Kigal-Note/Monsters/Beast: Spark Regulus
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Name: Spark Regulus
Rank: C+
Type: Beasts (Lion)
Lifespan: 1.000 Years
Attribute: Lightning
Traits: Lion, Beast King 


The Spark Regulus is one of the various C-ranked lion races that can be considered an equal to the element Dragons. They are one of the rare Beast Kings, one of the greatest Beast-type creatures in existence. They are often encountered in Dungeons as Dungeon Bosses, making them one of the worst nightmares for adventurers. 


Spark Reguluses are gigantic lions with a size equal to that of a house. They have golden fur that emits sparks, claws that looks like lightning bolts, and fangs that can crush even boulders. 


Average HP: C+ Average MP: D+ Average SP: C+
Average STR: C+ Average VIT: C Average MAG: D
Average RES: D+ Average SPD: C- Average DEX: C-
Average INT: E Rarity: A- Danger Rank: B

Spark Reguluses have extremely high physical abilities, which are further reinforced by their skills and natural traits. Do not let their low basic stats fool you, they have rare, unique skills that could very easily double those numbers. 

As a high-ranked creature of the Lightning attribute, Spark Reguluses can create natural disasters by calling forth lightning strikes and thunderclouds. Their strongest method is a physical fight though. They envelop their natural strong bodies with high-voltage electricity and crush their opponents with their power, weight, and zaps. A tactic only the strong can do.

Shiro's comment: MWA-HAHAHA! I love watching the strong weep like babies! A-HAHAHAHA!!

Mira's comment: Laugh while you can. I feel like the next guy is worse than the pitiful lion.

Shiro's comment: A-ha-ha...ha...ha...