Chapter 29 – You can discard him if it threatens your life
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XG 29 - You can discard him if it threatens your life


Suzie Yap leaned forward with a serious expression. "Questionable, but its usefulness could not be denied. We need it to combat the virus that created those monsters. Elder Chen, your family must immediately leave Malaysia now when you are still able to. Go to China and reunite with your sons."


Grandpa Chen's second and third sons were working at China army base, which could protect the Chen family. It was not a forever safety, but even a temporary shelter was enough with the situation happening around the world.


Suzie Yap was not selfish to share some of her information. "It's going to be winter soon in China where the virus is less aggressive in a cold climate, but when the season changes, that place will not be safe. Use the winter season to prepare a safe place in a place where winter visits for the whole year-round."


Chen Tang An's face brightens. "You know-"


"Yes, but I don't have much time to stay and explain everything. We need to leave quickly. I will contact you when I have the time, but your sons in the army should be able to fill in some information meanwhile."


The moment Suzie Yap stood up, giving her daughter a brief glance at the corner of her eyes. Wong Xue Guo immediately followed after getting the hint. 


When Chen Jiang An saw his cousin also standing up to follow Suzie Yap, he quickly grabbed his hand. "Cousin, you can follow us. Uncle and elder cousin brother can meet up with us in China."


Chen Yibo shook his head. "I will be more assured to go to them myself." He did not tell anyone that his father and brother might not be willing to leave Korea. Their research base was there after all. 


"That does not make sense! It's too dangerous!"


"Go if that's what you decide," Grandpa Chen suddenly said, ignoring Chen Jiang An's unbelievable look. "Do not take dangerous risks."


Chen Yibo nodded, his lips curled at his grandfather's concern. "Thank you, grandfather."


"Bring some of the bodyguards with you," Chen Tang An told his nephew, seeing that his father had no intention of stopping Chen Yibo. Even if his nephew was not the heir of the Chen family business, that does not mean he was not any less loved by the elders.


Although Chen Yibo’s name was not listed, it does not mean he would not die early in an accident. While it was hard to move a mountain just like how one could not prevent a person’s death, it was actually much easier to seek death and die earlier than their actual time.


"No need. I can protect myself, and Mrs Wong has their bodyguards too."


"He's right. I have enough bodyguards to protect us all." Suzie Yap's words blocked the insistence. After all, adding too many people would be troublesome when it comes to transportation. Sometimes, a large number of helping hands does not mean it would be better.


"Mrs Wong, I will have to trouble you to take care of my grandson." Chen's patriarch walked the guests to the door. "You can discard him if it threatens your life. Yibo has a hard life and can protect himself."


Chen Jiang An choked at the heartless words. "Grandpa! How can you say that about your own grandson!"


"Grandpa is right," Chen Yibo agreed with a helpless smile. 


"I won't leave him behind," Suzie Yap promised. “He is like my own son.”


Although Suzie Yap said so, Chen Yibo also understood that as long as he continued protecting Wong Xue Guo, she would not leave him behind.


When Wong Xue Guo reached home, it was already past two a.m. There were many days where she had actually slept later than this time to secretly catch up with mangas, but today was much more tiring than those nights. The energy she refilled from the short nap in the car was used up in Chen’s house.  


Wong’s house was still lit brightly despite the time and it stood out in the neighbourhood. Inside the house, both helpers and bodyguards were busy moving things, likely by her mother's command. 


However, there were some idlers standing near the walls to avoid blocking others' paths. Their eyes were on Suzie Yap that just returned home, but their gaze was strange and unpleasant. 


Unfazed by the stares, Suzie Yap turned to her daughter instead. "Guo Guo, how about you accompany Yibo to pack his luggage? Mummy needs to speak to everyone, so only you are free to accompany him. Both of you protect each other's backs, okay?"


I think Yibo will be protecting my back instead. 


But she did not protest, knowing that her mother wanted to speak to the servants privately. However, she was also curious about what they would be talking about. Resignation? Or will they be forced to come along so that they could sacrifice their lives to protect their employers? 


Wong Xue Guo paused her dark thoughts and glanced at Chen Yibo. She unconsciously flinched when her eyes collided with his that happened to be staring at her. "Are you fine with it?"


"I have no problem with it." It was surprising that Chen Yibo showed no signs of unwillingness to bring along a dead weight with him. 


Suzie Yap had no reason to worry about her daughter in danger with Chen Yibo guarding her. It would not be dangerous, for the infection had not spread this far yet. They still have the luxury of strolling around without worry. 


The houses in their compound were semi-detached. The Chen and Wong family lived next to each other. 


The Chen family had moved into the neighbourhood five years ago when Chen Yibo and Wong Xue Guo were both thirteen years old. Yet, Chen’s house interior was the same for five years.


Even if Suzie Yap preferred things and furniture to be in the same place for quick and memorized access, she could not resist moving things around to make the place look fresher. 


Earlier on, Suzie Yap had advised Chen Yibo to dismiss his employees and tell them to leave immediately, which he obeyed. There was only a live-in housekeeper and a chef, which were actually husband and wife, so it did not take much time to send them away.


"Aunty Pang, Uncle Li, the infection will spread quickly and the scientist has yet to discover the cure. Take this time to quickly leave the country and go to hide in a winter country. The infection spread slower in cold climates. It’s best to stay away from people if possible." It was easy for Chen Yibo to guess that after hearing Suzie Yap telling his family to hide in winter climate countries. 


Wong Xue Guo watched silently as Chen Yibo persuaded the two elderly to leave.


As always, the class monitor was a kind-hearted person and strived to help others as much as he could. But this type of person was always the first group of people to die. She had seen plenty of characters with that kind of trait who ended up being a hero if they were strong enough, or would suffer from the betrayal that would cost their life if they were extremely unlucky.


She does not have the determination to change Chen Yibo’s mindset as she does not want to be the villain. Some may say it was better for that person to learn his lesson after experiencing suffering. Yet she fears that Chen Yibo's lesson would injure him deeply or even permanently. 


The web novels she read usually have a kind-hearted main character that died from betrayal. They would be given a second chance to go back in time, with a golden finger and knowledge of the future that will aid them to change their fate!


However, those were works of fiction and Chen Yibo will not have a second chance once he dies. 


The two elders did not leave immediately and stayed to help Chen Yibo pack his essentials, filling his backpack to the brim. Luggage was not really advised as there was the possibility of needing to discard vehicles to travel on foot. 


Seated in the living room while waiting, she was making her own list to pack using her mobile phone’s memo when Chen Yibo approached her. "Can I speak to you?"


"You already did though?" Was Wong Xue Guo's automatic response that had not gone under review in her mind.


He treated her response as positive and took a seat opposite her. "Why don't you like me?"


Fuck, a confession?! Σ(°°)


The distorted expression on her face quickly pointed out to him that his words were rather misleading. 


"I should rephrase my question. Of all the years I've known you, you set a boundary between us, not allowing me to befriend you. There are also times when I notice you seem to dislike me."




"If we are going to travel together, we need to solve the matter so that you can trust me to protect you."


Wong Xue Guo had thought she had hidden her dislike towards him well by always acting politely to him. Yet he had already known about it for a long time but did not change his behaviour towards her. He only approached the topic because he wanted her to trust him to protect her. 


Silly Yibo. 


She knew he would not lie about his reason to solve their ‘enmity’ because that was not his personality. Silly Chen Yibo was a nice guy from the start to the end, and would not use emotional guilt to get his way or answer from her. He only used his own capability to get others to trust him.


But that was also the main reason why she disliked him.


There was no reason to hide her distaste now that he already knew and she also does not want to embarrass herself by pretending otherwise. Wong Xue Guo leered as she raised a question. "If I continue disliking you, will you stop protecting me?"