Preface (Optional but has some important info like CWs)
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Hey folks! Here's an HDG story I wrote. This is a bit of a unique one, though. Namely, it's not really kink at all and is instead largely just a mediation on the setting, me trying to grapple with some of the political / philosophical ideals and ends at the core of it, along with a some worldbuilding for the setting. I wrote this a whiiiiile ago, and really wasn't sure what to do with it. It's been sitting in a google doc for a few months now. Some of you maybe have even already read this because you found it on the HDG wiki or the link tree or my patreon, but anyway, I kinda just never put it up here and there's no real reason why I shouldn't y'know. 

Anyway uhh, I wanna preface a bit more about the story itself cause I think it might be good for some folks to know ahead of time what they're getting into. There's some big CWs in this one, so I'm gonna go over them before we start. I'd also like to restate for those in the back that this isn't a fun kinky pet play fantasy story.  It's a serious, contemplative work full of some very difficult emotions, contrasted by very high highs, and an ultimately very optimistic, happy ending. Much of it is bitter, before finally ending on a very sweet note. So if kink is what you're hoping to read, you might want to either adjust your expectations or skip this one (though I hope you won't skip it. I think it's quite worth the read). One last thing I'd like to mention is that if some of these CWs scare you, do bear in mind that there is a happy ending for literally every single character in the story.

CWs: mention of the deaths of multiple florets (from age), depictions of depression and existential crises of feeling lost / adrift in an unending life, critical examination of the Affini Compact and the ethics of its actions, mention of an actual proper war, mention of a really shitty / totalitarian space empire, as well as the destruction of a culture. Mentions of affini accidentally making some big mistakes with wide ranging consequences.

Anyway that's that, let's get this road on the show, shall we?