Chapter 3
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I walked to the office, eager to get into a relationship with Kara but, planning to get vengeance for leaving me in the alleyway and not even coming back. I had seen images of me on the news and as I walked to work.

I saw multiple images of myself in my super suit, saving people and cleaning the bridge of debris. Kara was still the highlight. I suppose the female superhero was much more amazing than the male superhero.

I had left some plane debris, for the various companies that would get a clean-up contract. I sat down in my chair, turned on my computer and did my daily server sweep.

I waited an hour, checking out some of the new posts on the website. I did see some pictures of Kara and me on the site. I turned the computer off and leaned in my chair as I saw people come in. No one except Cat knew that I did a sweep of the server every morning. I closed my eyes, waiting on my instincts to alert me to Kara's presence. I woke up, my instincts flaring.

I saw Kara walking through the office, Cat's breakfast and coffee in hand. "Pretty cool, huh?" she asked me, putting things down on her desk.

I played around with a mechanical pencil on my desk, responding with a "I suppose so." She looked at me with an awkward look of shock on her face, at my indifference. "Would have been better if she had a suit like his."

She sat at her desk, even more shocked, grumbling before Cat came in and called a content meeting in her office. As Cat was walking past my desk, she was giving me a glare. So, she did know that that man was me.

The content meeting ended rather quickly after James "Jimmy" Olsen went into Cat's office and gave his input. I waited by my desk for Kara to come by so that I could continue my vengeance. Kara came by, saying, "Winn, I need you to meet me on the roof.", before walking away into one of Cat-Co.'s elevators. I looked at her moving form in confusion, "What would we need to be on the roof for?"

Nevertheless, I took the elevator up to the roof, walking up a few steps and opening the roof door. Kara stood at the Helipad, pacing around. As I walked up the metal stairs to get onto the Helipad, Kara perked up, noticing me.

She messed with her glasses, a nervous tic. She dropped her hands down and began fumbling with them. "Okay, um. I want to say sorry for leaving you there, in the alleyway last night, that is no way to treat a friend."

"Friend, huh?" I looked down at my hands. I did not think that she would regret me. Well, I suppose that hacking into her dating app and diverting her blind date was a stalkers thing to do. I turned around and began walking back down the stairs, I was going back home. I did not want her to see me as I was dealing with the rejection.

"Winn, wait!" She grabbed my shoulders, spun me around, creating a hole in the concrete below me, and landed a searing kiss on my lips, which I returned, gripping her waist tightly, meshing our bodies together as we grew in passion. It was when I prodded her teeth with my tongue that she pulled apart from me, gasping for air as I followed her lips, eager to continue our kiss.

She put a finger on my lips, an apologetic smile on her face, saying, "Slow down there, Winn, I didn't call you up here for that, even though I am really happy that you wanted to do it with someone like me…"

I immediately pushed her finger off of my lips and landed another kiss on her lips, this time shorter, I pulled apart from her saying, "There is nothing wrong with you, Kara. You being Kryptonian does not matter to me at all." She sweetly smiled at me before scrunching her eyebrows together, taking a step back.

"Winn? How do you know that I am a Kryptonian?" I nervously smiled, what I am about to say might negate whatever feelings that she has for me.

"Remember last year, when your phone caught that virus, and you gave me it so that I could clean it?" She nodded. "Remember how I gave you your phone back, better than ever? It ran faster, somehow always had the best signal wherever you went, and it never broke, no matter how many times you dropped it." She nodded her head again, her face slowly becoming more and more wary of me.

"I might have used certain skills and powers that I have to do that, and, by complete accident, I read your texts to Alex about a certain reporter being your cousin, someone that I know to be Superman." I winced when I saw her expression change, now pissed.

"Winn, you-you read my private texts! What, did you also go through my pictures and emails?!" She shouted. I winced again at her words, having done that exact thing.

"Before you try to rip through me, I should inform you that it truly was an accident. The virus caused me to do so." She gave me a glare,

"How could a virus cause you to do that? What, does hacking include hurting me?!"

"Kara, I know that you are mad and hurt but let me try and explain myself."

She crossed her arms and said "Fine, explain yourself. Before I toss you off the roof." The latter grumbled.

"So, when I was searching your phone for where the virus got to, I found out that it focused only on your photos, messages and emails. It went specifically for anything to do with Superman, or aliens. I traced the virus to a remote server run by a subsidiary of LexCorp and when I hacked in, I found out that Lex Luthor had bugged Clark Kent's phone with a virus that would infect those who had any contact with him. It was a way for him to find out who Superman was, which is ironic. I completely wrecked the system, destroying every piece of evidence, whether it be calls, messages, photos or emails. To do all that, I had to manually delete those things. It was 6 months of data! So, I connected myself up to my private server and went through with deleting everything. Thing is, I basically transferred all of that data into myself."

Kara's face went from angry to confused to concerned. "What do you mean you transferred all of that data into yourself?"

I tilted my head and tried to explain, "You know how you use your Bluetooth to connect your phone to your Lextop and then see that pop-up to transfer pictures or videos? It's basically like that except with hundreds of peoples texts, calls, emails, and videos."

"I meant how did you transfer that into yourself?"

"It was one of the reasons that I thought you asked me to meet you up here. I thought that you had figured it out."

"Figured what out?" I gave her a look.

"Don't you recognize my physique from the photo's?" I struck a pose. Kara giggled at me.

"The guy that helped all of those civilians and saved people last night, with you, that's me." I said, smiling.

"Really, that's you?" I began walking, moving past her. I stood at the ledge of the helipad, the pavement 52 stories below me and edge away.

"Winn?" She slowly said, a warning in her voice, "What are you doing?"

I made a peace sign with my fingers and fell backwards. I saw Kara jump after me, trying to save me. I created a solid platform of air below me and caught her, "I thought you wanted to throw me off the roof?" I said, raising an eyebrow and giving her a smile.

She blushed at me before hitting my chest. I could feel her real strength behind her fist. "This isn't why I called you up here. I need your help." I raised my eyebrow, "With what?"

"I've embraced who I am, who I truly am, and I don't want to stop. I need your help to do this superhero thing." I jumped up, dissipating the air platform below me and landing on the helipad, Kara in my arms.

I held her in my arms, basking in her blushing face as my arms were wrapped around her. I let her go after a minute and said "Meet me outside of my apartment building after work. I am going to take you to a place where we can get started."

She nodded her head before walking through the roof door. I waited until she got onto the elevator before using my bionics to access my backdoor into the camera's and erase the video of Kara and I's conversation, of us ever coming up to the roof.

It wouldn't be good to allow the security guys to find out what we could do and who we could possibly be. I did my daily checkup of my I.T. crew and went to my home to change into new clothes and get the key for the elevator. I waited outside of my apartment building for Kara to come.

A few hours later, Kara walked in front of the building. She wore a nice flower printed dress and dark blue jeans. She put her hand on my arm and kissed my cheek. "So, where are we going, Winn?" I looked at her and smiled.

"We are going to my superhero lair." Kara looked at me, confused.

"Your lair?", she asked. I smirked and kept her in the dark, motioning for her to walk into the apartment building. "Your apartment is your lair?" I heard the incredulous tone in her voice.

"Kara, I own this apartment building."

"When did that happen?" She asked.

"I've owned this building since I was 11 years old." She took a step towards the building and I stopped her. She turned back, giving me a questioning look.

I pulled the glasses off of her face and said, "Look." She squinted her eyes for a moment, looking over the building.

"Why is your apartment lead shielded?" I scoffed at the nervousness in her voice.

"It isn't lead shielded, there is a forcefield which protects against multiple types of spying including x-ray radiation, which is how you and Clark can see through things." I grabbed Kara's hand and walked through the forcefield.

"How do you know so much more about Kryptonian physiology than I do?"

I scoffed and smiled, "Kara, you know about my hacking skills. What 15-year-old Winn doesn't want to hack into the DEO database?"

"Did my cousin give them his DNA?"

"No, they studied Zod. That's how I know." In truth, they put Zod under a red sunlight lamp and then dissected him.

We walked inside of the building and went to the elevator. I pressed a hidden panel above the green elevator button, causing the panel to open up, showing a keyhole. I took the key and input it into the keyhole. The elevator button went into its socket and a blue elevator button switched with it. I pressed the button, and it scanned my finger before opening up.

We walked into the elevator, and I took a big sniff of the air. It smelled like lavender, my mother's favorite smell, in both lives.

I pressed the button on the elevator panel labeled 'Suit Room'. As we rode down in the elevator, I asked Kara questions that had plagued me since I found out that she was a Kryptonian.

"So Kara, how did you learn English? I mean, there is no Kryptonian to English translators, are there?"

She smiled saying, "Winn, Kryptonian brains retain more and comprehend better on Earth than Krypton, with the yellow sun radiation. Plus, one of Kal-El and I's ancestors once came to Earth and learned the language. So, there is a Kryptonian to English translator, well old English, and let me tell you, it was difficult trying to fit in while speaking with 'thou' and 'art' in sentences." I chuckled at the thought of Kara speaking olden English in class.

"What about tech? Superman once said that Kryptonian tech was like something out of a Star Wars movie. Superior, your tech is!" I said, putting on my best Yoda voice. Kara laughed-snorted at it, and I could see the tension in her shoulders loosen.

"The technology of Earth was a challenge to learn but I managed okay. Back on Krypton, my father had some really old tech that was similar. He always did like to tinker with it." I saw her eyes glaze over. It seems that the scars of her race's near extinction still ran deep. Luckily, when the elevators reached the floor, it knocked her out of her grim recollection of her memory.

The elevator doors opened up and I clapped my hands, the lights for the suit room turning on. "Kara, this is the suit room." I told her, walking into the room. "This place is where I made the suit that you saw in the photos.

She looked at me, confused. "Winn, there is only a spindle here." I smiled and looked at her gleefully. "Pluck the thread on the spindle with all of your strength."

She gave me a questioning look, before putting on a confident, cocksure expression on her face and walked over to the spindle. She took a quick glance at me before plucking the thread.

I watched as the metal thread absorbed the kinetic energy, glowing purple and then sent the force back to Kara in an explosion of purple colored energy. She was blasted onto the wall. I raced over to her and asked, "Are you alright?"

She groaned, putting a hand to her head, "What was that?" I helped her up, slightly worried for her.

"When I was a little younger, I found a metal that could absorb sounds, vibrations, and kinetic energy in Africa. Using my powers, I made more of it. It's cool, right?" Turns out that some objects from other comic universes were in this one, like Vibranium.

She looked at me, snorting with laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. One of the greatest ore discoveries known to man and aliens, was funny? "You're such a nerd!" She said in between her gasps for breath. I rubbed my head in embarrassment. She came closer, kissing my lips.

Her freshly licked lips left a moist, tingly feeling on my lips, like a spark had just gone through me. "But you're my nerd." She said, giving me a sweet smile. I unconsciously let out a wide smile at her, romantic words.

"So, you forgive me?" She nodded in agreement. "And we're in a relationship?" She nodded again, with a smile on her face. I fist pumped, a look of giddiness on my face. "You do want a suit made out of this stuff, right?"

"Yessss!" She said, letting out a teenage squeal of delight. I got to work, making the suit. I put a hand to my head, using my telekinesis power to sew the suit.

Doing it by hand sucked, which I knew from personal experience. It took days to create half of my suit and in less than a day, I finished the other half. Plus, when I used my telekinesis, it was a better fit. 13 hours later, the sun was up, and I had finished making Kara's suit.