Africa,Baby sitting revoked
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All the avengers were in a lab asep for Mercury as he was nowhere to be seen 

“No…this isn’t  strategy…it’s rage” Bruce said as he looked at JARVIS yellow AI ball in pieces 

Mercury flew in the lab with a steady whoosh! As he landed next to Thor 

“Trails cold. A hundred miles to North. And they have the scepter” Mercury said with his British voice as he rubbed his hand down onto his face 

Everyone looked at him as Natasha raised her eyebrow “British?” 

“Sorry it…slipped out” They looked away as they all nodded slowly “but it is my normal voice” Mercury British voice was thick as everyone just humm 

Thor was furious as he walked towards tony and started to choke him by the throat and lifting him up 

“Woah Woah use your words buddy” Tony said as he was struggling in the gods hands 

“Thor!” Steve looked at him and as he looked around and dropped Tony “Were having to go after it. Again” and with that he left with Mercury following behind 

“Wooho Team back together” Mercury said as he was walking away with Thor and raised his hands as everyone looked at the back of Mercury with their heads shaking 

After some hours passed the avengers were in a room with boxes and monitors as they were looking for struckers file. After Ultron erased everything about him they had to go the old fashion way 

Thor and Mercury were looking through some old boxes as well as every avenger

They found the box of strucker file as tony was explaining about a arms dealer operating in South Africa. Mercury wasn’t listening as his gaze was on a file about a blue cube 

‘The space stone….” Mercury has only be in contact with 3 stones and doesn’t know about the rest 

The soul stone- he had it 

The time stone- he didn’t know where or who has it, he just hoped someone good had it 

The mind stone was currently on earth 

The power stone- He has seen it  when he remembered a celestial used it to destroy one of the planets he was on.

The reality stone- he hasn’t see it 

The space stone- He knows that the asgradians has it as he helped the avengers returned it to Thor homeworld

So technically he only made contact with 3 and knowing where 1 was

He got out of his thoughts when Steve told everybody to suit up, even though the ones who weren’t  were tony, Steve, Clint and Bruce.

Mercury nodded as he closed his eyes for a while and his entire body was covered in his body armor that was in his golden ball with the soul stone 

“Never gonna get used to that where do you even keep it? Is it Nanotech?” Tony asked as Mercury chuckled a bit and shook His head 

“So still not gonna give me sample?” 

“Sorry Tony, even if I wanted to I can’t. This stuff is pretty hard, almost or even harder than Vibranium” Tony clicked his tongue as he walked off and as well as the others as they got on board of a quinjet


Ultron was on top of Klaue as he held his bloody half arm that was cut by the machine “He’s a sickness!” 

As he said that Iron appeared behind him “Aww junior you gonna make your old man cry” Iron man landed on the narrow metal walkway with Thor and Mercury beside him and Cap beside Thor 

“If I have to.”

“We don't have to break anything.” Thor says as he grips his hammer 

“Clearly you've never made an omelet.” Ultron throws a joke as Tony turned to Thor “He beat me by one second.” 

Wanda and Pietro come beside Ultron as the former looks at Mercury with soft eyes…seemly forgetting about a battle was about to happen 

Pietro coughed as he got Wanda attention and her eyes were back to glaring at the avengers all but one, Mercury.

‘I will free you soon my darling’ Wanda thought to herself as Pietro talked  “Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable?” 

“This was never my life.”

Steve looks to the twins “You two can still walk away from this”

“Oh, we will.” Wanda said that part as he looked at captain America then reverted her gaze back at Mercury and saw him looking at her with a face full realization 

“Is that you Wanda?” Mercury said as Wanda smiled a bit but inside her head she was screaming at how her lover would remembered her 

“…I know you've suffered.” 

“Uugghh! Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but...” Ultron makes a gesture of throwing up.

Steve and Ultron ruin the moment as the atmosphere turned dark again If you believe in peace, then let us keep it.” Thor raises his voice 

“I think you're confusing peace with quiet.”

“Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?” Tony ask as he points to it  “I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan--“ Ultron then raises his hand as a magnetic beam attracts Ironman and then Ultron shoots laser from his finger tips to iron man sending him back 

Ultron sentry bots started to break through the ship and started to attack the avengers. Ultron flew up with Mercury as they both collided with each other and flew up in the sky breaking through the ship roof 

“Shoot them!” Klaue said to his subordinate as he looked dumbly back at him “which ones?”

“All of them!” Klaue shouted as the people on the ship started to shoot at the robots and the avengers. Clint and black widow join in on the fight as they boarded on the ship 

Iron man was fighting the legions as Thor and Steve were occupied with the twins, while Clint and Natasha delt with the humans 

Meanwhile up in the sky you could see a red laser beam colliding with a golden one as the golden one pushed back the red one 

“I don’t understand Mercury. You should stand on my side. After all were the same” Ultron said as he punched mercuy  in the chest but he blocked it with a with his bare arm 

“We may be the same. But I’m better than you” Mercury shot his laser beams from his eyes to Ultron as he was knocked away “Besides our morals are different. You wanna destroy humanity while I want to save it” 

Mercury said to Ultron as he looked at him with a harden gaze “How?” 

“How do I know?” Mercury flew towards him with a boom and appeared right in front of Ultron “I saw this happened one time” As he said that he conjured a golden transparent dagger in his hands 

Ultron shot red laser beams from the tips of his fingers as Mercury replaced the dagger with a shield. Blocking the laser beam 

Ultron flew upward as Mercury chased him. Ultron shot a sonic frequency at him as Mercury dodged it and shot his laser beams 




Mercury hit one of his back repulsor as Ultron was sent tumbling down and crashed on the cement ground 

Ultron looks at Mercury with his red eyes and chuckles a bit “Ah, the Vibranium's getting away.” 

“And you think your getting away?” Mercury said as his eyes glowed golden 

“Of course not, I'm already there. You'll catch on.” His red eyes shifted to blue ones His metallic face grins “But first, you might need to catch Dr. Banner.”

Mercury eyes shot golden beams as it sliced Ultron in half “You” was the last words it said 

Mercury flies off with a boom to find Banner who's turned in to the Hulk and already  wreaking havoc on the nearest city and Tony with a big bulk of armor 

“Hey Merc a little help?” Tony said through the comms as he landed beside hulk and conjured all his cosmic powers in his fist as it started to form a golden exoskeleton

He punched hulk in the gut as it sent him through Buildings and a flee market, destroying it “Oops” Mercury chuckled awkwardly as tony just sighs “Don’t worry I feel like I would’ve done the same thing” 

They fly towards the hulk as he was on the ground clutching his stomach and spitting out a tooth “Oh jeez” Tony said as the hulk yelled and got up. Instantly dashing towards the duo 

“You pin him and I’ll drag him away from here” Mercury just nodded at stark plan as hulk sent a out punch which Mercury countered with his eco skeleton. 

A loud boom was heard as it destroyed glass and sent a low cloud of air as it made the people back away a bit 

Tony comes behind him and punched the back of his head as the hulk was smacked down onto the concrete 

He flipped over as the hulk saw the iron fist coming close to his face 

“Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep” Mercury chuckled a bit as he was beside them and waiting for Tony to knock him out so they could take him far away or at least tire him out 

Hulk grabbed one of the fist as it trapped one of his arm “Alright let’s get outta here big guy”

They flew off as Mercury was below them, helping tony carry the hulk away 

Hulk thrashed around as he sent a powerful kick to Mercury face as he was sent back a bit and making tony crash into a building 

Mercury crashed into a building making a small crater. He plucked himself out of it as he saw Tony drop him in a building that was being constructed 

“Your crazy tony” He said to himself as he saw the building collapse with Tony and the hulk 

The building was reduced to ruble as the street below was filled with debrief and trash. Hulk popped his head out a bit and was seeing that a ton of people were fleeing and some were aiming their weapons at him 

He grunted a bit before Mercury came behind him and used all his cosmic energy for the 2nd time today on his fist and punched him on the back of his head 


The punch knocked out hulk while sending a little dust  in all directions.

“Finally…” Mercury breathe out as he saw Tony come out of the ruble with his big body suit badly damaged 

“Hm good job, Cheeseburgers?” Tony said as he raised his eyebrow in the suit 

“Definitely could go for some” he dry chuckled as they picked up hulk and left.

2/3 of the avengers were badly beat up, mentally, as they were on the quinjet and headed to a safe house that Clint knew about. Mercury heard the call with hill and tony as they had to lay low for a while until they knew where Ultron was

They landed on a quiet farm as they  left the jet through the cock pit. They entered the house to hear Clint calling for his…honey?

Barton's heavily pregnant wife, Laura, walks in from the kitchen as he smiles at everyone and waves 

“Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead.” Clint said as he kissed her cheek 


“Gentleman, this is Laura.” Clint said to everyone as Mercury chuckled at what Tony said to Thor “Yes a pregnant women”

“I know all your names.” They all look at her awkwardly “Ooh, incoming.”Barton's children, Cooper and Lila, run in

“Dad!” Barton picks up his daughter “Hi, sweetheart!” Clint kissed the top of his daughter head and his son “Hey, buddy! How you guys doing?” They hugged him as they laughed a bit 

“These are...smaller agents.” Tony said as he looked at the interaction clint and his family were having 

“Did you bring Auntie Nat?” Lilia says as Natasha spoke out “Why don't you hug her and find out?” Lila rushes towards Natasha, who picks her up in her arms

Steve Spoke out “Sorry for barging in on you.”

“Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.” Tony looked at Clint as he said that 

“Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low.” They all nodded 

Mercury looked down below and saw that he was stepping on Lego’s as lilia was looking at him 

“Umm Uh-sorry?” He said as he bent down and picked them up, she looked at it and frown as Clint glared at him while lura smiled a bit 

“Um…um- here” He said as he stuck out his hands and the Lego’s started to reconstruct it self 

Her face was wide open as well as her eyes as she was suddenly floating up. “Woah dad look I can fly!” She said as she did a signature flying position. 

She was laughing and giggling as copper was looking at Mercury, Mercury did the same thing as he lifted up copper and kept them floating until Clint sped out of his wife embrace and was walking towards Mercury 

“Put them down” Clint said as he glared at him while lura chuckled. The kids were placed back on the ground with ‘Aww’ sounds 

“Sorry guys, your father here is party pooper” Mercury said as he chuckled a bit and Clint just rolled his eyes 

“You know your babysitting privileges are completely revoked” Clint said as lura burst out laughing

“Yeah yeah….” The kids faces were filled with sadness as that was their first time feeling such a rush and excitement 

Mercury looked at this with some pity as he got an idea. He clapped his hands together as a dog and cat started to form on his hands. He used energy construct while using illusion as well to make the constructs some what alive 

The kids look at this with wide eyes as they being amazed. The cat jumped up onto Lila shoulder and started to rub its transparent face on her 

The dog stared to walk around cooper as it flew up “Awesome!” They both said as they walked out with Mercury following them 

“Your privileges are still revoked!” Clint shouted at Mercury as he saw him leave with his kids. Lura smiled at his husband interaction with his friend 

Thor flew away, Natasha and Bruce went to their rooms to rest, Steve and tony were outside cutting wood, and Mercury was with Clint kids.Everyone was in their separate ways as Clint and lura were the only ones in the living room. 

Laura checks Barton's wound that Pietro had give him “See, you worried for nothing. Can't even feel the difference, can you?”

“If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up.” Laura told Clint as Barton laughs “Yeah, that's not gonna sell.”

“What about Nat and Dr. Banner? How long has that been going on?”

Clint looked confused “Has what?”

Laura Laughs as she was cleaning his wound “You are so cute.”

“Nat and… and Banner?” Clint stated again as Lura just rolled her eyes “I'll explain when you're older, Hawkeye.”

“Oh. Okay.” He smiles 

“It's bad, right? Nat seems really shaken.”

“Ultron has these allies, these uh, kids, they're punks really. They carry a big damn stick and Nat took a serious hit. Someone's gonna have to teach 'em some manners.” Clint states as he was on the couch lying down

“And that someone be you. You know I totally support your Avenging, I couldn't be prouder. But I see those guys, those "Gods"...” Laura said with her voice a bit shaken 

“You don't think they need me.” Clint raised his eyebrows as Lura shook her head to the sides “I think they do. Which is a lot scarier. They're a mess.”

“Yeah. I guess they're my mess. Especially that Mercury basterd” Clint shuts his eyes and chuckles a  bit