Chapter 13
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At this moment was Itachi checking all the clothes and weapons he received from Mo Xie.

He realized that the clothes made by Mo Xie were anything but normal, in fact the most prominent clothing among them, would be his Akatsuki robe that looked like it was made using the line of some profound beast. The robe also features magical inscriptions to make it more durable.

"It's like he said... no one in this world can do a better job." Itachi muttered.

This Akatsuki robe he designed it just on a whim since in the shinobi world he only participated in that faction to spy on them and really didn't have any kind of good feelings about the members there with the exception of his former partner, Kisame. He felt that Kisame was someone he could trust with his back and after a lot of time spent with Kisame he began to understand his partner better.

"I wonder what is happening in the shinobi world..." With these thoughts Itachi began to check the other pieces of clothing he received from Mo Xie.

Among them were some clothes worn by members of the Uchiha clan, and also a pair of clothes and mask that Itachi wore when he still belonged to anbu.

Looking at the anbu clothes Itachi had a slight tremor, but soon calmed down and began to put them on calmly.

He felt that for someone who fights as a ninja the clothes of this world would not be of much help and actually hindered his movements, so he opted to wear his anbu outfit.

After putting on his anbu outfit, he kept all the other clothes inside the cube with the exception of the Akatsuki robe and the Sakkat. He apprehended using these two items to visit some places that would not be pleasant to reveal his appearance.

"No matter how powerful you become never try to do everything by yourself, otherwise you will fail..." Itachi muttered these words as he looked at his reflection in the mirror in the hotel room.

Itachi felt that in this world he might as well recreate Akatsuki but this time with new ideals and also with other goals. Furthermore, this time he could take as much time as necessary to recruit members.

Even though the Akatsuki he was a part of had a dark purpose in the past, he feels that it will be a good thing to recreate it in this world, maybe with that he can fulfill some of Nagato's dream.

"I wonder if you have failed in your goal... maybe... just maybe... Naruto may have changed his mind..." Itachi thought.

In the shinobi world he had made some companions but it had all fallen behind, some were killed and others were being used as puppets, but Itachi knew that this was that he could not influence or change.

Putting those thoughts aside, he began to check the weapons that Mo Xie had produced and Itachi had to admit they were identical to those used by him in the shinobi world. In fact, some of them were even better, for example the Shuriken had a much higher level than those used by him in the shinobi world.

Next to the Shuriken he found other weapons used by him back in the shinobi world, as well as a Kusanagi sword. Itachi knew that this Kusanagi didn't have the same strength as the one used in the Shinobi world by his brother and Orochimaru, but the quality was still acceptable so there weren't many problems using it for a while.


Jasmine since Itachi entered the hotel room didn't say a word, and just stood inside the cube watching Itachi's actions. She saw him take a black robe with red clouds and noticed that when he did that a trace of melancholy passed through his eyes.

But what surprised her the most was when he picked up the outfit with the cat mask, she saw a deep sadness hidden in Itachi's eyes as he picked up this outfit, but even with this deep sadness he still put the outfit on next to the black robe with red clouds.

"Just who are you? And what have you been through?" Jasmine thought.


Itachi was heading to New Moon City located east of the central area of the Blue Wind Empire with a scale more than ten times larger than Floating Cloud City. Small sects were established through the city like trees in a forest. The Blue Wind Imperial Family had also placed a Profound Imperial Government here, and even the Xiao Sect and the Burning Heavens Clan had branches in this location. Therefore, countless profound practitioners rushed from various directions with hopes of a lucky chance that they would join one of the major sects, while pursuing the ways of the profound.

At the gate of New Moon City, a person dressed in a black robe with red clouds and a large straw hat walked slowly. It was not possible to discern this person's age, appearance, or gender. This person was precisely Itachi who had arrived in New Moon City.

The people who passed by Itachi's side bowed their heads in fear of offending this 'expert', but little did these people know that Itachi didn't care about their lives.

His steps were very slow and steady, and because of his outfit it was impossible not to attract attention, but because of the aura he was emitting no person had the balls to stop him.

The distance between Frontier City and New Moon City was a total of one hundred and fifty kilometers and Itachi had been walking for a week. He could have arrived faster in New Moon City, but he decided to delay a little longer due to the fact that he wanted to train longer.

Itachi seemed to just walk straight ahead in the city streets, but the truth was that he was using his Sharingan to observe the surroundings. Looking around he saw different types of facades and buildings that spread endlessly. Crowds of people were gathering on this street making the scene very lively and noisy.

In addition almost all the people in this place had cultivator auras, showing that this was not a simple city like the ones Itachi had been in before.

"A large city indeed, compared to Floating Cloud City is like a drop of water." Itachi muttered.

Jasmine didn't comment on Itachi's muttering because she had already seen cities up to a thousand times the size of the Realm of the Gods so this small city could never surprise her.

Feeling that he had explored enough, Itachi approached a stall that sold snacks and asked.

"Can you point me in the direction of the Black Moon Trading Guild?" Itachi asked quietly.

The snack vendor was a little startled to see Itachi, but seeing that he would not cause any harm to his small stall, he quickly pointed the direction to Itachi.

"Answering sir, Head west directly from here, after that you will see seven streets cross at the last one, turn right and keep walking, then you will arrive." The vendor said in a respectful tone and at the same time scared fearing that he might offend this expert in front of him.

Having the answer he wanted Itachi just turned around and walked from the direction pointed by the seller, but not before leaving a Profound Purple Coin silently.

The vendor would only realize this coin when he was dismantling his stall to leave.

Itachi followed the direction pointed out by the vendor, and after following everything to the letter he arrived at his destination.

A large sign with a black waning moon carved into it appeared in Itachi's line of sight, the words 'Black Moon Trading Guild' were lined up horizontally below the black moon. Although they were simple words, they carried an inexplicable force of deterrence.

The place where the guild was located was extremely peaceful and the flow of people here was much smaller, moreover the people here walked with hurried steps and with their mouths closed. Not to mention being noisy, there was no one who spoke loudly, as if they were afraid of getting in the way of something.

"It looks like it's just like Xiao Li described..." Itachi thought.