Part 2
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3rd POV


After hours of falling asleep, our protagonist finally wakes up.

Rui’s POV

“Urrgh. Where am I?” The last thing I remember were huge tentacles dragging me to a portal. While I’m distracted, I feel something slithering on my feet. “!” I quickly jumped in surprise and accidentally hit something. “Ow ow ow ow..” Not feeling the ground moving slightly below me, I finally noticed that there’s no light in here, there's just pure darkness. “I don’t know what the heck was that thing earlier and I can’t see shit. It might be better if move slowly and not rashly.” I made up my mind and decided to move forward, the opposite direction from where I jumped. 

As each step I take, I  can feel the ground slowly getting softer and mushiier from the sound. Getting a bad feeling, I went back to where I was before and head to another direction. I walked around, and carefully using my ear to detect if something is near me. A couple more minutes passed and the ground didn’t change. And finally, I stumbled upon a wooden barrier. 

I inspect the wooden barrier in front. It seems that it’s actually a wooden door, because I can feel a doorknob. I twist open the knob and open the door with caution. Behind the door, there is a burning torch, hanging on the left side of the wall, approximately 1-2 meters from the door. I head towards the torch and grabbed it. As I did that, the door suddenly slammed itself and magically disappears. “Damn, I  really don’t like this.” I tear up a little, feeling scared and alone in a dark place with only a torch on my right hand.

Done crying I told myself to calm down. “Calm down me, I don’t want to attract anything with my cries.” I’ve seen some of horror movies and sound sensitive monsters usually dwell in dark and silent places like here and quietly stalk their prey. Examining where I am now, I noticed that I’m now in a hallway made entirely of stone. I take another deep breath and keep moving forward until I find something on my way. (tatakae)


A couple of hours passed and I could finally see something in my vision. I rushed towards the thing due to my curiosity and accidentally tripped. The torch I was carrying flew off from my hand and landed near the thing I spotted. *Bleegh (vomit noises)* I puked next to the thing the moment I saw what it actually is. It is a corpse of a human filled with worms and bugs crawling all over it. There’s no smell from the body, so I didn’t realize it sooner. I quickly grabbed the torch on the ground and begin and back the hell away from the carcass. 

As I do that, a shining glint could be seen besides the body’s left hand. Feeling that it might come in handy, I consider to take it with me. I looked around the corpse, and found a long stick under it. I seize the stick and then poke the shining object away from the bugs and worms.  After I was done, I inspected the item closer with the torch. “A key, but to where?” It looks like the key was made of silver, thus explaining the glow. I put the key in my skirt pocket and prayed for the unfortunate soul that died here. Done praying I continued moving forward in this quiet hallway. “May you rest in piece.”

(Forgot to explain but, there's a torch every 20 meters on both sides of wall so mc can replace them.)

More time passed and I needed to take a piss. I looked around to see that no one is looking. I take down my underwear and lift up my skirt, aimed my gun at the dungeon wall and begin to relieve myself. “Ahhhh….” Once I’m done, I walked forward, continuing my walk. Finally after what it felt like hours, I found another door, or to be precise, doors. To my left is a fancy silver door that has no locks or knobs for me to twist, and to my  right is another wooden door with a lock attached to the wall.

I took out the key from before and use it to open the lock on the wooden door. Once I hear a click, the lock fell to the ground, and the door slowly move while making a loud creaking sound. *Gulp* “I really wish that this is just a dream right now.” I fully opened the door and peek at the room behind it. Instead of the endless hallways, there is a huge ball room-like place with blue candles and torches on some of the corners and floor. 

I went inside the room, and the door behind me slammed shut and a chilly wind crept passed me. I shivered, and hugged my self. The temperature of the room changed drastically  from cold to a bit more cold. With  the torch on my hand, I began to look around for a way  out in this room. The left wall of the room contains drawings, sketches of more disturbing things. “It looked like a ritual, hundreds of people brought to a single place then killed, their blood and souls used to summon or revive something, but what?” 

The story continues on the middle wall. More drawings, this time with blood and something else. Before the ritual finished, one of the cultists went mad, soon the others followed. They stabbed each other again and  again and ripped off their guts and offered it to some kind of altar. The drawings almost ended, but I dare not try to take a look at the right wall of the room. I know that  once you  finish reading  a horror story from the game or in the movies, the horror will soon start.

I close my eyes and instead try to check another part of the room, but then the torch on my hand drops a piece of charcoal, hitting my hand. I yelped and dropped the torch. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.” Realizing what I have done, I quickly run towards  the torch before it reaches the third and final drawing on the wall. I grabbed it, but it was too late. My dumb eyes wondered towards the wall and saw the cursed drawing. A giant figure, filled with countless faces which are filled with despair and agony… and it was looking at me. A cold breeze flew past my body again. 

I slowly turned my  head, and a face, no…faces, deformed beyond recognition, and blood flowing out of their eyesless face appeared right in front of my face. I fell to the ground and pissed myself. “NO!! GET AWAY FROM ME!” I moved back quickly as the hundred faced figure approached me. Then I hit a wall, no longer leaving me any more space to flee. The faces  of the monster smiled and spoke to me in a distorted voice. “Apologies for scaring you, young visitor.” “Huh?” It keeps smiling and then gives me a dirty rag with its tendril-like arms. “Here, wipe yourself with this.” I hesitantly took the rag and looked at the faces with fear, then wiped the pee stain from  my legs. 

I gather all the courage I have left and asked the hundred faces. “W-wh-wha-t  ar-e yo-you g-going to do to m-me??” “Hmmm? My oh my..This is quite refreshing! And what a polite child you are.” I tilted my head in confusion, and the hundred faced figure noticed it. “Before you were here, countless others have also stumbled upon this place, child. When they saw us they would immediately attack us. So in retaliation we put them off and added them to our family. Here, look at this.” The creature use its tendrils to point at 5 faces on its body. “These 5 here were the newest members in our family, they’re faces were filled with despair are now smiling happily because they could join us, child!” 

I cried again, ‘Dammit why am I such a crybaby!’ The hundred faced figure wiped the tear from my face. “Oh don’t worry child, you didn’t do anything to us, so we also mean no harm towards you, instead we could offer you something if you could help us.” Not wanting to know what will happen if I refuse, I accepted their offer.  “Good child, now then. Have you seen a man lurking around this prison? Because he has a silver magic key that unlocks and locks this room we’re in.” Their faces soon turned into rage as they talk about him. “THAT INSECT GOT THE GUTS TO LOCK US HERE, AFTER EVERYTHING WE’VE DONE FOR HIM.“ The hundred faces looked at my shivering body. ”Ah sorry, sorry we didn’t mean to scare you again. But yes, have you seen that man?”

“I-I d-don’t know if this is the one you’re t-t-talking about, but I did see a corpse of a human filled with bugs and w-worms on my way here, an-and by chance is this the k-key you were t-ta-talking about?” I showed them the silver key from before. “MAGNIFICENT!" I yelped at their sudden burst of exitement. "With this, we’ll be free!” The tendrils from before took the key away from my hand. “Now, as promised, for granting us the key to our freedom we will present you with a gift. Here.” They brought me a treasure chest. “The content in this chest now belongs to you.” It smiled at me with all of its faces and then turned  towards the wooden and silver door from before. Wait a sec, ‘DOORs?! I thought they disappeared!’

The hundred faces brought the silver key to the silver door and then the door vanish, leaving a hole in the wall. “AHAHAHA! WE ARE FREE AT LAST! GOODBYE AND THANK YOU CHILD!” The hundred faces waved their arms at me, I did the same towards them and smiled awkwardly. They then squeezed all of their body out of the small door opening and went outside the room. I fall down again due to the adrenaline or something in my body wearing off. “Well, that was something.”

I laid down for a couple of minutes on the ground before standing up. I dust myself off and then head towards the treasure chest hundred face gave me. Inside the chest is a set of long skirted maid clothes, along with its headpiece, black colored panty and bra, a set of black stockings, a gray-silver metallic blindfold, a black collar with a purple gem in the center, a pair of white gloves, a huge dildo gag (radius of 3 cm and 20 inch long) and maid shoes. The purple gem glowed so brightly that it blinded me. Moments later it then stopped glowing. “AH MY EYES! Bloody hell, this is  the second time I got flashbanged!” 

As the light died down, the clothes in the chest begin to wriggle disgustingly and latch themselves at me. “Ah what the hell!” The living clothes began tearing my clothes, and my underwear. “Get…off…ME!” I tried pulling off these things but, the more I struggle the more they latch on.

First the bra wrapped itself around my chest, then the panties around my pelvis, followed by the stockings, socks, then the maid clothes themself, shoes, and finally the headdress. Nothing happened after that, the maid clothes felt normal. “Huh, other than being creepy wriggling clothes, these also feel kind of hot and a bit slimy, other than that they’re nomal I guess, I wonder what the collar, gag and blindfold are for then” And just after I said that, the collar went flying onto my neck tightening around it, “, can’t breathe dammit…” The gag slithered from my hand and went straight for my mouth, “No…o I don’t want a dick in my mouth…” I tried to run from it, only for my legs to be restrained by the stockings I wore. The 20 inch gag slipped in, “MMPPPHH!!!” it made me writhe from the pain of something so big and long inside my mouth. The gag then cling to my face, along with the blindfold.

3rd POV for more description

The collar glowed once more, commanding the clothes to activate its tentacle functions. The tentacle dildo gag, begins to slowly expand into the stomach, choking Rui, making him gasping more and more, he begin to scratch his neck, but it is all futile as a latex liquid from the clothes and the tentacle gloves he is wearing is preventing him from doing that. The gag also sprout out 2 tiny tentacles, they entered his nose and then forced “MMMMMMMM!” open his windpipe while being choked and slithered their way into the bronchus and lungs, enabling air to pass inside.

The bra that he wore (mc is trap, check pick above) ejected 2 sharp needles into his nipples.”MMMPPHH!” The needles inject a type strong of aphrodisiac and chemicals that makes his body produce a lot of milk. Once the liquid is all in, it let out its tiny tentacle suckes and begin vacuum sucking the milk from Rui’s nippples. “MMMM!” The sucking sensation almost made him pass out.

The panties that Rui wore began to grow a large tentacle penis and penetrated his butt. “!” The pain of such sudden action made him fall to the ground, wiggling and trying to get rid of the panties, but before he could do that, the tentacle bloated like a balloon hurting the mc more, making his anus bleed from the sudden expansion, Rui cried from the painful tear, it hurts so much that he could not resist the tentacles advances. The penis tentacle, begins vibrating and bumps the prostate gland, making Rui feel both pleasure and pain.

Another tentacle sprouts from the panty, it was small enough to enter the urethra from his penis, it sucked up the precum dripping and piss dripping from his penis and then thrusts itself in it. More pain, Rui felt great pleasure from the pain and came. “MPH~” But the slim tentacle inflates itself, blocking the cum from going out, that made Rui really uncomfortable as he just got an orgasm denial. Rui tried to stroke his penis, but his hands were immediately restrained by bigger tentacles sprouting from behind his back. (Like a kakuja, rinkaku type)

Rui whimpered that the feeling of wanting to cum was greater than the pain he is experiencing right now and he really wants to release his load. On que the tentacle headdress extends its tendrils and went inside his ear, slowly making its way into the brain. The tendrils messed around with his brain, modifying it, making Rui crave for more pleasure, and overide his sense of reason. “MMMPPPHHH!” ‘I don’t care anymore! PLEASE! JUST LET ME CUM’ . Then all tentacles begin sucking, thrusting and wriggling faster and faster in sync.

The slim tentacle in the urethra shrunks and finally. “MMMMMM~!” Rui is able to cum. The experience of being raped, by these tentacle clothes, while being covered in latex liquid from them under the clothes, makes him really turned on. “MMMMPH~!” ‘More! I want more!’ The tentacles under his request begins fucking him restlessly making him ejaculate from his nipples, ass, and penis over and over again until he can’t finally move anymore. Under the metallic tentacle blindfold, a faint red heart shaped irises can be seen, replacing his old one. Rui Getsumei has finally succumbed from the pleasure getting fucked by the tentacles and he doesn’t mind that. Moments later he fainted and sleeps on the ground near the treasure chest. 


(His whole body is covered in tentacle equipment that is cursed and cannot be removed for the rest of his life permanently but can be removed temporarily later on.)


(The mc is covered in black latex liquid from head to toe, except for the hair. The liquid is produced by the tentacle clothes. The tentacles can move and penetrate him just fine because its like slime for them, but it can't be touched by anyone else, it will just act like a super resistant latex suit. Also the hair of the mc officially becomes gray after he arrived in this place. The gloves, socks, gag, blindfold, shoes and other tentacle clothes part are over the latex, not under it.)
