole thing, with even a slight grin forming on his lips. The man was clearly informed of what was about to happen, she thought to herself. Likely working together with the new emperor then.


"An acceptable offer," said the Bone Lord in reply after a moment of deliberation, words which seemed to calm everyone down. The Bone Lord then clapped his hands twice, his claps loudly audible despite his hands being skeletal, which caused Yvgenia and several other servants and maids of the palace to enter the room. "Let us talk details in a more comfortable setting then."


Everyone then adjourned to a larger chamber, where Aideen saw that many tables and chairs were already arranged, each table large enough to host eight people or thereabouts. The Bone Lord had beckoned for her to join his table, alone, so she told Artair to go chat with his father, with a promise to catch up to him later.


When she sat on the Bone Lord's table, she noticed Drietven and Yvgenia hovering nearby, which was not strange. The other occupants of the table rather surprised her though, as it was just Mimia and Éirynn, who were happily teasing the white feathered therian youngling, as well as the elder lizard therian, the new emperor of Elmaiya.


Aideen also instantly noticed the invisible barrier of wind that covered the surroundings of the table, the sort used to prevent eavesdropping. Apparently, whatever was about to be discussed on the table was meant to be private.


When the old lizard therian gave a polite bow, not to the Bone Lord, but to Drietven behind him and called him "master", Aideen understood exactly why such measures to keep things private was taken.


"It has been a long time, master. I see that the young miss has grown up well," said the old lizard therian with a beaming smile that exposed many sharp teeth. Such a smile might look fearsome to most non-therians, but Aideen was used to them due to Artair by now.


"Same to you, Khaer. It's good to see you well," replied Drietven with a nod. "Oh right, you've never seen her before, but Mimia over there is Yvgenia's daughter. That kid she's playing with yours, Khaer?"


"Lucea is my youngest grandchild, master," said the old lizard with a nod, while the Bone Lord just watched them chat with a rare smirk on his face. In quiet tones he explained to Aideen that Khaer Ul Tessarii, the new Elmaiyan emperor, had lived in Ptolodecca, his family being refugees from the empire, when he was young, close to three centuries ago. He had learned magic under Drietven of all people at that time, though he had left back for the empire two centuries ago, with a desire to change things from within.


Aideen definitely understood the need for secrecy, for the Elmaiyan emperor calling the Bone Lord's butler as his master would definitely cause a scandal to erupt on the spot.


The Bone Lord also mentioned to her the reason he wanted to speak with her, because he intended to send a delegation to Elmaiya to see the empire for themselves, probably for a few years or so. With her relationship to Artair, who is the son of the current minister of war, Aideen was a logical candidate for that. Mimia as well considering that the emperor was once her grandfather's student.


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