Ch 3 – Discussion, Deliberation, Discovery
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"So, how did you get here?"

Eth is across the table in the main room interrogating me about my past and arrival, unfortunately for her I have quite an experience pertaining to interrogations, and will not be answering at this time. Heh.

*Sigh,* "What can I do to get you to talk?" Oh, well, that's surprising. I was expecting a lot more resilience from her. Might as well have a bit of pity.

"Well," oh crap, oh shit, I don't know what to ask... "What were you doing with that orb earlier?" I blurt. She seems rather baffled by that line of inquiry.

"Oh, I was not aware you were awake for that," she says like she'd been preparing her entire life for this one conversation, "I was watching you, of course." Wait. How?

"What? How?" I guess... magic, because this place seems to have a lot of it. And of a strange type too. But then again, she didn't know the raccoon was with me, so she couldn't have been really watching, could she? 

She chuckles at my reaction, half smiling (oh, the indignity!), and responds "I saw you in the Me orb. Although, I guess you are in it too, so now it's the Us orb, keh." 

I can accept being in an orb, but... "We aren't in an orb though." Unless it's some magic BS, in which case, well, we're both fucked. She seems to composed to be worried... Maybe she's just faking her politeness? But isn't everyone? Hm.

Eth laughs at me again, and points up towards the area above the entrance where I came in. "We are here, but also there, I believe. I am not too sure." Oh.

It's magic BS then.

"I suppose I could show you, then," she grabs my hand (and a bit of my hair too, I should cut it) and drags me to the worst place in the room. My hands shake and my face gets hot.

"NO, NO STAIRS!" Damn, she looks surprised, wide eyes, open mouth, the whole nine yards.

"Are you scared of stairs or something?" Uh oh. 

"No, of course not, that would be ridiculous," I can't show my fear, she'd use it. It's happened before. I was there. It felt bad. I lost too much then.

She's smiling, like the ones from the lie of my life. Why am I so affected by something that never happened? I don't really know, and I don't really have the mind right now to consider it, because she's speaking.

"-I could just make a ramp, if you wish." Is she a goddess too? Maybe I should ask. I'll do that later, after the magic show. How do I know magic will be a show? Well, what else could it be, a lecture? I'd hope not, I never had a very good experience with school.

I tell her that I would, in fact, like a ramp. She, instead of giving me the magic show I want, just looked over at those steps, and a weird yellowish framework of a ramp appeared. Then filled in the gaps, making a solid yellowish platform. My eyes are filling with strange things, I guess it's magic fluid. Can I do magic then? I am a goddess, after all.

"There you go, can you go up there now, color-hair?" Oh wow, that's new. Now I have the colored hair, Jasper, suck it! 

"Of course I can go up something that only half exists, who do you take me as? Also, colored hair?" My interest is piqued, why didn't she just ask my name? Not that I want to bring my name to this place. Too much bad stuff connected to it.

"... I called you colored hair because, as opposed to mine, your hair has those waves of color moving across it." Eth's face changed a little bit. I think she's a bit jealous of my divine locks. At least hers are short, too much longer and it would remind me of-

"Will you come up now?" The all-powerful maid-acting girl asked, interrupting my memorial musings. Of course, the only valid reaction in this situation is to make a noncommittal noise, in this case an exasperated sigh, and follow the request, which I do.

Eth walks ahead of me along the catwalk of a roof. Books surround us, I fear I will never escape the trappings of literature for as long as my thoughts remain kinda sorta the same. Well, from life to life, that is. I don't remember my last moments before my execution, so I -could- have sworn off books at that time, but I doubt it. Eth stops, so I do the same. We're standing in front of a wall. More specifically a depression in the wall. Looks like somewhere a fountain would be.

Instead, there's an orb. She steps aside to reveal an orb with... stuff in it. I move in to take a closer look, and strange sensations fill my mind, sensations of preciousness, that this was something to be treasured. Familiarity, tainted with novelty.

I see a completely illogical and chaotic wiggly thing that gives me the feeling of purple. I assume that is what she says is me. The other thing is a very... Geometric construct of the feeling yellow, which I'd guess is her.

A warm tingling makes it's way from my chest to my throat, where it manifests itself as a victorious "urk." That felt good. I'd expect, if what Eth said was correct, the weird twisty thing is me, and the mathematically correct figure (which couldn't be me) is her. 

Finally! My soul is free from that hell of a life. No longer, will I have to cower in fear that another will take my life, for my essence is here, within this orb. How do I know? It looks like me! Ha! No longer will I need to wonder what my body will do next, my soul has found it's home! "I'm FREE!"

"Huh?" Eth jumps back, then forward to, I assume, protect the orb. "What are you free from?" Hee, trying to distract, are we?


"Are you going to tell me?"

"No," I smile, "No, I don't think I will."