Chapter 143 – A Moment of Relaxation
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"One cannot be tense all the time. Much like most things, even the toughest person needs their rest and relaxation from time to time. With how unpredictable the world can be, I advise you to take every opportunity you can to do so." - Saying attributed to the Silver Maiden

Veros Family Mansion

Western Elmaiya

Third Elmaiya Empire

4th day, 2nd week, 10th month, year 95 VA.


Before Aideen realized, half a year already passed since they went to the empire and stayed at Artair's family home. It had been a peaceful half of a year, where the biggest mess she got onto was when Zoya's younger child had an upset stomach and vomited messily right as she was holding him.


That incident mostly caused some mirth and shared laughter around the house after they made sure that the child was all right, and the shared warmth of the family just made Aideen feel almost as if she was at home, which she technically was, as a daughter-in-law of the house.


It was early winter then, but even in the more temperate western regions of the empire, it never got cold enough to snow. Aideen was used to snowy winters from her life in Vitalica and Ptolodecca, so to see a winter where it never even got cold enough to freeze water was a first for her.


Artair's family seemed used to it though, even his fourth mother, who originated from an even colder region far to the southeast. Then again, the woman had had a decade of time to acclimatize herself to the more temperate climate, and even then she still visibly disliked the heat of the summer months.


During the past half a year, Artair's father had not returned from the capital, as he cited that his duties demanded his presence in the letters he sent. Instead, some of the family planned to visit him there when the winter reached its peak and temperatures were most comfortable in the capital.


Early in the autumn Aideen had gotten to visit the northern port town of Galavine as well, when Tatyana went to do her yearly visit there. The northern port town was relatively smaller as such towns go, more intended to handle local naval traffic, as most international and intercontinental ships docked at the larger port of Jizear north of the capital instead.


Even so, Galavine was a rather prosperous town, with many of its inhabitants relying on the seas for a living. It also received trades from tribes to the northern side of the western isles, one of which was the tribe Tatyana's mother belonged to, as it was the closest port town to them.


In comparison, the southern port town of Quelos, where Maria was slated to go when she grew up, remained one of the largest trading ports in the southern shores of Ur-Teros. There was another port town south of the capital, but it was a military port, and thus not used for trade purposes.


Aideen had not visited Quelos yet, but their itinerary called for a visit there later in the winter, after which part of the family would then take a ship towards the south of the capital, and from there pay a visit to Sabaya for a month or so.


In the meantime, they prepared for their departure and absence instead. Grigori and Zoya would remain behind to hold the region, while their spouses and children would join the trip, along with Artair's three mothers and his other siblings as well.


In the meantime, Aideen had just enjoyed life in the idyllic bliss of the peaceful days. She was also very relieved to learn that all the bedrooms in the house were enchanted to be soundproof, which honestly made sense in a house shared by several families like them.


At least she had no need to worry about having her rest disturbed by noises from the outside… or more precisely, to worry about the noises from her and Artair disturbing others. That would have been rather embarrassing indeed.


It was not as if Aideen neglected her usual training either. The Veros family had their position mostly because of their history of martial prowess, and although she had known Artair only as a scholar back at Ptolodecca, at his home even he joined the training drills with his siblings, nephews, and nieces.


Their first mother had insisted that they always keep in shape, and all the siblings exercised and trained for at least a few hours every second day or so. Aideen naturally joined along, and was more than happy to guide the younger children in the more technical aspects of martial arts.


By now most of the house had pretty much admitted that they weren't her match in a fight, and typical of therian mindset, that naturally made her more suitable to teach the young ones than them. It was a role she happily fell into, to be honest, as technically those kids were also her nephews and nieces.


From time to time she'd even give the kids a bit of a show, an example of what they might be able to do with enough training, so to speak, while also entertaining the impressionable kids. Just that afternoon she had the kids toss small logs the size of their arms at her from every direction around her.


She had whirled with her weapon in hand, the blades extended off the three-sectioned staff, and expertly bisected every single one of the logs tossed at her into two pieces, without missing a single one. The kids had looked awed when they inspected the cut pieces and saw how smooth each of the cuts were.


Aideen just smiled at their reactions. Even with how those children were interested in how she fought, she had always encouraged them to practice with more practical weapons like their parents instead. As much as she liked her weapon, she was all too aware how impractical it was to learn, unless one either had a good healer on constant standby, or otherwise completely unworried with the prospect of braining themselves during practice.

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