Chapter 4 – Moonlight Lilies Quest Part 2
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Kyle and Pan looked towards Greg expectantly, causing Greg to shift with some unease.


"What?" Greg asked as he shook the sleeves of his robe.


"Don't you have anything in your bag of tricks that can help us in this situation?" Kyle asked with a grunt.


"How rude! What bag of tricks? I'm a mage." Greg insisted with a frown.


"Acolyte you mean."

"Same thing."


"Anyways! Enough of that! Do you have anything or no?"


Greg looked around and scratched his head. "Yea, I got something. It's an one use scroll though. But it was sooo expensive!"


"Just do it!" Kyle exclaimed as rummaged through the reluctant acolyte's bag and pulled out the only scroll in his bag. "Scroll of Fortune? How will this help us?"


"The Scroll of Fortune is basically a scroll of good luck. If used in our situation, it may help us a bit." Greg explained as he snatched the scroll back and began casting the spell.


Glows of magic emerged from the scroll's incantations and began swirling about on top of the paper. A few seconds later, the magic flowed towards Cave #1 and Cave #2.


"What does this mean?" Pan asked in the middle of bites of chicken.


"It means Cave #3 isn't an option. The scroll isn't strong enough to distinguish one cave from the rest, but it at least eliminated one option." Greg explained with a pain in his heart as he see the used-up scroll burn to ashes.


"So Cave #1 and Cave #2...which one should we take?" Kyle remarked as he looked at the remaining choices.

Which cave to choose? (Choose one.)
  • Cave #1
  • Cave #2
  • Cave #3
Total voters: 6 · This poll was closed on Aug 28, 2019 06:47 PM.