Chapter 175 ~ What is an Empire?
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“Talking about celebrations, is there any cultural festivals or traditions that you’d like to introduce to our little family?” Nel asks, “Specifically with our children in mind, but I’d be happy to hear about anything that we can do as a family.”

“Oh, we need to celebrate birthdays!” Vii says, still sounding a little out of sorts. It’s almost like she’s trying to pretend to be her cheerful old self. “Everyone gives presents to someone on the day they were born!”

“I need to write all your birthdays down; I have a horrible memory. Also, we need cake for our birthdays, obviously.” I say, nodding at her enthusiasm. “For holidays, I elect Christmas. So basically, the idea behind it is that some super important guy was born on that day. So because of that, some jolly, old, fat guy in a flying sleigh sneaks into people’s houses at night, leaving behind presents for all the good kids.”

“Uh, what?” Eshya asks, “I didn’t get even half of that, but someone breaks into your house and leaves presents for the kids.”

“It’s another day where we give presents to our kids?” Nel asks, “But we pretend that someone else brought the presents? And only the good kids?”

“Yeah, that way if they’re ever badly behaved we can say that they’re not getting presents for Christmas this year.” I say, nodding sagely. “The gifts have to be toys or fun things. I mean you can give clothes, but it’s generally frowned upon. No one wants to be that parent, or grandparent.”

“That sounds fun, I suppose.” Nel nods, “I’d like to blend it into a celebration from my culture if that’s fine. Klivic. It’s a day of family and feasts, where the whole family gathers together to catch up for the year. We eat and drink to excess.”

“Uh, isn’t that like most holidays?” I ask. I don’t really know for sure, my parents never really bother to be back home for the holidays. The dramas on television have taught me that every holiday is about eating, drinking, and family spats, however.

“There is some truth to that.” Nel nods with a happy smile and a bright laugh. “We’ll have to visit our families too. I want to have proper introductions before our children are born.”

“Ah, well we already have a trip to Earth planned. Might as well try tracking down my parents while I’m there.” I dread the thought of teaching my parents about the wider universe. If they can get lost on Earth, then I’ll never find them again when they manage to sneak off world, which… they’ll find a way.

“What about you, Eshya?” Nel asks.

“I’m an elf.” She says, smirking and raising a brow. “We’re dull, boring, and pragmatic, apparently that’s the ‘perfection’ that other cultures should aim towards. We occasionally had a day when we’d gather as a family to play games and stuff, but it was never anything official.”

“Elves have no culture?” I ask, following in Nel’s footsteps as we make a temporary return to the dungeon. We need to properly set up funerals for the dead, and celebrations for the living.

“It’s the way it is.” Eshya snorts. “The Unified States of Mana was developed by the elves, so our history must’ve been the first destroyed. Who needs gifts or cake, when you can spend all day every day improving yourself for the sake of making a better society? Yeah…”

“Ugh, really?” I ask, my gut twisting in disgust. “I know the academy is a little… strange, and the welfare officers are… I do recall we get breaks from class right?”

“I don’t know the exact reason why.” Eshya says, shaking her head. “Maybe it’s a test, and they want to see how many of us stay and keep studying? Those who head home might be considered slightly more beastly? Or just deserving of less resources, maybe?

“It could be so that we spread proper values to the society we came from. I don’t really know anything, it’s not like we get a rule book explaining things.”

“Again, ugh. If I hadn’t promised not to start any wars, I might just up and declare war on the Unified States for disrespecting civil rights and cake, both.”

“Don’t.” Nel says, glaring suspiciously at me. “It’s not as if we can’t get cake in the Unified States, as you should already know, but it’s a privilege and overindulgence will lead to the welfare officers intervening.”

“Ah, no wonder I haven’t seen many people overweight.” I say, rubbing at my chin. “Yeah, screw the Unified States.”

“Exactly why we’re only celebrating in private, we’ve been too liberal recently and we don’t need to be considered any more beastly than we already are.”

“Right, right.” I acknowledge as we break out into the dungeon cavern, it’s calmed down considerably as the war has properly ended. I let out a long sigh and get back into work mode.

Bessy is still with us, changing sizes like it’s no problem at all, she chirps excitedly as she wraps her limbs around us. She’s gotten rather used to running us about like a taxi service, though we still have to be careful around some parts of the cavern.

Lakesh and Red are still running about putting out fires, but I should be able to assist in speeding up the process considerably. When we arrive at the gates where the fires have been set up, I leave Nel and the others with the soldiers as I deal with the flames.

The parasitic white fire doesn’t seem able to connect with any the support devices, which just bubble away beneath the energetic flames. Even if it has some base intelligence there’s no hope of communicating with it. The only reason I’m considering the idea at all is the mistakes that I’ve made in the past.

I should make a habit of asking myself ‘Is this an intelligent being?’ every time I come across something new, because there are some strange creatures out in this wide universe. I really don’t need to start a new war by eating a wild carrot and orphaning a family of vegetables.

Satisfied that I’m not murdering a newly formed fire-based intelligence, or at least not one capable of talking, I step up to the flames and start pulling the mana from the bonfire. Just like when they infect a living being, the flames draw out the mana from the flesh that they’ve infected, fighting to survive.

Unlike those times when it was attached to living people, I don’t particularly care that a few corpses are being drained away. Drawing on the fires mana, I stay just far enough away that I don’t have to touch it, as I work my way through the massive bonfire.

The parasite tries to spread again the moment I pull the flames away, but the smaller, weaker fires are easy to consume. After a few minutes I’ve managed to clear away the blaze entirely, leaving behind a charred pile of wet mince and bone.

Thankfully, I’m not the only one able to quell the spreading flames. As a countermeasure against our own weapon we discovered a group of mercenary slayers with the peculiar ability to destroy the flames.

Apparently, the abilities used are rather… lethal to the affected targets. Add that to the point that they don’t particularly like me, and their assistance has been rather limited.

They still assisted in the war, but largely just by controlling the spread of the fire through the forest. I can see a few pale, dried out mangroves marks with burns from the spreading white flames.

I didn’t realize that they were that powerful. To kill off entire groups of trees that reach from floor to ceiling, he’d have to be as powerful as Loekan or myself.

Why someone so powerful is satisfied with the simple life of a hunter, I’m not sure I’ll ever understand, but clearly there’s more powerful people around than I’d thought. People that I’ve largely ignored, out of ignorance.

I’ll consider these things more later on, I still have work to do.

Putting out the last few fires that the blood mages bring to me, I meet with Red and Lakesh who have cleared out the plaza around the gates.

“A perfect place for a feast!” Red shouts, waving her arms around. “Throw together some stalls and fires, and we can get to cooking.”

“Here?” I ask, approaching the pair, “I was thinking we should return to the Lord’s colony where we’ll be safer.”

“Are you an idiot? No wait, you don’t need to answer.” Red sighs lifting a hand to her face. “You’ve taken this city, we need to celebrate that properly, and where better than right here?”

“That tower.” Tkarn says, her face tentacles lifting up and pointing it out. “That’s where Loekan lived. It’s symbolic, and it’s large and comfortable.”

“Finally, someone who gets it! Kyra?”

“Yes, fine. Let’s check it for traps and dangers first. How much room is there? I’d like to invite everyone from the lord’s colony as well as including Giant, Beetle, and Roach.” I say.

“Loekan’s tower will work.” She says confidently.

With a resigned sigh, I start contacting everyone and getting things prepared. Setting up a party in only a couple of hours isn’t something that I’d been expecting when I woke up floating on the ceiling after committing a mass slaughter of my enemies and nearly dying by my own magic.

“Red, take a few people and secure the tower and the land around it. Nel, contact everyone you know in the lord’s colony and see if we can get that chef to cook for us. Lakesh, how are our soldiers, and how close are we to finishing off these fires?”

“It’ll be some time, but we’re not working alone.” Lakesh says. “Are you sure we can trust that group of fire-killing slayers, there’s something odd about them.”

“I don’t trust them, but they’ve given us no reason to distrust them either.” I say. “If you have any problems with them, contact me and I’ll deal with it.”

He nods firmly before his eyes turn towards the dead who have been lined up and the soldiers mourning them. Even with how busy we are, no one interrupts them. The empty expression on Lakesh’s face reminds me that he’s only recently lost someone himself.

For all my efforts to keep everyone alive, this was a war and every war has casualties. While the emotions eating through me aren’t as vivid as when I saw Vii and Eshya dead, it still angers me to see the corpses of those who served me.

They died because I wasn’t good enough, not smart enough, and not strong enough.

I’m still filled with joy from the discovery that Vii and Eshya were saved from this fate, but that same goddess left these people to die. Lakesh’s own not-yet-lover died, and I couldn’t save her.

It’s unfair.

It’s unacceptable, but I have no choice but to push on regardless. Either that, or return to the suicidal desire to become that well of nothingness. Arduelle is right, I need to do something to stabilise my own emotions.

Some of the mourners look at me with spite in their eyes and sneers on their lips, but they turn away before the expression turns to anything more than that. They don’t need to say anything, I know that I’ve failed them without being told.

I can’t let myself fail them again.

I’ll do better next time.

I’ll be better the next time.

Gazing down at the corpses, I see the scars on my own arms, the chaotic swirling lines that cut through me when my arms were torn apart by my own magic. Shuddering, I scratch at the marks, trying to tear them off, but they won’t go away.

“Kyra?” Adler calls my name and grabs my shoulder.

The scars are gone.

No, they were never there. I was healed properly and completely.

Tear them apart, divide the flesh with ash and death. Make into nothing these bloody hands.

“This… isn’t good.”

I grit my teeth and force a smile.

“I… I think I need a break.”

“We all do.” Adler says, her tail and ears both flicking about with a nervous energy. Even for all the concerns that she’s still dealing with herself, she noticed my own breakdown. She’s a good person. Kind, and better than I deserve.

“Let’s set up this party, then.” I say, standing straight and focusing on what I need to get done. If I’m busy, the strange thoughts can’t slip into my mind.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Seeing the tower that Loekan made into a home proves to me that I never actually knew the man. I saw him as an enemy, thinking only of his faults and flaws; the parts of him that proved that we could not have peace until one of us died.

His home, however, shows another side to the man that I killed. Blue flowers cover the ground floor of the tower, flowing in a very slight breeze, imitating a wave. Speckles of white form breaking waves as they wash against the polished stone paths. Pale white, glowing insects float around the flower gardens, illuminating the room alongside the small waterfall and river circling the gardens.

The room is already busy with dozens of people who have accepted the last-minute invitations. The soldiers are all already up above, or outside ensuring the safety of our guests as they arrive.

The settlers who make up the lord’s colony gather together, looking around the room in well-deserved wonder.

Giant slowly weaves through the people and gardens, before finding a place at the side of the large room to sit. He still seems a bit suspicious of us, but I don’t think he’ll be a danger.

A freshly healed Roach joins him, watching us with considerably more pride. He doesn’t seem concerned at all as he talks with the larger man, but I’m sure there’s more to the pair than I can see.

Following the flow of people, I head up the stairs to a wider room where the chefs are starting to get to work with makeshift ovens and stoves. Nel tells me that we’re spending much of our stolen wealth on spices and alcohol, but even without anyone telling me, I know this is necessary. It’s not for me or my ‘harem’, but for everyone else who has brought us here. The soldiers who fought for me, and the crafters and workers who have quietly done their work in the background.

I notice the local Lord having a discussion with Red and a stranger, off to the side of the room. It’s the stranger that seems most passionate, a thin man with an incredibly elven face, but a body of twisted thorned vines.

“We can’t do anything without deciding on property rights.” He declares, “How can a farmer get to work, when he doesn’t even know if the land he’s working is even going to be his own tomorrow? What about the slayers working to clear the beasts from the city, will it be thievery if they take anything from the city that you’ve claimed?”

I rub at the armour plates forming my skirt. For the first time in a long while I feel like trading out my armour for a proper dress. Each has its own benefits, and this isn’t a battlefield. A proper dress, some make-up, and a chance to clean up my hair, would help me prepare my mind for more political issues like this.

Of course, I don’t even get a day before new problems start piling up.

“There’s much that we need to get done before settling in.” I agree entering the discussion.

“Miss Kyra Baker, I’ve heard a lot about you.” The short man says, smiling cheerfully though it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“And I’ve heard nothing about you.”

“I’m Zhet a merchant and a crafter.” He says bowing his head. “Many others don’t speak up, afraid of the Lords and Ladies who rule over us, so I stand up for them.”

“Is that so?” I ask. I definitely can’t trust this guy, but he has brought up issues that do need resolving. I’ve put off these things in the past, but the situation has changed and I can’t put them off any longer. I need a plan in place before people start fighting over things.

“I’d like to hear your thoughts on a few of these pertinent topics and see if you have any plans for how we can move on in the coming days.” He says, raising large eyes towards me. The thorns of his arms and legs, lock into the joints in an interesting fashion, but it really feels like a warning of his nature.

Staying silent for a moment, I look about the room.

Lakesh is speaking with a number of excited vampires who seem all incredibly eager about this new opportunity. Giant and Roach have come up to this floor and seem a little intimidated by the mass of people gathered here, though the insect seems better at hiding it.

Colonists and settlers are cautiously excited, while the slayers seem upset about something. Crafters are talking amongst themselves in conspiratorial whispers, and those that I freed from their collars have formed a group of their own, rather close to the vampires, though they still spread out and mingle with the other groups.

The slayer who’s been helping behind the scenes to deal with the fires stares at me with a stiff poker face. He has elvish features, but he’s hairier than any elf would be. Long brown hair forms a full mane like a lions, while a softer fur covers the rest of him, even his face. Whatever he’s thinking, he’s keeping it to himself.

I’ll name him Leon, since he looks like a lion at a furry convention.

There are so many different people here, each hoping to find a place of their own in this city, working with me not for the sake of building me an empire, but so that they can have a place of their own. I’m simply the one they’ve put their trust in, and now they’ve nervously waiting to see if I deliver on the promises I’ve made. Others, who I’ve made no promise to, are here to see what opportunities I can offer.

What is an Empire but a diverse group of people working together to make something greater?

It’s not that I don’t have a plan, I’ve been thinking of this moment, the end of the war, for quite a while now. I’ve been thinking all this time of what I’ll do when I take this city, so it’s time to assuage their doubts and prepare them to build this society together with me.

“I think it would be good to inform everyone, then.” I say to the overeager merchant, thorns rubbing at his joints as he tilts his head in curiosity.

I turn to the local lord, and he smiles and nods. I’ve already spoken with him, and he knows my plan well enough, agreeing to it even while understanding that it will likely put an end to his own little town.

Taking a deep breath, Nel comes to my side and wraps her arm through mine. Adler and the others wave me on, Eshya overly energetic, Vii with distant eyes, and Adler biting on her lower lip.

“It’s time to build our home.” Nel says, pulling me over to a small stage that sits above the gardens and food stalls that are starting to light up.

“Excuse me, everyone!” I shout, sending out a message to ensure that no one misses out. “I have a few things to say, and a few issues to address.”

The crowd turns to give me their full attention. I’ve made enough of a name for myself here, that I’m not surprised at their respect, even if it’s not all pleasant smiles. That slayer is still glaring quietly.

“First of all, I’d like to acknowledge the sacrifices made by those who fought in this war. Not everyone is still with us, and I’d like to thank them for all that they’ve done for us. We should strive to ensure that no further sacrifices are made necessary, I hope to bring about a lasting peace in this cavern.”

“Now that you’ve taken it for yourself.” Leon messages me, taking me by surprise.

“Well, yes. I couldn’t do much before I took control.” I reply quickly without really thinking about it.

“There is a concern about how property will be allocated here in this city. I’m sure that everyone here want’s a home of their own, but some of you also want farmland, or somewhere near the lakes, or somewhere with underground cellars. I don’t want any fighting to break out over who gets what.

“So, with the agreement of the local lord, I have claimed this entire city, the tunnels beneath it, and the land around it, as my own by the right of conquer. Thus, it is now my right to share this land with all of you.

“While securing this city and clearing away the beasts hiding here, I’m having proper maps drawn. If you want to claim a part of this city for yourself, I would ask that you bring that claim to Nel here.” Nel waves with her other hand and bows her head slightly.

“In a week’s time, the maps should be complete, and everyone should have had time to make a claim. Please, include any arguments you might have to convince me why that land should be given to you over others who may want it.

“Many of you are considering expanding your families, I’m already expecting, and my family is soon going to be four little people bigger.” I say, pulling Nel closer. She kisses me on the cheek and I stutter in surprise. The crowd chuckles at my expense, and I can’t do anything but join in. “Consider that when making your claims, you’ll want a home with enough room for your future family too.”

“Are there any rules on how many children we can have?” Asks a white-haired yeti-like fellow.

“If I have to give you some advice, I’d say limit yourself to the point that you can remember all their names. I’m already sweating at the thought of how many kids Nel here is wanting. I’m going to have to keep a register of their names just so I can keep track of them.”

The laughter is more sparse than I’d hoped, so I continue with a serious answer.

“I have no rules. I’ll consider it in the future when this cavern starts filling up.” This earns me quite the loud cheer as certain groups start celebrating in earnest. “Thank you for your time, and please enjoy the celebrations.”

I’m sure I’m going to be dealing with a few idiots that claim that they deserve half the city, and others who start breeding like rabbits for one reason or another, but I’ll deal with that when they’ve actually caused a problem. At least with this claim system I can get an idea of how many children they’ll be making, which will help me plan for the more distant future where I have to deal with overcrowding.

“I think I’ll make a claim for our own growing family.” Nel says as we head off stage.

“Please do.” I reply, with a sigh, heading towards the cooking food where Eshya, Vii, and Adler are already gathered. Adler offers me a skewer of browned meat.

A thought flashes through my mind, as the oils spread through my mouth. An image of a girl that I barely even met, what feels like a long time ago. The one I called a ‘goat-girl’ hiding away from the fighting, left to die in a makeshift arena because of a callous disregard to the value of life. Her body made into food, which was lost in the feast of beast parts.

As I chew on the meat, which tastes uncomfortably sweet, I start itching at the invisible scars on my arms.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Skills & Stats


~Mana Form:

Current mana density: 1294 units

~Mana distribution:

Defence: 20/100%

Offense: 20/100%

Mana sense: 20/100%

Recovery: 20/100%

Gluttony: 10/100%

Misc.: 10/100%

Efficiency: 100/100%


~Favourited Skills:

-Tag and Film


-Mana surge movement

-Annihilation defence

-Annihilation flame burst

-Annihilation net

-Eyes of an Empire


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available

