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"Come on, we're almost there!"

Two girls were running for their lives towards a door that slowly began to close in front of them. And behind them were a horde of mutated lizard girls, that were crazed with lust, and their targets were right in front of them, ripe for the picking.

"Hurry up!"

"I don't need a reminder! There's like, a fuck ton right behind us!"

They soon jump through the door right before it closes. They heard the agitated screams of the lizard girls from the other side.

"Fuck... we made it."

"Again, I don't need a damn reminder. Now, let's get out of here before-"

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, followed by a howl of pain. The first girl felt to the ground, a large golf ball-sized hole seen in her back, the blood coursing forth. The other girl looked towards who shot her, and widened her eyes in horror.

"Oh no."

A large, muscular woman with tattoos on her abs, her massive breasts exposed with nipple piercings, held a pistol in her right hand. Behind her were several other women, all of them with lust in their eyes and bulges in their shorts.

"Well, we got another pair of interlopers in our territory, girls," the leader said, the bulge in her shorts growing larger and larger. "Why don't we show them some hospitality."

They all cheered as they rush towards the girls, quickly ridding themselves of their clothes.

A scream was heard. But no one was there to respond.


Long ago, strange energy readings from in Mount Fuji caught the attention of scientists. They sent an expedition team towards the source, and they brought back a large cube. 

Multiple studies went into the mysterious object. It was discovered to contain immense energy that can go on forever. This could become the starting point into solving the world's energy crisis.

But what the scientists didn't know is that the cube contained something else. Something sinister.

There was another form of energy within the cube, but it was malevolent in nature. It was corruptive, dark and brought out the worst in the most purest of souls.

The madness spread throughout the labs. Then it took over Japan. And merely within a month...

The world fell victim to it.

All of the men were vaporized, one by one. The women changed, both psychically and mentally. Some gained their appearance of animals while becoming feral. Others grew male reproductive organs, but kept their humanity... at least in the physical sense. Their morality was lost, and they became just as monsterous as the actual monsters.

And finally, as a result of the energy spreading across the world, the women gained supernatural powers. They had control over the elements, control the minds of others and much more.

This was the way of the world. And it was absolute hell.


Welcome... to the new world order.